The Healthy Universities Initiative (HUI) aims to promote and improve student and staff self-management, success and wellbeing at UNSW.
The project is positively framed, created by Scientia Education Academy Fellows, Education Focussed Innovators and various leaders within UNSW Wellbeing. We are focused on aspects of the UNSW 2025 Strategy and the Scientia Education Experience that seek to support students and staff in effectively working towards their meaningful learning and professional goals.
Because this is a very broad topic, and taking into account existing UNSW systems, we intend to focus on themes identified in our earlier meetings, with initial focus on the first two:
1. Whole-of-university approaches to wellbeing
2. Provide academics with in-curricular resources and training to support student self-management, academic success and wellbeing
3. Academic and professional staff success and wellbeing (the first priority will be on mentoring early career academics)
4. High Degree Research students making successful transition to graduate employment
5. Physical environments that support wellbeing
6. Data gathering and the utilisation of evidence-based strategies
The resources on this website are being used in UNSW staff professional development sessions, and are provided here for the benefit of those staff. They may also be of interest to higher education colleagues nationally and internationally. For past workshops, including whole-session training videos, visit General resources.
The HUI co-leaders are Professor Nalini Pather, Professor Jacquelyn Cranney, Dr Lessa Sidhu and Professor Gary Velan. UNSW staff (academic and professional) who are interested in contributing and leading pilot projects focused on these themes are welcome to get in touch. Please fill in the form to express your area of interest.
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Curricular approaches | Course convenor practical examples | Building relatedness and belonging examples | Moodle resources | Whole-of-University approaches | General resources