The Moodle Questionnaire is used to create a survey for the purposes of data gathering. It is recommended to use Questionnaire to obtain student feedback or opinions, rather than for assessments.
Most notably the Questionnaire can be used to provide personalised feedback depending on how the student answered each question. For example, a lifestyle questionnaire can have a mix of questions regarding overall fitness and nutrition, and custom feedback can be provided for both their fitness and nutrition levels.
Create a Questionnaire
Moodle Questionnaires can be created in 3 different ways:
- create a completely new Questionnaire from scratch.
- copy an existing Questionnaire belonging to the course, or a "template" course, and change it to suit your purpose.
- use an existing "public" Questionnaire. You cannot edit a public Questionnaire, or view responses to it - only the person who created it can edit these.
The following guide will provide the steps to create a new Questionnaire and add new questions.
Click 'Get Started' to view the step-by-step guide
Question types
Moodle Questionnaires offer many types of question formats which can be used to meet the demands of staff wanting to gather student data.
Click 'Get Started' to view the step-by-step guide
Feedback sections
Feedback can be set up in the Questionnaire to display content to students depending on how they answered. To enable feedback, the questionnaire must have at least one of the following question types as a required field to calculate scores or split students into different categories:
- Radio Button
- Dropdown Box
- Yes/No
- Rate (using the Normal or Osgood scale)
There are 2 main types of feedback messages that can be set up for students:
- Global Feedback: All questions are scored depending on how they were set up and a specific response is shown to the user depending on the percentage of the score they received, i.e. you can set up a different feedback response if they got 0-50%,51-75%, etc.
- Feedback sections: Similar to global feedback, however, questions are split into sections, each with its own set of score percentages and feedback.
Questions can be used in one or many sections to judge different aspects of the topic and provide several sets of customised feedback. For example, in a lifestyle Questionnaire, we can have feedback for overall fitness that only takes into account fitness-related questions and another on nutrition habits.
Click 'Get Started' to view the step-by-step guide
View responses and participants
After at least one participant completes the Questionnaire, staff can view responses. There is also an option to check which participants have not yet responded to the Questionnaire and send them a reminder message.
Click 'Get Started' to view the step-by-step guide