This page was last updated on 24 Feb 2025.
This page outlines feature requests that have been raised for TELT systems. Feature requests are colour coded based on their status as per:
Received |
Approved |
On Hold |
Received and to be presented to the Advisory Group for approval. | Approved by the Advisory Group and is in a research, development or testing phase. | Discussed by the Advisory Group and is on hold. |
For more information on a specific feature request please speak to your Faculty/School representative for the appropriate business advisory group.
Moodle - Learning Management System
Feature Request # | Description | Status | Planned Release Date |
1626255 |
Begin testing the Office365 plugin Requested by: ASB |
On Hold |
- |
2004039 |
Integrate Moodle with Office365 Requested by: Engineering |
On Hold |
- |
3325238 |
Create site-wide LTI 1.3 for Pearson, Edstem and Padlet, and restrict to Business School Moodle category. Requested by: Business |
Approved |
- |
3286694 |
In ATTO text editor, being able to click on the URL button then pick from a list of available Moodle activities and resources would be useful i.e you can link to stuff in pages or books without having to manually copy a link. Requested by: Science Outcome: In Progress |
Received |
- |
3436462 |
When copying a Moodle quiz either by the import method or sharing cart method, only associated question banks and categories should be copied as duplicate question banks make it difficult to isolate what is being used in a quiz. Requested by: Business Outcome: On Hold |
On Hold |
- |
3453747 |
Introduce a 'Select all users on this page' button in the Course Participants page when there are less than 20 users on the page as well for consistent user experience. Requested by: Law Outcome: In Progress |
Received |
- |
3477004 |
Implement a select/deselect option to select all students across all groups instead of selecting all students on a group by group basis. Requested by: ADA Outcome: In Progress |
Received |
- |
3669049 |
Remove the student role permissions which currently enable students to see the Moodle Group names a student belongs to and zIDs for other students in a course. Requested by: Science Outcome: In Progress |
Received |
- |
3725062 |
Automatically update Moodle links embedded in H5P activities when courses are rolled over. Requested by: Engineering Outcome: In Progress |
Received |
- |
3909867 |
Enable TELT admins and instructors to override and specific permissions for Non-Grading Tutor role. Requested by: Science Outcome: In Progress |
Received |
- |
3932609 |
Set up LTI 1.3 for the use of the MATLAB Grader platform in Moodle. Requested by: Engineering Outcome: In Progress |
Received |
- |
4132935 |
Include activities using Team Evaluation in Moodle logs. These logs should record any interaction users have with a Team Evaluation part of either a Workshop activity or an Assignment. Requested by: Engineering Outcome: In Progress |
Received |
- |
4282433 |
Implement a setting (in minutes) to keep the session open after the session in Attendance. Requested by: Medicine Outcome: In Progress |
Received |
- |
4282440 |
Implement an option to edit the group after Attendance activity is scheduled. Requested by: Medicine Outcome: In Progress |
Received |
- |
4286283 |
Increase the list display area when adding a session in Attendance activity. Requested by: Medicine Outcome: In Progress |
Received |
- |
4287335 |
Implement "Do not use paging" in the dropdown in Attendance report to display all students on a page. Requested by: Medicine Outcome: In Progress |
Received |
- |
4287345 |
Include the summary that is available under reports in Attendance exported file. The summary summarises the number of students absent/present/etc for a particular activity. Requested by: Medicine Outcome: In Progress |
Received |
- |
4298385 |
Rename "Adjustment Fraction" option in the Team Evaluation settings to "Percentage of team mark to be adjusted". Requested by: Engineering Outcome: In Progress (Scheduled to be implemented in March 2025) |
Received |
- |
4343800 |
Turn on Dark Mode in RemUI theme for neurodiverse students to benefit from adjusting sensory inputs (like light, sound and font size). Requested by: Science Outcome: In Progress |
Received |
- |
4390332 |
Add "Font color" and Font size buttons" to visible TinyMCE menu. Requested by: Science Outcome: In Progress |
Received |
- |
4402548 |
Install Embed Question,, in TinyMCE editor. Requested by: ADA Outcome: In Progress |
Received |
- |
4479205 |
Display HTML in the feedback grade item for Team Evaluation comments. Requested by: Engineering Outcome: In Progress |
Received |
- |
4390341 |
Install Embed Question,, in TinyMCE editor. Requested by: Science Outcome: In Progress |
Received |
- |
Moodle - Completed Feature Requests 2025
Feature Request # | Description |
4161838 |
Add a customisation field to allow/prevent users to view Team Evaluation. Requested by: UNSW College Outcome: Closed in February 2025 |
4286295 |
Add the title of the Attendance activity to the report. Requested by: Medicine Outcome: Implemented in February 2025 |
4356717 |
Code review the script developed by Ethan Ou to add the 'Download PDF' functionality to the Lesson activity. Requested by: Science Outcome: Implemented in March 2025 |
4390300 |
Changing the language pack to be more user friendly to understand: Requested by: Science Outcome: Implemented in March 2025 |
4513659 |
Move the HTML button to the first line in ATTO editor. Requested by: Medicine Outcome: Implemented in March 2025 |
Moodle - Completed Feature Requests 2024
Feature Request # | Description |
Set up LTI 1.3 for the use of the Slice Image Bank. Requested by: Medicine Outcome: Implemented in March 2024 |
4107359 |
Implement different sorting settings for different forums within a course. Requested by: ADA Outcome: Closed in Aug 2024 |
4144556 |
A request to consider alternative peer feedback tools to be available in Moodle as the current UNSW Workshop is very clunky and not easy to use. Requested by: Medicine Outcome: Closed in Jun 2024 |
