Below is the complete list of H5P content types grouped by their categories.
- Trackable: The activity provides attempt tracking data. Please check Tracking H5P activity section for further information. When using composite question types, take note that they will only submit student responses at certain times.
- LaTex is a special text formatting which renders plain text to complex math expressions or non-Latin scripts. It may not be applicable or partially supported in some H5P activities. Please feel free to implement it in the supported activities and adjust it to your needs.
Click the content type labels in the table below to go to the corresponding Tutorial or Example page.
Answers are submitted once a student reaches the end of a branch Trackable
Answers are submitted once a student completes and clicks 'check' on all questions. Trackable
Answers are submitted once a student reaches the final 'Summary' slide Trackable
Answers are submitted once a student presses 'Submit Report' on the final 'Summary & submit' page Trackable
(no details tracking) LaTex
Answers are submitted once a student reaches the final summary screen. Trackable
Virtual Tour (360) Create interactive 360 environments Trackable
Arithmetic Quiz Create an auto-generated time-based arithmetic quiz consisting of multiple-choice questions Trackable
(no details tracking) |
Dictation Add audio samples containing a sentence for dictation and enter the correct transcription Trackable
Drag and Drop Create drag and drop text or image on one or more corresponding dropzones Trackable
Drag the Words Create a challenge to drag words into blanks in sentences Trackable
Essay Create an essay with keywords that have been defined by the author as a measurement to mark Trackable
Fill in the Blanks Create a task with missing words in a text Trackable
Find Multiple Hotspots Create an image-based test to find the correct spots on the image Trackable
(no details tracking) |
Find the Hotspot Create an image-based test to find the correct spot on the image Trackable
Find the Words Grid word search game. Author to create a list of words that will be drawn in a grid. Trackable
Flashcards Create a set of cards containing an image and a question to answer on each card Trackable
Image Pairing Drag and drop image matching game Trackable
(no details tracking) LaTex
Image Sequencing Create a random sequence of images which can be re-ordered to get the correct order Trackable
Mark the Words Create a task where users to highlight correct words Trackable
Memory Game Create the classic image pairing game Trackable
(no details tracking) |
Multiple Choice Create flexible multiple choice questions Trackable
Personality Quiz Create a series of questions with alternatives, where each alternative is matched against one or more personalities LaTex
Questionnaire Create a questionnaire to receive feedback LaTex
Question Set Create a sequence of various question types Trackable
Single Choice Set Create questions with one correct answer per question which the feedback will be shown immediately after submitting the answer Trackable
Speak the Words Answer a question using your voice (only works on browsers that support speech recognition) Trackable
(no details tracking) |
Speak the Words Set A series of questions answered by speech (only works on browsers that support speech recognition) Trackable
(no details tracking) |
Summary Create an interactive summary of a topic Trackable
True/False Question Create True/False questions Trackable
Accordion Create a vertically stacked expandable items LaTex
Agamotto Create a sequence of images with a draggable slider to shift to the next image LaTex
Advent Calendar A free advent calendar content type allowing users to add videos, audios, images, texts and links within each door LaTex
Chart Quickly generate bar and pie charts |
Collage Create a collage of multiple images in a custom layout |
Dialog Cards Create a set of cards with corresponding words or expressions on either side of the cards LaTex
Guess the Answer Upload an image and provide a statement. User is to guess the statement by looking at the image. LaTex
Image Hotspots Create an overlay of hotspots on images and graphics. The hotpot would reveal an associated text. LaTex
Image Juxtaposition Compare two images interactively |
Image Slider Easily create an image slider (carousel) |
Timeline Create a timeline of events. Author can include assets from Twitter, YouTube, Google Maps and SoundCloud. LaTex
Audio Upload an audio file and play it on the browser |
Audio Recorder Create an audio recorder to record voice, play back or download a .wav file of the recording |
Documentation Tool Create a form wizard and generate a document as the output LaTex
iFrame Embedder Create an iframe window of a URL |
KewAr Code KewAr Code enables content designers to create well-known QR codes |
- for chat and talk
- Twitter User Feed