Personalised Learning Designer The Personalised Learning Designer allows academics to create basic personalised automation in their course such as displaying a popup message or sending an email. This is most commonly used for…
Moodle Course Types Moodle offers different types of courses to accommodate various teaching and learning needs. These are the following types of educational courses in Moodle: Award courses Non-award courses…
End of Semester Moodle Course Checklist After the term has ended, it is good practice to ensure course data is downloaded and to ensure the course is unavailable to students for record-keeping and professional integrity.
Moodle Media Collection Media Collection is a media repository that allows academics and students to upload and share media (Image, Audio, Video) in folders known as galleries. It is not recommended to use this for…
Moodle Choice Moodle Choice is a very flexible tool to gather student responses for a discussion starting-point, a quick poll, to establish preferred arrangements for an excursion and more. If enabled,…
Moodle Glossary The Moodle Glossary allows academics to build and display a list of terms and their definitions. Glossaries can be built collaboratively with students or exclusively by the academic. Glossaries…
Moodle Feedback The Feedback activity is a student survey tool. It is ideal for requesting feedback on the course as a whole or of specific topics, activities or aspects within it. It can also be used to gather…
Moodle Checklist Checklist is a Moodle activity that allows teaching staff to create a checklist / to-do list / task list for their students to work through. The academics can monitor all the students' progress, as…