Dr Elena Sitnikova is an academic and researcher, and Program Coordinator for the Master in Cyber Security program at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) Canberra. This Masters program is the fastest growing postgraduate program at UNSW Canberra with student numbers increasing from 60 to 350 between 2015 and 2018.
In 2018, two courses that Elena coordinates, Cyber Governance and Information Assurance became the first PLuS Alliance offerings from UNSW Canberra to Arizona State University. Elena leads a Critical Infrastructure Protection research group and publishes widely in the area of intrusion detection (IDS) for SCADA control systems cybersecurity and industrial IoT, as well as being an active researcher in the engineering and ICT education. She is a recipient of two UNSW Scientia grant projects (2017-18) researching in the area of online student engagement in distance courses.
Elena was one of the four Fellows selected by The Australian Learning and Teaching Academy (ALTA) to develop existing ICT learning and teaching networks. Her main objective in that role was to help develop technical discipline-specific skills and personal capabilities in ICT and engineering graduates to address national and disciplinary priorities in learning and teaching in higher education. Elena holds a national Australian Office for Learning and Teaching (OLT) Team Citation award for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning. She is also an executive member of and a Champion for the Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE) and a key member of the Australian Council of Deans for Information and Communications Technology (ACDICT).
Email [email protected] to enquire if Elena is available to mentor you.
Conditions for mentoring facilitation
- one-on-one mentoring
- group mentoring
- 1-2 mentees at any stage
Additional info
Career and Professional
- women in Leadership
- STEM education
- industry related practices
Mentor details
- UNSW Canberra
Academic level
- Lecturer A
- Lecturer B
- Professional staff
Learning and teaching skills
- Student learning
- Learning and teaching curriculum design
- Assessment and feedback
- Peer review of curriculum
- Convening a course
- Integrating technologies into learning and teaching
- General teaching methods
Experience developing applications for
- Faculty learning and teaching grant
- UNSW Scientia Education Investment Fund Program (SEIF) learning and teaching grant
Research experience
- Development for an application for a research grant
- Feedback on a journal article or conference paper
- Reviewing journal articles
- Managing research data
- Conducting interviews and focus groups
Mentoring discipline
- Mentoring within own/and across disciplines
General experience
- Establishing and building networks
- Deciding on career priorities
- Supporting critical reflection through listening and asking questions