There are a growing number of both formal and informal communities of practice in learning and teaching at UNSW. These communities are formed around a shared area of interest in learning and teaching.
In addition to engaging in discussions and collaborative activities, communities often develop a shared repertoire of resources to support the development of learning and teaching practice. These resources might include experiences, strategies and approaches, teaching materials and ways of addressing recurring problems.
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Do you want to set up a learning and teaching community?
By exploring the community networks listed, you can find out what areas of learning and teaching your colleagues are interested in and identify groups in which you might like to participate and initiate contact or keeping in touch with colleagues.
The Portfolio of the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Education & Student Experience actively supports the development of learning and teaching communities at UNSW. If you would like more information or if you want to initiate or join a community network, please submit an enquiry.
Education Focussed Communities of Practice
In 2018, Education Focussed (EF) academics from all faculties at UNSW formed Communities of Practice (CoPs) dedicated to improving the design, development and delivery of educational initiatives at UNSW. These CoPs provided a platform for EF academics to work collaboratively across disciplines and contribute to educational excellence at the school, faculty and university levels. The collaborations have utilised the passion and expertise of EF academics to deliver innovative initiatives around digital assessment, online teaching, student wellbeing and evaluation of teaching practice.
To learn more about EF Careers, read more on the Teaching Gateway.
To learn more about the EF CoPs, head to EF Central, accessible to all UNSW staff.
For examples of CoPs and their projects on the Teaching Gateway, see the following links below:
Current Communities of Practice, Groups and Networks
Faculty Educational Developers
The University Network of Faculty Educational Developers (UNFED) is a multi-disciplinary network of UNSW staff with a genuine interest in and/or responsibility for educational development. UNFED presents a monthly faculty based seminar series showcasing faculty TELT activities. Network members help each other to solve problems as well as keep abreast of opportunities and emerging trends between monthly meetings.
Flipped Classroom Community of Practice
This multi-disciplinary network of UNSW staff was created to discover and disseminate various flipped classroom approaches at UNSW. The network meets, on average, two to four times a year to discover: (1) what each other is doing in this area; (2) to share good practices and (3) to discuss pedagogical (e.g., how to motivate students to undertake weekly tasks) and administrative challenges (e.g. work-load for out-of-classroom hours). Please email Kar Ming Chong if you would like more information or to join the Community of Practice.
Foundations of University Learning and Teaching Alumni Network Group
The aim of the Foundations of University Learning and Teaching (FULT) Alumni Network Group is to provide an opportunity for alumni to get together and explore the latest issues, innovations and future directions in higher education learning and teaching.The network will meet 2 times a year and supports the leadership potential of alumni as champions of learning and teaching.
Anyone who is a current UNSW staff member that has completed the FULT program in the past, is invited to be a part of the network group.
Global Citizenship Community of Practice
This network meets to discuss learning and teaching strategies relevant to the development of the UNSW graduate attribute of global citizenship. During sessions the audience is invited to discuss their needs, share good practice and ideas in relation to developing a global outlook for all UNSW students. New members are very welcome. Please email Ricardo Flores or Jacky Cranney if you would like more information or to join the Community of Practice.
TELT Admin & Support Network
This network provided an opportunity for conversation and sharing of issues and ideas around local TELT implementation and administration issues. The TELT Network was facilitated by LTU staff and complemented the UNFED network and other TELT communication and information channels such as the Newsletter, Coffee Drop and Yammer forums. Members met approximately three times a semester.
The TELT Admins & eLearning Champions Group on Yammer is the most current network related to any TELT issues and ideas.