Moodle resources are available for UNSW staff to access.
The Healthy Universities Mental Wellbeing course is a stand-alone set of tools that can be used in a variety of contexts (eg course convenors can link from their own Moodle course to specific tools in the Wellbeing course).
The Self-Management for Effective Learning section is a resource that can be imported into your existing course, with the flexibility to tailor it to suit your needs.
Note: Science and Medicine & Health faculties are currently piloting a Moodle template, where automated messages relevant to wellbeing and engagement will be conditionally delivered. Course convenors will be able to create additional contextually relevant messaging and learning activities.
Healthy Universities Mental Wellbeing course
The Healthy University: Mental Wellness Module contains 4 sections:
- Keeping on track
- Maintaining a balance
- Managing your studies
- Need HELP right now?
Self-Management for Effective Learning section
How to import the self-management resources (7mins)
Contact: Associate Professor Jenny Richmond
How to integrate self-management Part 1 (7mins)
*Note that the general principles of Jenny’s Planning Template and ‘How to integrate’ video below can be applied to any set of resources.
Contact: Associate Professor Jenny Richmond
How to integrate self-management Part 2 (11mins)
For an introduction to in-curricular approaches, as well as a brief explanation of the differences between the Moodle course and section, this video from the UNSW April 2020 online training session (at about 5min 15sec) will provide a good overview. You can download a copy of the presentation slides that accompanies the video.
Contact: Professor Jacquelyn Cranney