Our Community of Education and Learning Evidence-based Scholarship (CELEBS) is a community of practice passionate about the evaluation of teaching practices to ensure educational excellence. The group formed at the inaugural retreat of Education Focussed academics at UNSW in 2017 with the aim of developing expertise and resources to support academic to evaluates their teaching practices. Led by Dr Rebecca LeBard and Associate Professor Adrienne Torda, the community applied for Education Focussed Foundational Funding and collaborated to develop this series of videos and associated resources.
CELEBS has grown to a community of over thirty academics and postgraduate students. We meet every month to present and discuss approaches to the evaluation of teaching. If you are interested in attending a meeting, either just to have a look or would like to join this group, please feel welcome. For more information, send an email to: admin.celebs@unsw.edu.au
To read video transcripts, download CELEBS Video Transcripts.pdf.
Project Leads
Rebecca LeBard
Adrienne Torda
Elizabeth Angstmann
Patricia Arthur
Chinthaka Balasooriya
Orin Chisholm
Kar Ming Chong
Jacquelyn Cranney
Nagisa Fukui
Anne Galea
Husna Razee
Pin-Hsiang Huang
Lidija Krebs-Lazendic
Carol Oliver
Anthony O’Sullivan
Arianne Rourke
Iain Skinner
Kim Snepvangers
Rachel Thompson
Graphic Designer
Dennis Golding
To find out more about the work of CELEBS' members please go to myEducation Portfolio.