We are an Education Focussed community spanning several Faculties interested in facilitating collaboration and support to improve the quality of online education resource use at UNSW.
The site is available to ALL UNSW Staff.
ACCESS: Please visit our Moodle portal and select the 'student' access option (registration key: CoPOR) for:
A searchable Glossary of digital and online learning innovation related:
- Terms, technologies and concepts
- key resources and services at UNSW
- platforms, tools and apps
- teaching resources related to DOLI
We also provide information on best practices, tutorials, academic testimonials and detailed information on a range of online education resources including Moodle course landing pages, quizzes, virtual reality, adaptive tutorials, student forums and online role play.
This site is an EF Special Project through DOLI CoP and includes the prior work of founding members of the original ‘Community Driven Portal for Online Education Resources’ Moodle site.
Additional ‘members area’ for DOLI CoP members
Members of DOLI CoP get additional access to a members-area where they have access to recordings of monthly special guest presentations, occasional extra resources, and the ability to join and search our DOLI-related Directory of Expertise. In addition, members are of course invited to our monthly meetings which feature a special guest presenter and a space for pedagogy-first experimentation with digital tools and technology.
DOLI CoP is co-led by Associate Professor Lynn Gribble and Dr Vanessa Honson.
Interested in joining? Email [email protected].