Strategy from 2015-2025
UNSW has embarked upon an extensive consultation process as part of an ambitious agenda which will see the University into 2025.
This process started with a call for ideas and suggestions in February 2015 and was formalised into a document known as the ‘Green Paper’ in April 2015.
The submissions and feedback from the Green Paper have been refined and integrated in the University’s draft strategy, the ‘White Paper’ which was released in July 2015.
How the University plans to implement the ambitions in the White Paper was announced in the Strategic Document that was released in October 2015.
This is the strategy that will guide UNSW towards 2025.
For more details please visit
Aspiration for Learning and Teaching
Our Aspirations for Learning and Teaching are aimed at preserving and building on our tradition of the highest academic standards, our record of leading the way with industry and community partnerships, and our history of engaging internationally.
Our primary aspiration for learning and teaching is to develop:
"globally focused graduates who are rigorous scholars, capable of leadership
and professional practice in an international community" (B2B).
This aspiration provides direction for the development of the University's:
- Graduate Capabilities
- Program-Level Learning Outcomes
- Beliefs about Learning
- Guidelines on Learning that Inform Teaching at UNSW
- Strategic Goals and Priorities for Learning and Teaching
- and our Quality Assurance and Improvement Processes for Learning and Teaching
Integrated Curriculum Framework
UNSW has adopted the Integrated Curriculum Framework to guide program and course design and assure the quality of its courses, to support the realisation of its 2025 vision for learning and teaching.
Download a copy of the UNSW Integrated Curriculum Framework (PDF 241 KB)
Governance of Learning and Teaching
While the University Council, Vice-Chancellor, Academic Board, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic, Pro Vice-Chancellor Education & Student Experience, Faculties, Schools and Divisions each play particular roles in realising the University's learning and teaching strategic goals and priorities, this is a collective responsibility of all staff. (See Governance of Learning and Teaching.