e-Exams technologies that focus on 'authentic assessment' developed in Australia (Fluck & Hillier, 2016), Austria (Frankl, Schartner, & Jost, 2017) and Finland (Vikberg, 2018) present an opportunity to unlock the last bastion on pen-on-paper - the exam room - for reform to include twenty first century skills and capabilities. These can enable rich, constructed assessment tasks by providing authentic 'e-tools of the trade' software applications and a secure, consistent computer environment. Some systems utilise student's BYO laptops whilst others are best deployed using campus computer labs or institution owned devices.
This session will outline past experience of an Australian implementation of BYOD e-Exams (Hillier, Grant & Coleman, 2018) and outline what is happening at UNSW. This includes stand-alone tools such as QuestionMark (used by UNSW Medicine) and ExamSoft (previously trialled UNSW Law and Science in 2016), online remote invigilation (used by UNSW AGSM, set to be piloted with UNSW Online) and specialist tools such as WIRIS for handwritten formula recognition in Moodle.
We are calling for academics to try these technologies! Sign up at http://unsw.to/da_pilots
This presentation aligns with the Education Focussed Community of Practice "Online Resources for Transforming Teaching and Learning at UNSW". More information around this project and contact details can be found on EF Central.
Please bring along a laptop computer with you to this seminar.
About Mathew
Mathew was recently appointed to the PVC(E) Portfolio as Academic Lead: Digital Assessment and is in the process of enabling pilots and implementation of a range of digital assessment technologies at UNSW. Previously Mathew was in academic support roles at Monash University, University of Queensland and University of Adelaide focused on e-learning and e-assessment. He has led national projects on e-Exams and co-leads the Transforming Assessment international webinar series.
Access the presentation and Echo360 recording of the seminar here
To access the live stream link, access is via our Moodle site (self-enrolment key: unswconnections)