Professor Richard Buckland is the Director of First Year Experience of UNSW.
Richard is Professor in CyberCrime Cyberwar and Cyberterror at the School of Computer Science and Engineering UNSW, Visiting Professor in Educational Design at the National University of Malaysia UKM, and Grand Challenge Visiting Professor in CyberSecurity at Taylors University.
He was Director of Professional Education and Chair of the Academic Board of the Australian Computer Society, Director of Education of the Australian Centre for Cyber Security, and a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries of Australia. He is the Director of the UNSW/CommBank Security Engineering Capability partnership -SecEDU, and long term member of the UNSW Academic Board and the University Academic Quality Committee.
He was the 2008 Australian and New Zealand Engineering Educator of the Year (Engineers Australia) and the 2013 Australian ICT Educator of the Year (iAwards) and has been the recipient of 10 peer reviewed awards in teaching and education including awards from the Australian College of Educators and the Australian Learning and Teaching Council. He pioneered the first Australian MOOC, has hundreds of thousands of students and millions of views online, and is co-founder of social education platform OpenLearning.com.
His research areas lie in Education and Teaching, and in Cyber Security and Security Engineering. Currently, he is working on the affective domain (emotions, belief, motivation and feelings), learning communities and kindness, non-mark based motivation in online education, and engineering secure electronic elections in untrusted environments.
Email [email protected] to enquire if Richard is available to mentor you.
Conditions for mentoring facilitation
- one-on-one mentoring
- 1-2 mentees at any stage
Mentor details
- Engineering
Academic level
- Lecturer A
- Lecturer B
- Lecturer C
- Lecturer D
Learning and teaching skills
- Student learning
- Learning and teaching curriculum design
- Assessment and feedback
- Peer review of curriculum
- Formative peer observation of teaching
- Convening a course
- Integrating technologies into learning and teaching
- Active learning spaces
- Evaluation
- General teaching methods
Mentoring discipline
- Mentoring within own/and across disciplines