Associate Professor Adrienne Torda is an education focussed academic with a keen interest in educational innovation, course design and evaluation. She is the convenor of Medical Ethics in the Medicine Program and Foundations, which is the first course in the program. She has been involved in the Inspired Learning Initiative, which has seen the digital translation and uplift of a number of courses. She has led a number of learning innovations, such as the Ethics Cube, the Classie modules and the Sllim pickings podcast and has developed a number of ‘teach the teacher’ programs within the medical faculty. She is passionate about the student experience and is a co-founder of the Women in Mentoring program for senior female medical students.
In 2018, Dr Torda was awarded the Senior Fellowship from the Higher Education Academy and Associate Fellowship of the Australia and New Zealand Association of Health Professional Educators and in 2019, she became a fellow of the Higher Education and Research and Development Society of Australia (HERDSA). In 2017, she won the Excellence in Teaching award for the Medicine Faculty. She has also secured UNSW SEIF funding for the Classie module project. This is project in which a new catalogue of learning modules for Medical Ethics were created using trigger scenarios filmed using 3D technology which allowed an immersive reality experience, followed by adaptive tutorial online learning modules.
Dr Torda is also project co-leader of a Community of Practice (CoP), called CELEBS, which is developing resources to help UNSW academics evaluated their teaching. This CoP secured over $100,000 in funding.
For 2019/2020 she is the Gender Champion for UNSW Sydney (shared role). In this leadership role, she aims to drive significant cultural change around equity, diversity and inclusion at UNSW, particularly in relation to gender issues.
Her research interests include a number of discipline and clinical research projects, as well as educational research projects, which examine teaching practices, student engagement and knowledge changes.
Email [email protected] to enquire if Adrienne is available to mentor you.
Conditions for mentoring facilitation
- one-on-one mentoring
- group mentoring
Additional info
Career and Professional
- female academic leadership
Mentor details
- Medicine & Health
Academic level
- Lecturer A
- Lecturer B
- Lecturer C
- Lecturer D
Learning and teaching skills
- Learning and teaching curriculum design
- Assessment and feedback
- Peer review of curriculum
- Formative peer observation of teaching
- Convening a course
- Integrating technologies into learning and teaching
- Active learning spaces
- General teaching methods
Experience developing applications for
- Faculty learning and teaching award
- UNSW Scientia Education Investment Fund Program (SEIF) learning and teaching grant
Mentoring discipline
- Mentoring within own/and across disciplines
General experience
- Establishing and building networks
- Deciding on career priorities
- Supporting critical reflection through listening and asking questions