Presented by Professor Nalini Pather (Faculty of Medicine), Dr Leesa Sidhu (UNSW Canberra), and Professor Jacky Cranney (Faculty of Science) lead the SEA Healthy Universities Project. Dr Jenny Richmond, Director of Undergraduate Studies in the School of Psychology and Dr Rebecca LeBard, Co-Director of the CELEBS CoP.
Optimising the formal curriculum learning environment, including providing students with opportunities to further develop their evidence-based self-management skills (e.g., time-management; study strategies; dealing with procrastination), is essential for student learning and thus academic success.
In this workshop
(a) a brief background to the different approaches will be provided,
(b) several academics will give lightning talk “how to” examples from their practice; and
(c) you will then be given an opportunity to work on how you might integrate such strategies into your course/program curriculum, as well as develop a consensus on what support is required for academics.
Register here
About Nalini
Professor Nalini Pather is the Head of Department, Anatomy in the School of Medical Sciences. Nalini has more than 20 years’ experience teaching into medicine and health science programs in a number of countries, including South Africa, North America and the UK. Nalini currently convenes courses, and teaches in the UNSW Medicine programme as well as to Exercise Physiology, Biomedical Engineering and Medical Science students. She has won several awards for developing communities of practice and embedding practices such as team work, professionalism, online assessment and ePortfolios in higher education. Read more...
About Leesa
Dr Sidhu is a Senior Lecturer in Statistics in the School of Science at UNSW Canberra. Leesa is a former high school teacher and has extensive experience in developing and lecturing undergraduate and postgraduate courses, including Science courses, service courses, and a prescribed course taken by all "non-maths" students. Though several courses are extremely difficult to teach given the students' diverse backgrounds and lack of confidence and/or interest, her passion for teaching, ability to establish a supportive classroom environment and exceptional communication skills allow her to engage students and make difficult content accessible. Read more...
About Jacky
Professor Cranney's current interests are in (a) ensuring quality student experience and learning outcomes within the context of essential twenty-first century literacies, including psychological literacy (the capacity to intentionally use psychology to achieve personal, professional and society goals), (b) maximising student success and wellbeing by providing opportunities to develop self-management capacity, and (c) promoting inclusive educational leadership in the higher education sector.
About Jenny
Jenny is a Senior Lecturer and the Director of Undergraduate Programs in the School of Psychology. She primarily teaches into large classes and has focussed on enhancing student learning by embedding authentic assessment experiences, like peer review. She has a special interest in giving students the opportunity to get involved in research during their undergraduate degree and coordinates a research internship program within the school. She was awarded the Faculty of Science Educational Excellence award in 2018.
About Rebecca
Rebecca is a Senior Lecturer and education focused academic in the School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences. She teaches large classes, including first year biology, biochemistry, molecular biology and into the medical program, and is interested in how to optimise students’ learning and experience in these large courses. In recognition for her work, Rebecca was awarded the UNSW Vice Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence in 2015, and a citation for contributions to student learning in the Australian University Teaching Awards, 2016. Currently, she is co-lead of the UNSW CELEBS community of practice focused on evaluating teaching.
Event details
Access the presentation and Echo360 recording of the seminar here
To access the live stream link, access is via our Moodle site (self-enrolment
key: unswconnections)