4145053 |
Backport Group visibility functionality from Moodle 4.2. While setting up a group, as in the section above Creating a group, you can decide who sees the group members from the Group visibility dropdown. Requested by: Medicine Outcome: Closed in Sep 2024 |
4160245 |
Enable the Moodle assignment TurnItIn integration. Requested by: Science Outcome: Closed in Aug 2024 |
4161777 |
Disable all permissions in Teams Evaluation for Non-Grading Tutor. Requested by: UNSW College Outcome: Implemented in Aug 2024 |
4156321 |
The resources in the shortcut Navigation menu block should not be displayed when ‘Edit mode’ is toggled ON. Requested by: Law Outcome: Implemented in Aug 2024 |
4161988 |
Add to current UNSWC Admin and TELT Admin roles permissions that currently Instructor role have, but the Admin roles do not. Requested by: UNSW College Outcome: Implemented in Aug 2024 |
4171696 |
Upgrade the current version of H5P plugin to the latest version of 2.6 so that the latest files can be uploaded to Moodle. Requested by: Science Outcome: Closed in Aug 2024 |
4172762 |
Set up LTI to integrate Skilliable to run UNSW Caberra's online cyber teaching labs. Requested by: Canberra Outcome: Implemented in July 2024 |
4185508 |
Set up Ed Discussion as an LTI for Engineering only. Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Implemented in July 2024 |
4194957 |
Implement a coupon plugin,, for managing invigilated exams. Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Implemented in July 2024 |
4213615 |
For the ATTO text editor, move the EchoVideo button to be on the primary line and visible without having to expand the menu. Requested by: Science Outcome: Implemented in September 2024 |
4269048 |
Disable Gravatar functionality in Moodle. Gravatar is an external service that provides profile pictures based on user email addresses. Requested by: Science Outcome: Implemented in Moodle 4.4 upgrade |
Moodle - Completed Feature Requests 2023
Feature Request # | Description |
Make OBS 'Virtual Camera' and NVIDIA Broadcast software available as a source for Echo360 Universal Capture Software. Requested by: Science Outcome: Closed on 7th of July |
3858227 |
Enable Echo360 hardware/software for lecture recordings to utilise NVIDIA Broadcast background removal in a lecture theatre by integrating the NVIDIA broadcast technology in the LR+ setup. Requested by: Science Outcome: Closed on 7th of July |
3864945 |
Replace Smarthinking (Pearson), a writing feedback service where students can submit their writings and get formative feedback on their work, with Studiosity that will integrate with Moodle using LTI as Smarthinking will reach its end of life by the end of August 2023. Requested by: Student success Outcome: Implemented |
3934889 |
Implement a 'Display description on course page' for the Certificate. There is a description but is not shown on the course page. Requested by: Medicine Outcome: Approved on Jun 2024 by TELT BAG |
3958027 |
Implement a feature in Moodle to automate the watermarking of questions in quizzes as a cheating detection measure, based on the javascript from Jeffrey Black. Requested by: Science Outcome: Closed on 17th Nov 2023 |
3961978 |
Install the EchoVideo-Moodle TinyMCE plugin. Requested by: Science Outcome: Approved |
3737667 |
Implement an option in quiz settings to enable live announcements for "High stakes" timed quiz assessments. Requested by: Science Outcome: Approved on Jun 2024 by TELT BAG |
3744846 |
Implement "Anonymous posting" and label student posts 'Anonymous' by default in core Moodle forums. Requested by: Science Outcome: Closed |
3836176 |
Implement "Anonymous posting" and label student posts 'Anonymous' by default in core Moodle forums. Implement sorting of Moodle Assignment View All Submissions page by Group. Requested by: ADA Outcome: Implemented on Sep 2024 |
3836180 |
Implement a button to 'Download all group submissions' for group assessments to enable a quick way to download one assessment per group. Requested by: ADA Outcome: Implemented |
3836184 |
Implement the ability to sort forum posts by set order (mainly creation date): Option 1 (with and without lock functionality) Option 2 - Have an additional column with sort order # Requested by: ADA Outcome: Closed on Jun 2024 by TELT BAG |
3955190 |
Enable Portfolios by default to make it easy for a student to export their work to an external portfolio. Requested by: Canberra Outcome: Closed on Apr 2024 |
3881122 |
Integrate Mobius with Moodle using LTI 1.3 or 2.0. Requested by: Science Outcome: Implemented on Aug 2024 |
3956128 |
Update Assignment 'Require students to click the submit button' help information. Requested by: ADA Outcome: Implemented in 2023 |
3975624 |
Implement an option in Moodle Quiz for question numbers not to appear in the questions. Requested by: Medicine Outcome: Closed on July 2024 |
4026537 |
Implement Zoom plugin in Moodle UAT for testing. Requested by: Science Outcome: Approved on Apr 2024 |
4045360/ 4026895 |
Implement a pop-up alert for instructors not to edit courses while online quiz is taking place as it could affect students doing the quiz if they turn editing on within the start and end dates for Moodle quizzes. Requested by: Science Outcome: Closed on Apr 2024 |
Moodle - Completed Feature Requests 2022
Feature Request # | Description |
Install the 'Sketch' plugin for ATTO and TinyMCE Requested by: Science Outcome: Implemented in May 2022 |
3246479 |
Install the Freehand drawing plugin,, from ETH. Requested by: Science Outcome: Implemented in May 2022 |
3283383 |
Request Open LMS to whitelist all test Azure AD accounts so that they are not suspended due to not being listed in the users.txt file from SiMS. Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Implemented in Feb 2022 |
3286615 |
Request Open LMS to address the roll-over issue of courses that use Turnitin. Currently, any course that uses Turnitin when rolled over does not retain the Gradebook. Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Implemented in Feb 2022 |
