Moodle Dialogue The Moodle Dialogue activity can be used to set up 2-way communication between a student or groups of students. Moodle Dialogue can be used for private conversations between students and…
Moodle IMS Package With IMS content packages, teaching staff can export content from one learning content management system or digital repository and import it into another, without losing the metadata (content…
Moodle Workshop Activity The UNSW Workshop activity is a flexible peer assessment tool. Students can submit their work online as text and/or an attachment and they can be graded on both - their own work and their peer…
Moodle Participants List The Participants page allows teaching staff to view information about the users that are enrolled in their course such as their email address, role, and status. This page also lets instructors…
Moodle Level up! Block The Level up! block is a useful tool for allowing students to keep track of their activity and progression in the course. Instructors can also compare the progress of students in the course and use…
Pre-Semester Moodle Course Checklist At the start of the semester, teaching staff should run through the pre-semester checklist to ensure their Moodle Course meets all managerial and pedagogical guidelines. Many frequently asked…
Further TELT Resources, Training Workshops and Webinars Self-directed learning and support materials for staff. For staff using the printed version of this page, all the links can be accessed from the following URL:…
Blackboard Collaborate Ultra Blackboard Ultra is an upgraded version of Blackboard Collaborate; a virtual classroom system that allows for online interaction. Blackboard Ultra has been incorporated into the…