The Moodle dashboard is the first landing page that opens after logging into Moodle and is used to navigate between courses and key pages.
Following on from the recent redesign of the Moodle login page, and in conjunction with the design and usability improvements being made in the Moodle Enhance project, a new Moodle dashboard view has been released for all users.
The redesign focuses on visual improvements and user experience, presenting users with a personal view of upcoming Moodle activities from all courses, an improved calendar, and a simple course navigation design. This is the first iteration of the new design. The dashboard will be further enhanced with new features over the coming months to continually improve the Moodle learning experience.

Navigating the dashboard
The Moodle dashboard groups important pages into different sections of the page for easy navigation.
Click 'Get Started' to view the step-by-step guide.
Managing blocks and dashboard view
As a part of Moodle 4.0 upgrade the default view of Moodle dashboard for all users has been reset. To learn more about Moodle 4.0, please visit our New Features in Moodle 4.0 page.
Edit Moodle dashboard
Moodle Dashboard view can be personalised by using the Edit Mode. Users can move content around and add additional content to the page.
Click 'Get Started' to view the step-by-step guide.
Reset Moodle dashboard view to Default
The reset to default option allows the dashboard to be updated to the default view. This allows users to use the recommended dashboard layout.
Click 'Get Started' to view the step-by-step guide.
Default dashboard blocks
The default dashboard blocks appear in all dashboards by default and are provide important features for navigating moodle.
Course Overview
The Course Overview block displays all courses the user is enrolled in. There are multiple filters that can be used to reduce the number of courses being displayed.
This block can be filtered to show by:
Additionally, courses can be displayed in the following options:
The courses can be sorted by name or last accessed date (in descending order). By default, the Course Overview block will display 8 courses, however, this can be changed to 12, 24 or "All" in the 'Show' dropdown at the bottom of the Course Overview block.
You can also search your course using keywords or course code.

The Timeline block provides an overview of activities with deadlines in your enrolled courses. Activities with a set deadline OR 'Expect completed on' activity completion settings will appear in the Timeline and Calendar blocks. Activities without deadlines or external to Moodle will not appear here. Please advise students to refer to the course outline for a holistic view of assessment due dates. Courses and activities that have been hidden or restricted from students will not appear in the Timeline or Calendar blocks.

Students will not see activities on the dashboard unless they currently have access to view them in the course (i.e. If an assignment is restricted to the view of a lesson, the assignment will not appear on the dashboard until the lesson has been viewed).
The following activities will not appear in the Timeline or Calendar blocks if 'Expect completed on' settings are enabled:
The Calendar displays activities that have activity completion requirements enabled by teaching staff. Additionally, new events can be added to the calendar with a press of a button. Users can use the filter option to show course-specific tasks. To learn more about activity completion, please visit our Set up Activity Completion in Moodle page.

Recently Accessed Courses
The Recently accessed courses block is displayed by default on the Dashboard. It displays the courses which an enrolled user has most recently accessed.

Edit Course image on the dashboard
By default, a coloured pattern is displayed as the thumbnail image for a course on the Moodle dashboard. Instructors can edit the course image in their course settings.
It is recommended to use an image size of approximately 960px x 150px for the image's size to be correctly proportioned on the Dashboard.
Click 'Get Started' to view the step-by-step guide.
How to rearrange blocks on the Dashboard?
The blocks on the Dashboard can be moved around depending on where you want them to be. To do so:
1. Turn Edit Mode on.
2. Grab the crossed arrow icon and drag the block to right or left side of your screen
3. Drop it there by releasing the block.
You can also drag and drop the blocks from the sidebar to the main dashboard area.
How to "Star" or bookmark courses?
Courses can be bookmarked by putting a Star next to their name for easy access using Starred filter. To add a star to the course card, click on the three dots on the course card and select "Star this course" option. A small star will appear next to the course name and this course will be available when "Starred" filter is used in the Course Overview block.
How to hide / remove a course from view?
Courses can be hidden from view in the dashboard. This only affects yourself and is useful for removing duplicate or old courses.
1. In your dashboard, go to the "Course Overview" and click on the three dots icon beside a course name.
2. Click "Remove from view"
This course will now only be available using the "Removed from view" filter.