3325935 |
Accessibility checker deems 5/6 colours of the ATTO editor to have issues. Add an alternate colour palette (e.g. Requested by: Law Outcome: Implemented in Feb 2022 |
3341884 |
Install mhchem package. Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Implemented in March 2022 |
3393767 |
Install the 'Active Quiz' module to support 'Hybrid first' pedagogy in Moodle courses. Requested by: Science Outcome: Implemented in May 2022 |
3394385 |
Install the "Live Report” which allows teachers to see the responses from students as they are completing questions in a quiz. Requested by: Science Outcome: Closed in 5th Aug 2022 as TELT BAG deemed this plugin not mature enough to be implemented. |
3402296 |
Investigate the integration of 'Live view’ report and ‘Active Quiz’ module. Requested by: Science Outcome: Closed in 18th Feb 2022 as Open LMS is unable to integrate both plugins since Active Quiz is a standalone plugin without support quiz reporting plugins. |
3409892 |
Upgrade the Coderunner question type to the latest stable version 4.1.1 Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Implemented in June 2022 |
3409927 |
Install the 'Live poll' module to support active learning and hybrid learning synchronous polling activities in Moodle. Requested by: Science Outcome: Implemented in May 2022 |
3414488 |
Install the regex quiz question type which is handy for ignoring trivial differences that do not invalidate an answer that is typed-in. Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Implemented in July 2022 |
3414496 |
Install the GapFill quiz question type to support multiple correct answers. It is an alternative to CodeRunner for simple questions. Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Implemented in March 2022 |
3445797 |
Integrate Moodle with Echo360 Analytics tab. Requested by: PVCESE Outcome: Implemented in PROD on 20 Sep 2022 |
3466709 |
Configure Labster LTI 1.3 in Moodle sitewide and restrict to the UNSW Global Education category as the other faculties would be able to use it if they would like to; however, they would need to make the license fee (user based) to Labster. Requested by: Global Outcome: Implemented on 17 Jun 2022 |
3542152 |
Implement LabArchives LTI for Medicine & Health to register students and transfer their grades easily through Moodle. Requested by: Medicine Outcome: Implemented on 5 Sep 2022 |
3464344 |
Discuss the pros and cons of enabling TELT Admins to be able to enrol users into sandpit courses, rather than limiting to Super TELT admin role. Requested by: Science Outcome: Closed on 6 May 2022 by TELT BAG |
3472186 |
Match the rubric in the Forum grading to the Assignment tool. Requested by: ADA Outcome: Closed on 6 May 2022 by TELT BAG as TELT BAG requested Dean to submit these issues to LMS&I team to be raised with Open LMS as bugs |
3620244 |
Install the Panopto plugin Moodle for the Faculty of Medicine to participate in a 14 day trial. Requested by: Medicine Outcome: Closed on 10 Feb 2023 by academic |
3530943 |
Update the settings of the Course Contacts block to include a ‘Group mode’ like the other activities/resources. Requested by: Law Outcome: Closed on 9 Jun 2023 |
3207303 |
Implement the Moodle Zoom plugin. This tighter integration should benefit many of our users. The plugin can be found at Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Closed - Pending management decision on implementation |
3125420 |
Apply adjustments to CSS in current UNSW Moodle theme to improve usability. Adjustments are based on CSS work from Iwan Kelaiah from PVCE. Requested by: Science Outcome: Closed on 14 Apr 2023 |
3558680 |
Enable the export/import of rubrics created in Moodle assignment as a CSV file, allowing for easy sharing of rubrics across courses. Requested by: ADA Outcome: Implemented on September 2023 |
3472502 |
Implement the grade area and rubric in OU blog as the grading of the blog is limited. Requested by: ADA Outcome: Closed on April 2024 |
3519447 |
Install the 'Export Quiz Attempts', which is a quiz report that allows you to get view of a quiz attempt that is formatted for easy printing. This can either be a blank attempt or a review of a finished quiz attempt. Requested by: Science Outcome: Closed on May 2024 by TELT BAG |
3558625 |
Set a cut-off date (say for 5 days after the due date) for Moodle assignments but students who have submitted on time can still update their submission until the cut-off date. Requested by: ADA Outcome: Approved on Jun 2024 by TELT BAG |
3558658 |
Enable Moodle Assignment rubric to allow specific weighting to each criterion. Requested by: ADA Outcome: Closed |
3629584 |
Implement a CSS editor in Feedback for clear distinction between the question and the answer. Requested by: Medicine Outcome: Implemented on Feb 2024 |
3640400 |
Ensure the rolled over H5P content links to the new content bank in the new course, not in the old site. Requested by: Business Outcome: Closed |
3669049 |
Remove the student role permissions which currently enable students to see the Moodle Group names a student belongs to and zIDs for other students in a course. Requested by: Science Outcome: Implemented on May 2024 |
Moodle - Completed Feature Requests 2021
Feature Request # | Description |
2209904 |
Implement a playback speed option for theBox videos Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Implemented in August 2021 |
2571773 | Implement the ability to transfer ownership of items in the Box to another person/persons on an individual basis. Requested by: Medicine Outcome: Completed in August 2021 |
2851528 |
2899971 |
Implement "Anonymously" to complement the "Non anonymously" that already exists in Open Forums. Requested by: Science Outcome: Implemented |
3056561 |
Add the 'TELT Administrator' role to the “HTML (per role)” block |
3056818 |
Update to latest version of Font awesome icons. Outcome: Closed, no longer required as of March 2021 |
