Scientia Education Experience: Inspired learning through inspired teaching
This seminar outlines an engaging weekly tutorial mini-activity that has effectively built students’ knowledge of course-related news and current affairs, enhanced their subject mastery, and fostered deep learning. The activity, which features strategically delivered news headlines, also helps ‘break the ice’ at the start of tutorials. It has been used in a variety of courses, and evaluated by students at several universities over the last few years. The seminar will explain how the activity can be built and incorporated into virtually any course, why students find it enjoyable and enriching, and what techniques have been found to be helpful, over time, in ensuring its effective delivery in large courses with multiple-member teaching teams. Short, focussed activities like this that help systematically build students’ knowledge of course- and industry-related news and current affairs are valuable now, but may become even more important in a future that continues to privilege entertainment and instant gratification.
This presentation aligns with the following UNSW Communities of Practice 'Course Design and Development'. More information can be found here.
About Dr Lukasz Swiatek
Lukasz Swiatek is a lecturer in the Discipline of Media and Communications at UNSW Sydney. He has taught a range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses at universities in Australia and overseas. Previously, he worked in publishing and news (as a reporter and editor) and in integrated communication (combining public relations and advertising), in both the corporate and not-for-profit sectors.
Access the presentation and Echo360 recording of the seminar here. To access the live stream link, access is via our Moodle site (self-enrolment key: unswconnections)