Technology for Academics: Essential Tools 2018

Presented by Professor Sue Frantz, Highline College

This event is being hosted by the School of Psychology, Faculty of Science, UNSW

Academics are busy enough doing academic research. We don’t have the time to research new technologies, too. So you don’t have to, I research new technologies that will make your work life more efficient with tools that are easy to master. As a session attendee once put it, “Oh! You talk about technology that I will actually use!” Some of the tech tools that academics actually use are Phrase Express, Ditto, Plickers, LastPass, Nudgemail, and Trello. While I won’t demonstrate all of this essential technology, you will leave with a handout of over 40 tools you can try later.

About Sue Frantz

At Highline College near Seattle, Sue Frantz is working on her third decade in the psychology college classroom. Throughout her career, she has been an early adopter of new technologies in which she saw pedagogical potential. In 2009, she founded her blog, Technology for Academics ( The blog features both new tech tools and tips for using not-so-new tools effectively. She is proud to serve the members of the Society for the Teaching of Psychology as their 2018 president. She received the American Psychological Foundation Charles L. Brewer Distinguished Teaching of Psychology Award in 2016.

25th Sep 2018, 4:00pm to 6:00pm
Jacquelyn Cranney