Presented by Christa Jacenyik-Trawöger, Team Manager, Academic Development Services, Office of the PVC (Education)
Within higher education, teaching has historically played a minor role in reward and recognition processes, such as awards or promotion (Chalmers, 2019). However, in its 2025 Strategic plan (“UNSW 2025 Strategy,” 2015), UNSW committed to increasing the value attributed to teaching in reward and recognition, particularly for promotion.
One of the initiatives intended to contribute to this cultural shift was the embedding of Summative Peer Review of Teaching in processes for academic promotions and UNSW teaching awards. The implementation of this initiative has been supported by a custom-built online portal, a dedicated website, reviewer training workshops and reviewee information sessions.
Drawing on feedback received from reviewers and reviewees alike, this presentation looks back on the achievements and challenges encountered during the last three years of this initiative, as well as changes which have been implemented in response to recommendations made by reviewers and reviewees. In addition, it explores emerging evidence of the impact that Summative Peer Review of Teaching has had on those engaged in the process.
Bring along your phone or tablet to participate in the interactive elements of this presentation.
Chalmers, D. (2019). Recognising and rewarding teaching: Australian teaching criteria and standards and expert peer review. Retrieved from https://ltr.edu.au/resources/FS15-0237_Chalmers_FinalReport_2019.pdf
UNSW 2025 Strategy. (2015). Retrieved September 13, 2019, from UNSW 2025 website: https://www.2025.unsw.edu.au/sites/default/files/uploads/unsw_2025strat…
About Christa
Christa Jacenyik-Trawöger is passionate about peer review of teaching in all its forms. As Team Manager, Academic Development Services, she manages the university-wide Summative Peer Review of Teaching initiative. Her doctoral study explores conceptions of peer review and how they can be applied to the development of peer review programs. She has previously been involved in an international research project on leadership within the context of peer review of teaching.
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