Scientia Education Experience: Being Digital
Improving the learning outcomes and student experiences in large fundamental undergraduate classes is challenging, but of great importance for the understanding of engineering theories and concepts. As part of a SEIF2 project, major changes to the large second year course ENGG2500 “Fluid Mechanics for Engineers” were made. To allow teaching at scale, the practical lab classes were integrated with new blended learning features on the Moodle course page.
This presentation will provide an overview and a critical assessment of the implementation of blended learning features in hands-on lab classes.
This presentation aligns with the following UNSW Communities of Practice 'Online Learning and Innovation'. More information can be found here.
About Dr Stefan Felder
Stefan Felder is an expert in hydraulic engineering and applied fluid mechanics in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering based at the UNSW Water Research Laboratory. His research addresses society’s need to find efficient and innovative hydraulic engineering design solutions to improve water infrastructure. He is also the primary academic for the fluid mechanics and hydraulic engineering courses within the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
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