Technology Enhanced Learning and Teaching (TELT)
To devise a "living" evaluation framework that affords an iterative refinement process to underpin:
- All TELT technology selections and developments
- Efficient tracking of the trajectory of success (and failure) of educational technologies used across faculties and over time
- Enhancement of the divergent L & T approaches and practices in online learning at UNSW
TELT Evaluation Framework Downloads
Please access the comprehensive documents below to learn more about the TELT Evaluation Framework
Background research and methodology:
- Evaluation of the TELT Platform—Essential Elements and Methodologies
- TELT Evaluation—Stage 3: A Multi-Definitional Approach to Educational Technology Evaluation at UNSW / Stage 3 Evaluation Criteria
- S. Quinton (2010). TELT Faculty Policy Plans and Strategies Construction Kit. Sydney, Australia: University of New South Wales, Learning and Teaching @ UNSW. The Faculty TELT Policy, Plans and Strategies Construction Kit (the “Construction Kit”) is an easy-to-use manual that will assist Faculties to easily create tailored TELT Policy, Plans and Strategies as guided by the principles and goals set out in the TELT Evaluation Platform Reports, and to work towards a future where TELT-enabled curriculum, learning, and teaching enhancement and support are incorporated as crucial components of each Faculty’s long-term goals and vision. Please note, the TELT Faculty Policy Plans and Strategies Construction Kit is a secured link. Please contact us by email [LINK TO COME] to obtain the username and password to access this file.
Survey instrument refinement:
- TELT Evaluation Framework—Refinement of TELT Survey Instrument (1st iteration)
- TELT Evaluation Framework—Refinement of TELT Survey Instrument (2nd iteration)
Pilot evaluation results:
- Brief summary of evaluation pilots (Elluminate), S2, 2010
- Brief summary of evaluation pilots (Moodle), S2, 2010
- Brief summary of evaluation pilots (Moodle + Wikispaces), S1, 2010
Why the need for a TELT Evaluation Framework?
Rationale and argument for devising a generic evaluation framework:
- Lack of availability of a widely recognised framework
- The need to avoid the many bias inherent in most frameworks
- The need to position L&T at the top of a hierarchy of evaluation criteria consistent with the TELT vision
- Identify the principles and models on which the framework is to be established.
An extensive literature search conducted over several months has confirmed the difficulty in identifying a comprehensive, generic approach and methodologies for facilitating the selection and evaluation of the effectiveness of educational technology applications and solutions that focus exclusively on serving the needs of learning and teaching.
Pedagogical concerns over the actual learning effectiveness of various eLearning applications have increased alongside the meteoric rise in eLearning popularity and implementation. The chief criticism is that the increasingly feature-rich technological platforms are not properly developed for an appropriate learning context, often improperly integrated and under-utilized, and in many situations simply become an expensive means of indexing ordinary content, adding little educational value.
The TELT Evaluation Framework is thus being developed as a comprehensive, flexible and continuous approach to assess and evaluate the suitability of different educational technologies for use within the TELT Platform, as guided by informed Learning and Teaching practice and research.
What is the TELT Evaluation Framework?
For UNSW, the priority for its TELT evaluation strategy is to devise a theoretical framework from which to assess the suitability of selected educational technologies for inclusion in the TELT platform. The Evaluation Framework is an extensive, multi-faceted tool for providing an evidence-based assessment of learning and teaching technologies that may be used by the University.
Once a technology has passed through a three stage evaluation process and been approved for general use, a perpetual, iterative process of evaluation is initiated to assess the educational effectiveness of that technology in terms of the depth of student comprehension and the measurable improvements to the teaching and learning processes.
What the TELT Evaluation Framework is not
The Framework is designed to be underpinned by educational and eLearning theory and to learn from and to improve on the results and experiences of other eLearning evaluations, with the aim of improving the TELT environment within the University.
We understand that some staff may misunderstand the Evaluation, perceiving it as an assessment of their skills, teaching practices, or ability. The Evaluation is focused on understanding and improving eLearning technologies now and for the future, and is thus very critical of the usability, true learning effectiveness, and integration with student learning environments.
It is not in any way intended to be an assessment of the performance or expertise of individual teaching staff.
Further information
- See the TELT Evaluation Framework structure.
External links
- 7 questions to ask re new technology for your business | Aide-Memoire
- Do You WANT an LMS? Does a Learner WANT an LMS? : eLearning Technology
- CPR Home
- 2004 revision—A framework for the pedagogical evaluation of eLearning Environments.
- The Present and Future of Standards for E-Learning Technologies
- Idealware: Why SharePoint Scares Me
- Evaluating E-learning: A Guide to the Evaluation of E-learning (pdf)
- A Dialogical, Story-Based Evaluation Tool: The Most Significant Change Technique
- Assessment and Evaluation—Evaluating online courses using SELT