About the program
The FULT program is offered to UNSW teaching staff who have one year of recent teaching experience and will be teaching in the year they complete FULT. FULT is taught by the Academic Development team, PVCE. This program helps develop their practice by exploring a range of perspectives, ideas, theories, and practical approaches to learning and teaching in the higher education context. FULT is offered in blended learning mode.
FULT is accredited by Advance HE. Participants who successfully complete the program are eligible to apply for Associate Fellow, Higher Education Academy (AFHEA). Read more under 'Completion requirement and applying for AFHEA'.
Program Learning Outcomes
The FULT program is designed to support your learning and the assessment tasks have been constructively aligned to the modules, learning activities, and program learning outcomes (which are below):
Reflect on student learning in face-to-face, online and hybrid teaching contexts in higher education, drawing on pedagogical literature.
Analyse problems and educational-design challenges related to learning and teaching, to generate and implement effective and inclusive solutions.
Critically evaluate learning and teaching practices using evidence from a range of sources to enhance and inform inclusive practice.
Apply knowledge, skills, and reflective practice to develop professional judgement, adaptability, and responsibility as a scholarly practitioner in higher education.
The FULT handbook can be accessed here.
Who should participate?
To enrol in the program, you must be employed by UNSW or an approved collaborative partner and have one year of recent teaching experience, or experience in supporting education design and development, within a formal university course and/or workshops and/or seminars for students or staff. The FULT program focuses on continued teaching development and is not an induction program.
The program builds on prior teaching experience; therefore, it is a requirement that participants have taught/worked in a learning and teaching support role at a university for at least one year before attending FULT. For academic staff appointments, one year is equivalent to teaching 3 terms, 2 semesters or 5 hexamesters. For professional staff appointments we require accumulative one year experience in learning design/development support roles. All experience must be recent (in the past 3 years), and you must be teaching/working in a learning and teaching support role in the year you undertake FULT. It is recommended that during the course of the FULT program you engage in 30 hours of practice. Reflecting on your current practice will enable you to get the most out of the program.
If you have no teaching experience
If you have no teaching experience and are currently completing a research degree please register your interest in the Beginning to Teach Program. For UNSW Canberra, please email [email protected]u to register your interest in Graduate Teaching Training Program (GTTP).
I'm not eligible to apply for this iteration of FULT. What should I do next?
We recommend you re-apply when you meet the entry requirements. In the meantime, you can explore a range of self-paced learning modules, events, workshops/seminars offered by PVCE.
If you are a session staff
Sessional staff are welcome to do FULT as long as they fulfil the entry requirements.
If you are a UNSW Medical Conjoint
C-Med is a bespoke alternative to FULT to ensure all conjoints are familiar with the UNSW Medicine program. It is mandatory for all conjoints. Please open C-Med for more information and enrolment instructions.
Should I pursue FULT after completing C-Med?
C-Med is tailored to Conjoints, while FULT provides a broader perspective, enabling you to deepen your understanding and develop skills and confidence in your learning and teaching practice, drawing from your own reflections, the experience of your peers and the educational literature.
FULT is not mandatory for Conjoints. To effectively participate in FULT you will need to be currently teaching with at least one year experience or have recent tertiary teaching experience that is the equivalent to at least one year. This is because the program contains reflective elements, including peer review and the application of theory and learnings to your own teaching practice. You can find out more about program requirements by reading the information under 'Who Should Participate?'.
Dates and Registration
2025 Dates
UNSW Canberra
FULT2501 will run from Monday 24 February- Tuesday 22 April 2025.
- Module 1: Learning and Teaching
- 24 February - 7 March
- Session: Wed 5 March, 9.30am - 12pm (SR03)
- Military Panel
- Session: Wed 12 March, 10am - 12pm (SR03)
- Module 2: Educational Design
- 10 March - 21 March
- Session: Wed 19 March, 10am - 12pm (SR03)
- Module 3: Assessment and Feedback
- 24 March - 4 April
- Session: Wed 2 April, 10am - 12pm (SR03)
- Module 4: Reflection and Evaluation of Teaching Practice
- 7 April - 22 April
- Session: Wed 16 April, 10am - 12pm (Blg 32 SR04)
UNSW Kensington
If you are required to complete FULT as a condition of employment and started teaching at UNSW from 2021, please register for the Teaching Accelerator Program, which is a recognised alternative to FULT.
Term 3, 2025: FULT2502
The four sessions are not mandatory but highly recommended in order to provide participants with as much information and assistance to complete the four mandatory assessment tasks for each module.
FULT2502 will run from Monday 1 Septemeber- Wednesday 12 November 2025.
- Module 1: Learning and Teaching
- 25 August - 8 September
- Session: Tues 9 September, 9.30am - 12pm (Chambers Council)
- Module 2: Educational Design
- 8 September - 22 September
- Session: Tues 23 September, 10am - 12pm (Tyree in Scientia Building)
- Module 3: Assessment and Feedback
- 22 September - 6 October
- Session: Tues 7 October, 10am - 12pm (Tyree in Scientia Building)
- Module 4: Reflection and Evaluation of Teaching Practice
- 6 October - 20 October
- Session: Tues 21 October, 10am - 12pm (Tyree in Scientia Building)
There are 3 steps in the registration process for FULT:
- Complete the Expression of Interest survey below
- Complete the registration form (this is emailed to you once registration opens)
- Enrol in the FULT modules
The first step in the process is to complete the Expression of Interest survey below so we can ensure that FULT is the right program for you. Once you have completed the survey you will be contacted with registration information closer to the program start date.