3060614 |
Update the Moodle language pack to change the term "Suspended users" to "Inactive". Requested by: Science Outcome: Completed in August 2021 |
3184905 |
Change the default for the filter in the Participants/Enrolled users page to match “All” rather than “Any”. Requested by: ADA Outcome: Completed in August 2021 |
3243913 |
Grant the Grading Tutor role permission to use the Attendance activity to take attendance in courses. Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed in August and September 2021 |
3251787 |
Increase the H5P Content Bank upload limit from 100MB to 200MB to match the Moodle sitewide content upload limit. Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Not implemented |
3254081 |
Install "Delayed attempts in quizzes", Requested by: Science Outcome: Not implemented |
3274573 |
Enable automatic transfer of Turnitin Peermark assignment grades to the Moodle gradebook. |
3332722 |
Courses created from a template with Roles renamed (e.g. Instructor->Covenor) should keep the renamed roles settings. Requested by: ADA Outcome: Closed on 17 Dec 2021 |
Moodle - Completed Feature Requests 2020
Feature Request # |
Description |
1951705 |
Enable e-rater grammar feedback in the Turnitin Feedback Studio Requested by: Canberra Outcome: Completed in February 2020 |
2482524 |
Enable "Simple Global Search" Requested by: Science Outcome: Completed in September 2020 |
2632451 |
By default, give students the mod/dialogue:close permission to close a conversation. Give Instructor, Teaching Assistant, Grading Tutor and Non-Grading Tutor roles the mod/dialogue:closeany permission to close any dialogue. Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed in February 2020 |
2702373 |
Delete test users created using Test Users block. Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed in September 2020 |
2732010 |
Add LTI configuration for Padlet to FASS category only Requested by: FASS Outcome: Completed in May 2020 |
2774885 |
'Astra CBA' scale with Not Yet Competent, Competent, Competent with Merit within the newly developed Practical Legal Training program. Requested by: Law Outcome: Completed in February 2020 |
2778170 |
Implement Group Quiz plugin Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed in April 2020 |
2821410 |
Add a new token category for Group and a Group token into PLD. Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed in September 2020 |
2824266 |
Develop a 'Search Block' for Open Forum as a Block in UNSW Moodle. Requested by: Science Outcome: Completed in April 2020 |
2843547 |
Activate the free version of GeoLite2 City and a free Google Maps API key to be set up in Moodle. Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed in September 2020 |
2851373 |
Auto naming by Section, not Class ID Requested by: Business Outcome: In Progress |
2851373 |
Push student Section ID data into Groups / Groupings tab Requested by: Business Outcome: On hold |
2861778 |
Create a LTI connector for Polleverywhere (for a pilot) and make it only available to the Engineering category. Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed in May 2020 |
2870365 |
Enable the nav-drawer option in the UNSW themes to allow the Navigation block and Setting block to collapse. Requested by: FASS Outcome: Completed in May 2020 |
2901013 |
To mitigate against disruptive behaviour during a Collaborate session, anonymity should be removed Requested by: Science Outcome: Completed in April 2020 |
2913265 |
Install the 'Embed Question suite' Requested by: Science Outcome: Completed in September 2020 |
2913288 |
Set up a site wide LTI connector for an electronic notebook platform called LabArchives Requested by: Science\ Outcome: Implemented in July 2020 |
2923588 |
Implement the ability to have students tick a plagiarism and cheating disclosure prior to attempting a quiz in Moodle. Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed in August 2020 |
2926132 |
Implement enhancements for the Media Collection Assignment tool Requested by: Art and Design Outcome: Completed in September 2020 |
2938915 |
Enable Built Environment to have access to the Padlet LTI connector in Moodle. Requested by: FBE Outcome: Completed in June 2020 |
2940657 |
Create a Summative assessment checkbox in the Quiz settings. Requested by: Science Outcome: On hold |
2940957 |
Enable the "appearance / display / In pop-up" setting for Pages. Requested by: Science Outcome: Completed in August 2020 |
2954088 |
Implement the CodeRunner and Adaptive plugin combination to allow for programming type questions to be automatically marked. Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed in September 2020 |
2969700 |
Enable LabArchives for UNSW Canberra. Requested by: Canberra Outcome: Completed in July 2020 |
2989085 |
Enable Padlet LTI for Art and Design. Requested by: Art and Design Outcome: Completed in August 2020 |
2990331 |
Implement Flash Apocalypse Report plugin Requested by: PVCE Outcome: Completed in September 2020 |
2990551 |
Upgrade to the Premium Mobile App plan Requested by: Science Outcome: Closed in March 2023 |
2991043 |
Update STACK question type to version 4.3.4 Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Implemented in September 2020 |
2995988 |
Media Collection Assignment: Remove the check-box tick symbol for "Submit Assignment", and allow automatic submission to the assignment tool after the due date if 'Require students to click the submit button' is selected as No. Requested by: Art and Design Outcome: Approved |
3058142 |
In the “HTML (per role)” block add a new 'Block content for specific roles' field. Requested by: Science Outcome: Approved |
3060579 |
Implement a feature in Moodle Notification Preferences, to be able to turn off the "Suspended users" removed from groups emails. Requested by: Science Outcome: Approved, Scheduled for Feb 2022 |
3332718 |
t A TELT Admin adding a block at category level should be able to choose to override the position at the course level.
