The Australian Awards for University Teaching (AAUT) were established in 1997 by the Australian Government to celebrate and reward excellence in university teaching.
AAUT recognise the impact that educators have on the learning and teaching experiences and outcomes of university students. They celebrate and reward teaching and programs that support students and enhance learning. They promote excellence in learning and teaching in all aspects of higher education. Recipients, with the support of their institutions, contribute to systemic change in learning and teaching through the ongoing sharing and dissemination of knowledge. There are three award types promoting and recognising excellence in learning and teaching.
Information session
An information session for interested 2025 applicants will be held online on 7 May from 1-2 pm facilitated by Professor Chris Tisdell (Science) and Dr Anna Rowe (PVCESE).
Application support and submission dates for 2025
If you are interested in applying for an award please contact Anna Rowe by mid-May for an initial discussion, via email: [email protected].
The AAUT nominations information pack will be released in May (TBC)
There is an internal process for supporting eligible applicants to develop their applications. This will start with first drafts being submitted for feedback by 31 May.
Final submissions to AAUT are due in August (date TBC).
Further information can be found on the AAUT website.
Read about past recipients on our Education Website.
Citation Awards
Citation awards for university teaching are designed to recognise quality teaching practice and outstanding contributions to student learning. Citations are awarded to academic, general, sessional staff and institutional associates who have made significant contributions to student learning in a specific area, over a sustained period of no less than three years.
AAUT awards up to 100 citations annually:
- maximum submissions per institution: 6
- maximum Citations awarded per institution: 4
Nomination guidelines
The latest guidelines are available on the AAUT website.
Further information
For more information please contact the office of the PVC (E) on L[email protected].
Teaching Excellence Awards
Awards for Teaching Excellence are awarded to recognise teachers (individuals and teams) renowned for excellence in teaching. Recipients will have made a significant contribution to enhancing the quality of learning and teaching in higher education.
Nomination guidelines
The nomination guidelines provide information on the criteria and the requirements for Teaching Excellence awards. The 2020 nomination guidelines are available on the AAUT website.
AAUT awards 7 Teaching Excellence awards nationally, with a maximum of 3 awards per institution, and 1 Prime Minister's University Teacher of the Year award. The Prime Minister's Award for Australian University Teacher of the Year is presented to one of the recipients of a Teaching Excellence award.
Further information
For more information please contact the office of the PVC(E) on L[email protected].
Program Excellence Awards
Awards for Programs that Enhance Learning recognise learning and teaching support programs and services that make innovative and outstanding contributions to student learning outcomes and the quality of the student experience.
Nomination guidelines
The nomination guidelines provide information on the criteria and the requirements for Program Excellence awards. The 2020 nomination guidelines are available on the AAUT website. AAUT awards 6 Program awards nationally with a maximum number of 1 award per institution.
Further information
For more information please contact the office of the PVC(E) on L[email protected].