Expression of Interest
Expression of interest for the Semester 1 Canberra iteration is now open until 31 Jan 2025. Please register your interest here.
Expression of interest for Term 3 2025 Sydney iteration will open in June.
Please contact [email protected] to be added to a waitlist.
Completion requirement and applying for AFHEA
The program has a combination of online and in-class activities. Both are essential for successfully completing the program.
The time allocation expected for completing the four Moodle Modules in FULT is 10 hours per module across 8 weeks (2 hours face-to-face, 4 hours for assessment tasks, 4 hours for online material) totalling 40 hours for the program. After completing the program you will receive the FULT Certificate of Completion. The FULT certificate can be included in your teaching portfolio, and in applications for promotion and other forms of recognition.
Applying for Associate Fellowship, Higher Education Academy (AFHEA)
The UNSW FULT Program is accredited by Advance HE, with participants who successfully complete the program are eligible to apply for the award of Associate Fellow, Higher Education Academy (AFHEA).
Fellowships are a means of acknowledging commitment to professionalism in learning and teaching in higher education. They are based on the Professional Standards Framework (PSF), which sets out the knowledge, skills and values demonstrated by those teaching and/or supporting learning in higher education. This is a globally recognised framework for benchmarking success within higher education teaching and learning support. HEA Fellowship is a new pathway that recognises UNSW staff commitment to learning and teaching.
The following requirements must be met in order to be awarded AFHEA:
- recent experience in teaching, or supporting educational design and development, either, while you are completing FULT or in the term preceding or following FULT
- successfully completion of all four FULT assessment tasks
- submission of a supporting statement (from a referee)
Visit this page to learn about other Fellowship categories and pathways at UNSW.
Exemptions (Canberra staff only)
For academics who have significant teaching experience and formal teaching qualifications, an exemption may be granted on the grounds of one or more of the following:
- successful completion of a tertiary education-focused award qualification (AQF 7 or above) at UNSW or another university
- successful completion of a higher education teaching preparation course equivalent to UNSW's Foundations of University Learning and Teaching (FULT) program
- demonstrated evidence of sustained high quality university teaching and evidence of proficiency
Evidence of proficiency in university teaching includes:
- teaching awards, citations and grants (UNSW, AAUT or equivalent)
- demonstrated contribution to the improvement of learning and teaching (e.g. invited presentations, published physical/digital teaching materials, textbooks, e-games)
- recognised leadership in teaching with evidence of influencing and supporting peers to innovate or change their educational practice and/or policy at course/program/school/faculty/UNSW/external level (e.g. Chair of Learning and Teaching Committee, leadership/invited role in academic development activities and workshops, peer mentoring, pivotal role implementing improvements to learning and teaching in relation to Assurance of Learning or other strategic initiatives, leadership role in collaborative course/program design
- a portfolio of evidence equivalent to that assembled to develop a teaching case for promotion (this will include MyExperience data but student satisfaction measures along are insufficient.) Refer to the UNSW Academic Promotions Toolkit for guidance
Please attach evidence of recognition (e.g. award, hard/soft copies or link to publications/teaching materials; presentations/invitations, peer reviews/testimonials/citations; evidence of impact on peers' teaching practice/policy and student learning; documentation of the teaching case for promotion
If you meet these criteria please fill in the Application for Exemption: Foundations of University Learning and Teaching form (PDF) and email the completed form to [email protected]. Applications will be reviewed by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education and Student Experience).
Future Pathways
After you have completed FULT, you may wish to explore other professional development options such as the Course Design Institute (CDI), please see here.
Frequently reported benefits by previous participants include:
The FULT program aims to help you to develop an understanding of, and skills and confidence in, your teaching practice.
- the opportunity to get feedback on your teaching from colleagues and workshop facilitators in a supportive environment,
- cross-disciplinary sharing of ideas and strategies with colleagues involved in learning and teaching,
- interaction with and support of learning partners and colleagues.
“The FULT course addressed the key challenges younger academics face in different learning contexts. For me, this has been a 180 degree transforming course as to how I prepare, teach and reflect on my teaching practices.” – Krishna Talluru, UNSW Canberra, FULT Alumnus 2023
“Thank you for the professional development and networking opportunity. It was a great chance to meet other academics and professional staff members, to learn more about UNSW's approach to assessment/feedback/teaching and new SoTL publications, and to reflect on our own teaching practice. I am also very grateful for the detailed feedback in my assignment submissions, and really benefits from the guest speakers and the student panel.” - Andréa Cabral Leal Ferreira, Education Developer, UNSW Business School, FULT Alumnus 2024
“Overall, I had extremely positive experience with FULT and found the program incredibly helpful for my effort in improving curriculum design and student learning. I would strongly recommend the program to my colleagues.” - Hannah Ngo, Associate Lecturer, UNSW Business School, FULT Alumnus 2024
FULT Alumni Network Group
The aim of the FULT Alumni Network is to provide an opportunity for alumni to get together and explore the latest issues, innovations and future directions in higher education learning and teaching.
The network will meet 2 times a year and supports the leadership potential of alumni as champions of learning and teaching.
Anyone who is a current UNSW staff member that has completed the FULT program in the past, is invited to be a part of the network.
Find out more about the FULT Alumni Network and its activities.
FULT Alumni Good Practice Case Studies
Following the June 2020 meeting, the FULT Alumni Network was invited to submit a Good Practice Case Study for Educational Excellence. Several case studies were selected to be featured on the Teaching Gateway website.
If you have an enquiry about FULT or HEA, please contact us at [email protected].
For UNSW Canberra staff, please contact the Learning and Teaching Group at [email protected].