Text and Media Area
What used to be called the "Label" resource has now been renamed to "Text and Media Area". The name change of this resource is set to better reflect its functionality.

Question Bank
The Question Bank has been updated with a new edit button which allows editing question names directly from the Question Bank list.

Additionally, "Modified by" and "Last used" columns have been added to the Question Bank, which provide additional information on question edit and use history. The "Modified by" column displays the name of the person who edited the question and the date the edit was made. The "Last used" column displays the date of when the question was last used, providing useful information when reusing questions throughout different terms.

Several features of the Moodle Gradebook have been updated, including the addition of the "Grade summary report", which displays the average grades for each gradable activity in the course.

The "Single view" report interface has been upgraded with an improved look and feel, with new options available in the "Actions" dropdown.

Lastly, the "User report" now allows instructors to collapse and expand Gradebook categories for a more organised look.

The Moodle Profile page has an updated look and displays user timezones beneath the email address field.

The Moodle Database activity has been upgraded with a new look and feel as well as some of its functionality.

The Database activity now has predefined presets for easier set up.