Requested by: ADA Outcome: Closed on 17 Nov 2023 |
Moodle - Completed Feature Requests 2019
Feature Request # |
Description |
2131578 |
Implement the Level up! plugin Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed in February 2019 |
2220527 |
Implement a static link for private videos in theBox to H5P Interactive Video content types in Moodle Requested by: Medicine Outcome: Completed in April 2019 |
2327161 |
Change the default setting for Originality Report Options > Allow Submissions after the Due Date from No to Yes Requested by: FASS Outcome: Completed in January 2019 |
2363112 |
Turn on start/end date option for New Forum to enable instructors to set up announcements ahead of time Requested by: Business School Outcome: Completed in April 2019 |
2363122 |
Enable a "view only after a certain date" option in Forum Requested by: Business School Outcome: Completed in August 2019 |
2387233 |
Install ATTO Editor Plugins
Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed in March 2019 |
2388349 |
Make certain icons available as a drop down option in Labels using Font Awesome Requested by: FASS Outcome: Closed |
2394843 |
Install Sharing Cart Plugin Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed in March 2019 |
2436850 |
Exclude suspended and inactive user accounts when messaging via the Personalised Learning Designer tool Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Implemented in September 2019 |
2436850 |
Exclude suspended and inactive user accounts when messaging via the Personalised Learning Designer tool Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed in September 2019 |
2465713 |
Regularly check for suspended users in Moodle groups and automatically remove them Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed in July 2019 |
2469672 |
Make the width and height of the Course Completion block configurable Requested by: Medicine Outcome: Completed in May 2019 |
2482530 |
Implement the UNSW branding on Moodle Mobile App/Moodle desktop Requested by: Science Outcome: Closed in 2022 |
2494123 |
Append "(Copy)" to the title of a duplicated resource or activity to prevent accidental deletion of the required resource or activity Requested by: Science Outcome: Completed in July 2019 |
2513568 |
When restoring courses in Moodle change unselect "Include enrolled users" option by default Requested by: PVCE Outcome: Completed in July 2019 |
2523312/2098988 |
Enable the ability to turn off Moodle assignment rubric generating a mark Requested by: FASS Outcome: Approved |
2529535 |
Add a default Participants list filter to show only active users Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed in August 2019 |
2530561 |
Enable the Instructor role to have the ability to use the Moodle Tags feature within their question bank. Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed in August 2019 |
2554264 |
Modify the config setting which places the ID number field of grade items in the advanced area to the default view Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed in July 2019 |
2583474 |
Remove the capability to run Configurable report from TELT Admin role Requested by: PVCE Outcome: Completed in August 2019 |
2585445 |
Uncheck "Exclude empty grades" setting as default in the Gradebook for the course total and grade category Requested by: FBE Outcome: Implemented in August 2019 |
2663679 |
Add a new scale (Astra SAT Scales: Unsatisfactory, Satisfactory) that is fully compatible with ASTRA to Gradebook. Requested by: FASS Outcome: Completed in November 2019 |
2689732 |
Set up a hidden site-wide LTI connector for Questionmark OnDemand so that the Medicine staff only needs to add the Tool URL when creating the LTI link without entering the Consumer key and Shared secret. Requested by: Medicine Outcome: Completed in November 2019 |
2732583 |
Wording change in Turnitin submission change |
Moodle - Archived Feature Requests
Feature Request # |
Description |
NA |
Enable Dropbox Repository - The Dropbox repository enables users to copy (but not link to) files from their own Dropbox into Moodle. More information: Requested by: PVC (E) Outcome: Completed |
NA |
Enable OU Wiki Activity - This is a simple, easy to use, reasonably full-featured alternative to the standard Moodle wiki. More information: Requested by: PVC (E) Outcome: Completed |
755448 |
Allow Instructors to collect all posts in discussion forum for printing Requested by: AGSM Outcome: Superceded by Advanced Forum in Moodle 2.7 |
755448 / 762366 |
Create a flexible communication tool for Instructors to send attachments to specific students, or groups of students Requested by: AGSM / FBE Outcome: Not implemented |
762383 |
Implement a third course page column in Moodle. Requested by: FBE Outcome: Completed for FBE only |
NA |
Change default email display to "Hidden" Requested by: PVC (E) Outcome: Completed |
767771 |
Extend functionality of Assignment activity to include an additional field to indicate "Rubric Calculated" grade Requested by: FBE Outcome: Not implemented |
772591 |
Request to resolve a generic error message encountered when importing a CSV file into the Gradebook Requested by: PVC (E) Outcome: Completed |
773230 |
Enable the following Gradebook settings by default: 1. Control the number of student records per page Requested by: PVC (E) Outcome: Completed |
775506 |
Add Moodle Progress Bar Plugin to monitor progress/completion status for each section Requested by: ASB Outcome: Completed |
776556 |
Replace misleading message "You have assignments that need attention" with "You have assignment/assignments with a due date that has not yet passed" Requested by: Medicine Outcome: Completed |
789424 |
Enable Scheduler activity - This is an appointment scheduler for planning face-to-face meetings between teachers and students. More information: Requested by: Medicine Outcome: Completed |
794247 |
Rename the Latest News block to "Announcements" Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed |
794247 |
Rename the News forum to "Announcements" Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Not implemented |
NA |
Enable anonymous grading (single or double blind) marking. Requested by: UNSW Canberra Outcome: Completed |
NA |
A messaging tool to send email to all/selected students immediately Requested by: PVC (E) Outcome: Completed |
801476 |
Change default setting for Email digest type in My Profile setting to "No digest (single email per forum post)" for all students. Requested by: FBE Outcome: Completed |
801488 |
Request to allow Instructors to over-ride individual user forum email settings. Requested by: FBE Outcome: Not implemented |
