Connections: UNSW Active Learning Initiative: Supporting academic staff in active learning spaces

Presented by Mrs Joanna Kartheritsas, Learning Environments (PVCE)
Connections: UNSW Active Learning Initiative: Supporting academic staff in active learning spaces

Scientia Education Experience: Communities

The Active Learning Initiative (AL Initiative) was established by Learning Environments (PVCE Portfolio) in March 2019, to help address some of the challenges faced by members of UNSW’s teaching community, including sessional staff, in using and adopting active learning spaces on UNSW’s Kensington campus. The AL Initiative is working with academics and supporting them in adopting and practicing an active learning pedagogy regardless of the physical space.

Joanna will talk about the project initiatives that have been established to assist and support staff who have embraced or wishing to embrace active learning in their course. These include:

• 360-degree interactive tour of an active learning space
• New room signage promoting flexible furniture configuration that supports holding classroom activities within a teaching space
• Active Learning Best Practice Guide v2.0
• Active Learning Framework for Large Cohort Sizes
• Active Learning Classroom Videos
• Active Learning Information Sessions

This presentation aligns with the following UNSW Communities of Practice 'Flipped Classroom'. More information can be found here.

About Mrs Joanna Kartheritsas

Image of Joanna Kartheritsas   Joanna is a Senior Project Officer in Learning Environments within the Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor Education and Student Experience. Joanna has been involved in the strategic planning, design and delivery of learning and teaching environments including student-led environments at the University of New South Wales’ Kensington Campus. She is leading the Active Learning Initiative which works with members of the teaching community and supports them in adopting and practicing an active learning pedagogy regardless of the physical teaching space.   

14th May 2020, 12:00pm to 1:00pm

Access the recording via the Connections Moodle site (self-enrolment key: unswconnections)

Staff Only: Event open only to UNSW Staff