Manage an Activity or Resource in Moodle Resources and Activities are the main types of content available to be developed in courses. Resources are static pieces of content such as web pages, links, PDFs, and images…
Moodle Forums The Forum allows academics to create a space for students to engage in online discussions and collaborate with one another. To help you decide whether to use a blog, a wiki, or a discussion forum,…
Moodle Announcement Forums The Announcements forum allows academics to make announcement that are emailed to students enrolled in the course. Each course has its own Announcements forum that is displayed within the …
Moodle Test Students Dummy students are a great way for teaching staff to view the course from the perspective of a student. Doing so allows the course to be adjusted to correctly display elements to students…
Moodle - Inactive users alert block The Moodle Inactive Users Alert Block is a powerful tool that allows instructors to monitor and manage inactive users on their Moodle course. It provides an easy way to identify students who have not…
Moodle Wiki The Wiki allows academics to create a collaborative authoring activity within your Moodle course. Wikis are particularly useful as part of a group work activity. They are places where students can…
Moodle Attendance The Attendance is a Moodle activity which allows teaching staff to mark the attendance status of a student during a class. Optionally, teaching staff can set up grades associated with attendance if…
Moodle SCORM Package SCORM is a collection of specifications that enable web-based learning content to operate, be accessed and be reused within different software packages and systems. SCORM content is created using…