812586 |
Match collapsed topic headings font size with standard topic headings font size. Requested by: ASB Outcome: Completed |
813837 |
Implement filter and/or search capability in Gradebook that is Moodle Tracker issue MDL-32888 More information: Requested by: PVC (E) Outcome: Completed |
819106 |
Request to add Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter fields in the User’s Profile, instead of or in addition to AIM ID, YahooID, ICQ. Requested by: ASB Outcome: Not implemented |
822631 |
Request to update the data export capabilities for the Workshop activity. Requested by: Science Outcome: Superceded by UNSW Workshop activity. |
829434 |
Auto-enrol six dummy students to every sandpit created by the Blackboard Migration Request Form Requested by: PVC (E) Outcome: Completed |
832084 |
Replace Wimba Voice tools with PoodLL Anywhere or Kaltura Requested by: ASB Outcome: Not implemented |
NA |
Rename current Blackboard Migration Request Form as Blackboard Migration/Sandpit Request Form. Requested by: PVC (E) Outcome: Completed |
833358 |
Allow instructors to complete and submit a Questionnaire. Requested by: ASB Outcome: Completed |
834033 |
Change the ‘display from’ date so that user only sees the assignments that are due in the next fortnight in course overview block. Requested by: ASB Outcome: Not implemented |
NA |
Create TinyMCE custom filter to allow Kanopy iframe embeds in forums, databases etc. Requested by: PVC (E) Outcome: Completed |
841378 |
Implement Course Dedication block to allow Instructors/Students to view the estimated dedication time of participants within a course. Requested by: ASB Outcome: Not implemented |
843298 |
Add 'Drag and Drop' question type, and 'Drag and Drop Markers' question type to Moodle Quiz tool Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed |
845872 |
Display word count in TinyMCE editor Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed |
851968 |
Display integrated external tools, eg. QMP quizzes, in the Progress Bar block Requested by: Medicine Outcome: Completed |
854192 |
Change view hidden sections for all staff (especially non-grading tutors ) to "yes" by default Requested by: ASB Outcome: Completed |
NA |
Set the URL activity and PDF files to open in a new window Requested by: Medicine Outcome: Completed |
869607 |
Ability to attach documents to messages in Moodle Requested by: Medicine Outcome: Superceded by Messaging tool |
870713 |
Add a show all button in the Attendance tool to show all participants on one page Requested by: Law Outcome: Completed |
870713 |
Change default setting for Tables to have borders. Requested by: Law Outcome: Completed |
879349 |
Request to enable Group Enrolment keys by default, for any non-assessable course that has Student Enrolment keys. Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed |
879358 |
Request for the ability to have anonymous posting within discussion forums Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Superceded by Advanced Forum in Moodle 2.7 |
883236 |
Request to change the Moodle Assignment so: 1. Allow for anonymous marking so the markers identity is hidden 2.Allow markers to control whether uploaded feedback/grades are automatically notified by email to students Requested by: ASB Outcome: Completed |
RT - 417014 |
Request to investigate/implement a solution for the Messaging tool, as there is a maximum of 63 recipients in Outlook and it is incompatible with Chrome (on Windows) and Internet Explorer. Requested by: FBE Outcome: Closed |
895615 |
Ensure the creation of the Collaborate activity in Moodle includes the ability to grant participants permission to use Collaborate’s basic tools upon entry into the webinar as was the case with Blackboard Learn. Requested by: ASB Outcome: Closed - due to limitation of BB Collaborate plugin |
NA |
Request to remove/hide the Workshop activity from the "Add an activity or resource" menu, while keeping the existing Workshop activities with their data. Requested by: Science Outcome: Completed |
896514 |
Add Plagiarism Declaration option as a new submission type in Moodle Assignment Requested by: FBE Outcome: Completed |
NA |
Implement Formula quiz question type for Year 1 Physics and Chemistry students (approx 2000 students). Requested by: Science Outcome: Completed |
902944 |
Request for a new teaching auditor role that allows teachers to auditor colleagues courses and share best practices. Requested by: Medicine Outcome: Completed |
902976 |
Implement Concept Map plugin for Phase 1 Medicine courses and Phase 2 Pathology practical classes. More information: ( Requested by: Medicine Outcome: Completed |
906539 |
Request for WebPA to be made available to all Faculties. Requested by: Medicine Outcome: Not implemented |
910132 |
Request to have NetSpot host WebPA. Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Not implemented |
910137 |
Request to implement Face to Face plugin that allows students to register for limited sessions. Requested by: FBE Outcome: Closed |
916518 |
Request to extend "unread" tag on discussion posts (longer then email digest sending). 1. Do not mark a forum post as read until a user specifically marks the post as read. 2. Change the forum digest function so that forum posts are not marked as read when the digest is run. Requested by: ASB Outcome: Completed |
921013 |
Rename "Site Home" in the Navigation block to "Moodle Home" to be consistent with the right side navigation area in Requested by: PVC (E) Outcome: Completed |
931405 |
Request to add a toggle that can hide all non-essential elements on a specific page, in order to maximise reading area real estate as needed, and remove distracting elements. Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed in Moodle 2.7. |
1862977 |
Enable Safe Exam Browser (SEB) setting in Moodle Requested by: Canberra Outcome: Completed in June 2018 |
1862987 |
Enable auto save on Moodle Quiz Essay Question type and set default at 2 minutes Requested by: Canberra Outcome: Completed in April 2018 |
1862999/1863006 |
Implement course custom course template plugin Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed in April 2018 |
1902117 |
Add UNSW Knowledge Maps to Moodle as an LTI tool Requested by: Medicine |
1916937 |
Update H5P Requested by: PVCE Outcome: Completed in April 2018 |
1938414 |
Change default number of sections at course creation from 10 to 2 for Collapsed Topics format Requested by: Built Environment Outcome: Completed in April 2018 |
1945753 |
