After the term has ended, it is good practice to ensure course data is downloaded and to ensure the course is unavailable to students for record-keeping and professional integrity.
Hide Course from Students
Once usage of the course has ended for the semester, it is advised teaching staff hide the course from students.
Doing so removes clutter on the students’ dashboard and prevents them from seeing any changes teaching staff may make for the course afterward.
Click 'Get Started' to view the step-by-step guide.
Download course data
Key course information can be downloaded as a file to review and keep a backup of. The following links provide additional resoruces on ways to download key course information.
Gradebook. Download grades into a csv file.
Forum Posts. Download full or parts of forums.
Assignment Files. Data from assignments can be downloaded and stored.
Backup Course. It is recommended to create a backup copy of the course and save the backup file.
What if I don't hide course at the end of semester?
If you do not wish to hide courses from students once they are finished, make sure that the end date of the course is set. That way courses that have finished will be only visible in "Past" section on students' Dashboard. This would prevent students to having the course in their "In Progress" view.