As part of the Continuing Professional Development Framework, the Academic Development team from the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Education & Student Experience Portfolio offer a selection of self-paced learning modules.
Each module takes approximately two hours to complete.
You will be able to generate a Certificate of Achievement upon completion of each module. To obtain a Certificate of Achievement for a module, you will need to complete its required activities.
To access each module, please use the Student self-enrolment keys provided.
UNSW Contextualised Modules
NEW! Practical Course Design for Student Success
If you can't make it to the intensive or modular formats of the Course Design Institute, you can now enrol in a self-paced online module Practical Course Design for Student Success.
This module covers the key learnings in the Course Design Institute and concludes with an actionable deliverable tailored to your course. Please note it does not offer the same opportunities for experiential learning and feedback as the in-person options. It takes about 16 hours to go through the materials plus your own time to complete the deliverables. Self-enrolment key: PCDSTUDENT
NEW! Learning, Teaching and Assessment with Generative AI at UNSW
This includes 3 modules designed to empower course convenors, tutors, and other teaching staff to confidently integrate generative AI into their assessments and classroom teaching. Each module offers practical insights through interactive exercises and video interviews with AI practitioners at UNSW. Complementing the existing AI resources on Teaching Gateway, the modules are flexible and can be completed in any order, with a total time commitment of approximately 2 hours. Self-enrolment key: genaiteach
NEW! Academic Integrity
Academic Integrity for Teaching (For Staff)
This course was developed by Epigeum for Australian Higher Education staff. It demonstrates how to use academic integrity tools in a way that has a lasting impact – addressing key issues such as contract cheating, assessment, technology, and group work. It is designed to help you understand what academic integrity is and why it is an integral part of any learning journey. It will also help you recognise academic integrity challenges and how to identify changes you can make to improve your own approach to learning and academic integrity.
Self-enrolment key: student_academicintegrity
Academic Integrity Quest (For Students)
This module will help students learn all about academic integrity at university including: how to reference correctly, avoid plagiarism, and explore practical strategies to keep their work free from academic misconduct. It is an online self-paced module that will take approximately 1 hr to complete. Students will uncover helpful resources and support currently available at UNSW.
Self-enrolment key: Student583
Contemporary Approaches to University Teaching Modules
The following modules, part of the Contemporary Approaches to University Teaching course, have been thoughtfully designed by a team of learning and teaching experts from 18 Australian universities and one from the United Kingdom. Led by Associate Professor Kym Fraser, Australian Learning and Teaching Fellow, in collaboration with nine Australian partner universities, these modules offer practical, research-based strategies to enhance your teaching practice.
Each 2-hour module is tailored to different career pathways and introduces key teaching and learning concepts. Whether you're starting out, looking to enhance your skills, or taking on a leadership role, explore the modules that fit your professional development needs.
New to Teaching |
Gain the confidence and skills necessary to lead your first class effectively. Self-enrolment key: student_teachingfirst Teaching today's diverse learners Enhance your understanding of diversity through evidence-based, best-practice activities and resources, to better support your students. Self-enrolment key: student_diverselearners Explore the concepts of feedback and feedforward and reflect on how to design feedback processes to enhance student learning. Learn strategies to engage students with meaningful feedback. Self-enrolment key: student_feedbackforlearning |
Enhancing Student Learning |
Designing, implementing, and supporting online learning Explore the design, implementation, and facilitation of educational technologies to enhance teaching, learning, and assessment. Self-enrolment key: student_onlinelearning Using Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in your course Learn about the Universal Design for Learning(UDL) Framework and ways to implement UDL in your teaching, Self-enrolment key: Student_UDL Learn how to harness student interactions for deep learning through collaborative learning techniques. Self-enrolment key: student_collaborative Learn about work-integrated learning, its importance in the student learning experience, and what it looks like in practice. Self-enrolment key: student_workintegratedlearning |
Enhancing Your Teaching |
Explore key topics for designing curriculum; constructive alignment; deep and surface approaches to learning; active learning; and the flipped classroom. Self-enrolment key: student_curriculumdesign Learn about the key elements of assessment and the management of assessment risks through applying quality practices, including moderation. Self-enrolment key: student_assessment |
Leading Learning and Teaching |
Adopt a scholarly approach to your teaching and explore its connection to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). Self-enrolment key: Student_scholarlyteaching |
Moodle Training Modules
These self-paced modules available in Moodle cover a large variety of Moodle topics and are designed to provide help with using Moodle and a range of tools.
Communication & Community Building
This module showcases a variety of Moodle communication tools, including Blackboard Collaborate, with examples and links to UNSW Teaching Gateway resources for you to start facilitating both synchronous and asynchronous communication in your course. Self-enrolment key: StudentSPWS2
In this module we explore why feedback from students matter, and some of the ways we capture feedback including myExperience. This module has been designed to provide an overview and demonstration of polling, feedback and survey tools in Moodle, and provide links to further resources to help you with these tools. Self-enrolment key: StudentWS3
Quizzes for learning, feedback and assessment
The module will take you through the basics of viewing, using, creating and managing the Moodle Quizzes. Moodle's Quiz activity allows you to design and build quizzes containing a variety of question types (e.g. multiple choice, true/false, short answer). Self-enrolment key: StudentSPWS6
Turnitin Assignment Submission, Marking and Feedback
This module will take you through the basics of creating, using, and managing Turnitin Assignments. It will help you get started with using Turnitin Assignments and teach you some basic functions that you are expected to perform as an instructor. Self-enrolment key: StudentSPWS14
Sustainable Development Goals Modules
Sustainable Development Goals - Introduction
This module introduces the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals; the 2030 Agenda, the goals and targets for the SDGs, interlinkages between SDGs, and the transformations needed.
Sustainable Development Goal 13 - Climate Action
This module on the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 13 "Climate Action," introduces you to the empirical evidence for human-made climate change, the impacts at the global level and also what global warming means for Australia, specifically for the Great Barrier Reef.
Mental wellbeing
The Healthy Universities Mental Wellbeing course
This Moodle course is a stand-alone set of tools that can be used in a variety of contexts (eg course convenors can link from their own Moodle course to specific tools in the Wellbeing course). The Self-enrolment keys are: Instructors to enrol as Teaching Assistant: WeCare Auditor (tutors): ucare Student: icare
Find more resources from the Healthy Universities here.
Recognise & respond: Suicide Prevention training (self-paced 60 minutes)
When someone you know appears suicidal, you might not know what to do. UNSW Health Promotions Unit, in collaboration with Black Dog Institute, is offering a self-paced 60-minutes training module to assist in reducing and preventing suicide in Australia. The training provides skills to identify, recognise and respond and assist someone at risk. Limited licenses available for UNSW staff and students until the end of the year.
Please note that a Certificate of Achievement will not be awarded for any of resources and trainings listed above.
Contact the team at [email protected] if you have questions regarding any of the self-paced learning modules.