Enable users to display their alternate name in Moodle Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed in April 2018 |
1951727 |
Enable blind marking for eExams in the latest version of Turnitin Requested by: Canberra Outcome: Completed in July 2018 |
1981460 |
Enable Font Awesome filter Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed in April 2018 |
2009737 |
Enable the H5P feature to save content state Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed in May 2018 |
2013238 |
Replace the Progress Bar with the Completion Progress block Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed in August 2018 |
2015693 |
Implement Course Contact block plugin Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed in July 2018 |
2016374 |
Add a "Submit this gallery" button and remove the "Sync from theBox" button from Media Collection Requested by: Science Outcome: Completed in July 2018 |
2030005 |
Implement three connected plugins named:
Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed in June 2018 |
2030045 |
Implement Microsoft Word Import/Export (Book) plugin Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed in June 2018 |
2047516 |
Implement patch for the quick grade feature in the Moodle Assignment activity Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed in June 2018 |
2051170 |
Implement plugin "Download essay submissions" Requested by: Canberra Outcome: Completed in December 2018 |
14141674 |
Implement the following in Turnitin v2 plugin:
Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed in August 2018 |
2083392 |
Allow students to be able to submit video files via theBox that do not have audio tracks Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed in July 2018 |
2107169 |
Implement moderation for Team Evaluation comments Requested by: Arts & Social Science Outcome: Completed in August 2018 |
2109118 |
Implement the ability to bulk upload student submissions into the Assignment activity Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed in August 2018 |
2131557 |
Create context and role specific HTML blocks in Moodle to provide just in time information to staff using Moodle Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed in August 2018 |
2139333 |
Fix course display when importing course data Requested by: Business School Outcome: Completed in September 2018 |
2150834 |
Upgrade the Geshi Moodle Filter Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed in September 2018 |
2228247 |
Ensure Turnitin activities are not rolled over to the next semester Requested by: Business School Outcome: Completed in December 2018 |
2306391 |
Enable Export Component Grades reports for Moodle Assignment Activities Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed in December 2018 |
1414674 |
Implement the following in Turnitin v2 plugin:
Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Completed in April 2018 |
NA |
Creation of a generic marking role that allows markers to provide anonymous feedback Requested by: AGSM Outcome: On hold |
NA |
Enable Review - This request is to integrate the assessment based Review functionality within Moodle More information: Requested by: ASB / UNSW Canberra / Art & Design Outcome: On hold |
NA |
Enable Guest lecture access to Moodle Requested by: Art & Design Outcome: On hold |
762365 |
Create ability to apply one template to multiple courses at a time, while allowing the Instructor to over-write with another template. Requested by: FBE Outcome: On hold |
762369 |
Improve course management interface for TELT Admins to streamline administrative processes. Example: Search by instructor, make multiple courses available/unavailable, see instructors linked to courses. Requested by: FBE Outcome: On hold |
762374 |
Enhancements for the Navigation block and Course Menu block. Requested by: FBE Outcome: On hold |
762378 |
Enhancements for Customised Feed blocks, the Latest News block and the Recent Activity block Requested by: FBE Outcome: On hold |
790547 |
Enable “reveal grades to students only after the post date” functionality for Turnitin in Moodle (existed in Bb Learn) Requested by: ASB Outcome: On hold |
792854 |
Change Turnitin assignment default settings to:
Requested by: ADFA Outcome: On hold |
797211 |
Add a plugin to export grades from a Moodle course to either NSS or the UNSW Eccles spreadsheets Requested by: UNSW Canberra Outcome: On hold |
NA |
Request to give TELT Administrators the ability to modify permissions within specific activities for all roles up to Instructor. eg. UNSW Workshop / Database / Glossary Requested by: Science Outcome: On hold |
870713 |
Implement italics/bold/underline in short answer quiz mode Requested by: Law Outcome: On hold |
872594 |
FASS only - New Moodle block to present 'Where to Get Help' information Requested by: FASS Outcome: On hold |
872759 |
Automated means of collating and auto-populating Moodle courses with a digital course outline, using existing data from external sources (such as policies, guidelines and procedures) and systems (such as AIMS, timetabling and NSS).
Requested by: FASS Outcome: On hold |
874154 |
Improve ability to enter/review marks for quizzes in Moodle, eg. direct entry of marks, either in 'Review attempt', or in the summary table Requested by: Medicine Outcome: On hold |
879355 |
Request for functionality that allows Program Codes and Class Codes to be imported into Moodle Groups Requested by: Engineering Outcome: On hold |
886158 |
Request for a higher role than TELT Admin to carry out the following tasks: Requested by: FBE Outcome: On hold |
894743 |
1. Send email reminder to staff member who has enrolled in a Health and Safety course but has not completed the assessment within 2 months of the enrolment date.
Requested by: FBE Outcome: Implemented |
897026 |
Request to prevent non-grading tutor reviewers within the UNSW Workshop activity from seeing the allocations and marks given by other reviewers. Requested by: Science Outcome: Closed, not implemented |
899490 |
Request to improve Turnitin plugin functionality by merging configuration pages into one, by allowing rubric configuration outside of student submission, increasing pop-up help consistency and increasing links to Turnitin support pages. Requested by: PVC (E) Outcome: On hold |
910137 |
Request to implement GeSHi code filter to colour or highlight code snippets within Moodle resources, forum posts, etc. Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Implemented in September 2018 |
920186 |
Ability to structure Course Overview into blocks like an individual Moodle course for toggling in and out of view e.g.
