Scientia Education Experience: Being Digital
Let's get better at online teaching.
In this presentation I provide a road map for navigating the online world of teaching includes both Asynchronous and synchronous components based on 6 years of online teaching expertise. I discuss digital platforms, stimulating asynchronous components, how to structure an online class, time considerations, effective use of break-out rooms, techniques for stimulating student engagement, guidance on setting expectations with students about netiquette and communication.
About Dr Victoria Clout
Victoria is a senior lecturer with a demonstrated history of working in high quality research projects within the areas of corporate governance, financial accounting and corporate finance. She is a PhD qualified academic, with analytical skills, a track record in high quality research design, accounting knowledge, and extensive experience in active learning. Victoria has extensive course design expertise including for online learning. She has been invited to present at several international universities and at conferences on the topic of accounting education. She recently completed a series of 4 presentation for the UNSW Business School in the area of online teaching. Victoria's research is in corporate governance and has impact on the accounting industry, market regulators and investors. She is currently employed at School of Accounting UNSW, the top research School in Australia for accounting research.
You can access the recording via the Connections Moodle site (self-enrolment key: unswconnections).