The Immersive team is proud to bring our special brand of Simulations and Virtual Reality experiences to a wide range of events and demos across the university each year. There is something special about having academics experience that 'aha moment' with the these innovative technologies or High School students inspired at an event with their friends. Having strong links with the related industries is also exciting as we explore the frontiers of immersive technology and education together.
Project Details
The team support and facilitate the inclusion of new technology, virtual reality and our bespoke applications into many types of internal UNSW events as well as more open community engagements. Some examples include:
- Student Welcomes as part of 0WEEK, My English Week and International Events.
- Various High School Visits where prospective students are exploring UNSW like the HS Experience Days and the Year 11/12 Gateway Program.
- Special programs like the GERRIC gifted education program for schools.
- Various Education Showcases and Events with Immersive presentations and live experiences.
- Industry technology demos both hardware and software.
Get Involved
There are ongoing opportunities to partner with the Immersive Team to include a VR or Simulation component in an event, get a demo or to engage with industry and the broader community around the use of these technologies or our specific applications. To find out more just get in touch.
- Email:
There are ongoing opportunities to partner with the Immersive Team to include a VR or Simulation component in an event, get a demo or to engage with industry and the broader community around the use of these technologies or our specific applications. To find out more just get in touch.
- Email: