Blackboard Collaborate Ultra: Joining a Session and Interacting Audio and Video set up guide for moderator; Set up Collaborate session recording; Interacting within the session; Video layouts; Sharing content...
Moodle Releases 2023 2023 Moodle 4.0 Release Dates Ticket Title Release Date Status 2022 Post Upgrade Release Wed, 18 …
VoiceThread Instruction VoiceThread is an activity that allows users to create VoiceThreads by uploading Media/documents and comment on them. Comments can be left throughout VoiceThreads in many formats such as…
Inspera - Multiple Attempts Multiple Attempt is a feature that allows candidates to retake the same assessment multiple times. This feature helps candidates to learn and understand the topics better by allowing them to practice…
theBox theBox is UNSW's online media management service, which allows you to manage and share audio/video/images and documents directly within Moodle and on other websites. For more information,…
theBox Introduction Introduction to theBox theBox is UNSW's online media management tool which allows you to organise media and share them in Moodle courses and on websites. theBox was developed specifically for…
theBox System requirements and supported file formats System Requirements Supported operating systems and web browsers are those that we extensively test, and where issues arise we will actively seek to resolve them. As it is impossible to test…
How do I access theBox service? Who can access theBox? theBox service is available to all active UNSW staff employed at UNSW. Staff can access theBox via Moodle, or directly via the website. Students can view resources shared…
theBox - Feature Requests Feature requests Staff can raise a Feature Request to have any requirements that they have identified to be considered for a future release of theBox. To view a list of existing feature…
Organising and uploading content in theBox theBox organisational hierarchy Collections: Contain one or more galleries (media can’t be added directly to a collection) Galleries: Contain one or more media files e.g. videos or images …
theBox - Share your content with your course participants There are three methods for sharing collections, galleries and media items with your course participants in your Moodle course: Method 1 - Recommended for ease of use - Insert galleries, images…