Requested by: Medicine Outcome: Closed, not implemented |
922755 |
Request to create an automated messaging solution, using course configurable email templates, to be sent to students who have never accessed the course. Options are based on course start date: 1st message - 5 days after course start date 2nd message - 7 days after course start date 3rd message - 9 days after course start date Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Implemented |
923713 |
Enable a Teambuilder activity to be imported into another course together with the questionnaire/group selection criteria that have been specified within the activity. Requested by: PVC (E) Outcome: Implemented |
925271 |
Update certificate template in the Moodle Certificate activity according to the UNSW branding guidelines. Requested by: PVC (E) Outcome: On hold |
932506 |
Request to: 1. Enable bulk download of feedback files that are uploaded to a GradeBook. Requested by: ASB Outcome: On hold |
1225339 |
Implement an added feature such as the one in the Assignment activity where users can partake without actually submitting anything in the UNSW Workshop activity. Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Approved |
1225178 |
Implement an email notification option to be selectable for students in the UNSW Workshop activity is the are highlighting an assessment as unfair Requested by: Engineering Outcome: On hold |
1259370 |
Implement an option to select multiple groups from within the Group Selection tool. Requested by: Engineering Outcome: On hold |
1289509 |
Implement group limits to the Inactive user alert emails Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Approved |
1289817 |
Change the default gradebook aggregation method to Weighted Mean of Grades Requested by: FASS Outcome: On hold |
1291787 |
Review Course Grid Format Requested by: Canberra Outcome: On hold |
1320221 |
Integrate Microsoft Office Mix with our Moodle instance using external tool LTI option Requested by: Engineering Outcome: On hold |
1362252 |
Add staff to all Moodle course in a particular category with the existing role "Non-Grading Tutor" or "Grading Tutor" Requested by: ASB Outcome: On hold |
1393064 |
Outcome: Implemented |
1397763 |
Implement Moodle Assignment tool to support the user of Marking Guides and Rubrics with a qualitative option Requested by: FASS Outcome: Approved |
1406299 |
Combine the email digest for both Advanced Forum and Forum posts into a single email digest Requested by: ASB Outcome: On hold |
1414677 |
Add the Turnitin plagiarism plugin Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Approved |
1417570 |
Integrate with Piazza using LTI Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Closed |
1442568 |
Change the Turnitin default settings to support the educative use preferred in UNSW policy Requested by: Canberra Outcome: Closed |
1476209 |
Moodle blogs: A setting to enable email notifications to the students every time a blog post is made Requested by: Art & Design Outcome: On hold |
NA |
Advanced Forum: Automatically/manually mark as read Requested by: ASB Outcome: On hold |
NA |
Fix grading tutors being allowed to check the notify checkbox even though it does nothing Requested by: UNSW Global Outcome: On hold |
NA |
Advanced Forum: fix replies auto closing Requested by: ASB Outcome: On hold |
1652673 |
Add category specific links to Moodle courses Requested by: ASB Outcome: Implemented in May 2017 |
1368736 |
Investigate the Question Creation Activity plugin that allows students to create quiz questions that go directly to the Question bank in Moodle Requested by: ASB Outcome: Closed |
1699906 |
Student quiz writing tool Requested by: ASB Outcome: Implemented |
1700110 |
theBox submission type for moodle Assignment Requested by: Built Environment Outcome: Implemented |
1616313 |
Ability to filter on multiple groups in Participants List Requested by: Medicine Outcome: Implemented |
1493872 |
Create new role for sharing question banks Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Implemented |
2044189 |
Enhance theBox to support interactive transcripts Requested by: Built Environment Outcome: Closed |
2044206 |
Enhance Moodle to support interactive transcripts Requested by: Built Environment Outcome: Closed |
2055459 |
Implement the Intelliboard.Net Plugin Requested by: Engineering Outcome: On hold |
2083405 |
Trial the Edwiser RemUI theme Requested by: Engineering Outcome: Implemented in 2022 |
2162057 |
Implement the following for H5P
Requested by: Medicine Outcome: Implemented |
theBox - Media Management System
Feature Request # |
Description | Status | Planned Release Date |
1047367 |
Improve Media Collection visual and usability. Requested by: FBC |
Received |
-- |
1047873 |
Allow ability to transfer ownership on individual items. Requested by: Business School |
Received |
- |
1048439 |
Allow ability to log in as different users on SOE computers. Requested by: Medicine |
Received |
- |
1052515 |
Allow theBox admins the ability to create detailed reports. Requested by: PVC (E) |
Received |
- |
1052531 |
Allow theBox admins the ability to upload/download files on behalf of users when supporting users. Requested by: PVC (E) |
Received |
- |
1052565 |
Allow theBox admins the ability to reprocess uploaded file assets when supporting users. Requested by: PVC (E) |
Received |
- |
1052573 |
Allow theBox admins and users to bulk asign agency to others. Requested by: PVC (E) |
Received |
- |
1052598 |
Modify the UI to display the agents that have been assigned to various assets (collections/galleries/media/files). Requested by: PVC (E) |
Received |
- |
1052604 |
Users of theBox should be able to select a custom thumbnail for their file assets. Requested by: PVC (E) |
Received |
- |
1054197 |
Improve admin archive/delete functions in theBox. Requested by: PVC (E) |
Received |
- |
1055007 |
Provide ability to allow some videos not to have the UNSW Theme applied (e.g. student submissions). Requested by: FBE |
Received |
- |
1056494 |
Include column for owner/agent in File Picker. Requested by: FASS |
Received |
- |
1057911 |
Improve admin archive/delete functions in theBox. Requested by: PVC (E) |
Received |
- |
1057911 |
When sending out an announcement in Moodle with a video linked to theBox change it so that the link appears rather than trying to embed the video. Requested by: PVC (E) |
Received |
- |
1068056 |
Change image placeholder when a video is still being processed. Requested by: Business School |
Received |
- |
1068059 |
Change the Favicon from the standard UNSW one to theBox logo. Requested by: Business School |
Received |
- |
1068063 |
When adding a video or other type of media in theBox, restrict file types displayed to the type of file that user is trying to upload (e.g. only display videos when trying to upload videos). Requested by: Business School |
Received |
- |
1068064 |
Add ability to auto add videos that have a particular tag when creating galleries. Requested by: Business School |
Received |
- |
1068066 |
Automatically create a gallery for Moodle uploads. Requested by: Business School |
Received |
- |
1068071 |
Allow the ability to add/edit titles, tags and access levels from Moodle. Requested by: Business School |
Received |
- |
1068076 |
Auto tag the course ID when uploading files from Moodle. Requested by: Business School |
Received |
- |
1068078 |
Add help for Copyright options in theBox. Requested by: Business School |
Received |
- |
1068080 |
Modify uploading forms consistent with the additional fields available when editing. Requested by: Business School |
Received |
- |
1068083 |
Modify the default restriction from "Just Me" to "All Staff" to encourage resource sharing. Requested by: Business School |
Received |
- |
1068084 |
Add additional search functionality in Moodle/theBox integration. Requested by: Business School |
Received |
- |
1068086 |
Replace the SD/HD field with an option to select different embed sizes. Requested by: Business School |
Received |
- |
1068087 |
Modify the send external user link functionality with a URL link that users can copy/paste and send to users/post to sites. Requested by: Business School |
Received |
- |