The OER movement proposes extensive free access to information in the form of web-based digital resources for teaching, learning and research. Knox (2013)
The Open Education movement encompasses many practices that share the altruistic intent of providing knowledge for free. Australian universities have begun to engage in open access initiatives for academic research and UNSW is “committed to enabling open access to research outputs and supports Australian Government open access mandates and initiatives to improve access to publicly funded scholarly information”.
So where to next?
Open Textbooks, Open Educational Resources, Open Education Practices, Open Courses, Open Assessment...
This seminar will be an exploration of the variety of ways universities can engage with the open education movement and will examine the benefits and obstacles to adoption.
Knox, J. (2013). Five critiques of the open educational resources movement. Teaching in Higher Education, 18(8), 821–832. https://doi.org/10.1080/13562517.2013.774354
About Brian Landrigan
Brian Landrigan is the Educational Media Manager in the Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education). He has worked in the education sector as a teacher, tutor, Educational Designer and Associate Lecturer in a variety of contexts over a twenty-year period. His research interests include educational video, open education and digital technologies.