This page outlines current known issues with TELT Systems and recommended workarounds.
If you are experiencing an issue with Moodle that is not listed below, please contact us.
For assistance with workarounds, please refer to our help guides for staff and students.
Issue | Workaround | Date Updated | Status |
Activity / Grade book: creation of activities in courses takes a long time It may take a long to create activities that need to be graded in a Moodle course, after pressing save and display, for courses which have a large number of graded activities and attempts. |
Remove all unnecessary graded items in the grade book setup page so they are not included in any grade book recalculation when adding new activities. (e.g. h5p videos, audios, forums) You can create a new category for non-assessed items in the grade book and add activities there. |
19/01/2024 | Logged with Open LMS: ticket 290482 |
Content Bank: Replacing H5P content does not immediately update the “Access the H5P file in the content bank“ link | May occur in very rare circumstances when add H5P file from the content bank. delete the file attached from the content bank and re-upload file or delete the activity and select new item from content bank | 19/01/2024 | Logged with Open LMS ticket 255687 - Closed unable to reliably replicate the issue. |
Live Poll: copy of live poll fails with Exception - Class "\mod_livepoll\result\_strategy" not found | Edit the copy and just save and display | 10/07/2023 | Logged with Open LMS ticket 277271 |
Workshop UNSW calibration does not generate if example submissions are equal to 'Number of examples' option Staff must provide more example submissions than is specified in 'Number of examples' unless set to 'All' |
To allow calibration to generate in this situation, staff can do any of the following
12/1/2022 | Logged with OpenLMS Request #127048 |
Atto H5P embed provides error message when embedded in quiz H5P content that is embedded within a quiz question via the ATTO text editor button does not display to students |
H5P content can still be embedded into quizzes via iframe: 1. Create a H5P activity in the course, ensure 'Embed button' is enabled in the H5P Options. 2. Set the H5P activity to 'Make available but not shown to students' in the common module settings. For additional security, apply the same restrict access to the quiz 3. Save the H5P activity and open the activity page. Click the embed button on the H5P content and copy the embed code 4. Go to the Quiz question and open the HTML editor tool within the text editor. Paste the embed code |
09/12/2021 | Moodle core issue, tracker: MDL-69290 |
Grades appear as 'Error' for students in Gradebook: Rare occurrence where you observe a grade column in Gradebook displaying 'Error' instead of student grades. |
24/9/2021 | |
Self-Enrolment: The message "Enrolment is disabled or inactive" is displayed when a user attempts to self-enrol into a course. The message is displayed when the user's enrolment has expired. |
There are two options. 1. Instructor submits a request for a new self-enrolment key to be created. 2. Super TELT Admin manually corrects the user's inactive account. |
17/9/2021 | |
Gradebook import: Gradebook categories and items are not imported for some courses. It is expected behavior that import will only copy categories and items when copying an entire course. |
The entire course (including all activities) must be imported to bring over gradebook categories and items. It is not recommended to import Turnitin activities as it will duplicate them, in this case, the gradebook will need to be manually recreated. If a gradebook structure is commonly used, you can create it in a blank sandpit. This sandpit can be completely imported into any course to bring over the gradebook. |
18/5/2021 |
This is expected behavior. A feature request may be raised to implement a new feature to copy gradebook items |
Activity displays as 'Not attempted' to students: Activities with a 'restrict access' restriction set will display as 'Not attempted' to students if they do not have access to the activity regardless of their actual submission status. | The eye icon may be clicked when setting up a 'Restrict access' to hide the activity from students if they do not have access. | 25/03/2021 |
Logged with OpenLMS Request #123685 This issue will not be fixed. |
Login Issues: There was a problem logging you in, please contact your administrator |
This error is displayed if you are not enrolled in a course for a recent term or semester in myUNSW. Please talk with your school or faculty (and/or the Nucleus Student Hub) and check your enrolment status is correct. If you are enrolled in the course Faculty of Engineering Industrial Training please contact the UNSW Engineering Industrial Training Office. |
19/04/2021 | |
Grader report: Student names do not remain visible if you scroll to the right for course with large numbers of activities. | Reduce the width of the browser window and the student names will stick on the page and be visible while scrolling. | 18/05/2020 | Logged with Daemon for investigation UNSW-644 |
Media Collection: Galleries in carousel view may look like they are empty, but gallery contents are actually over to the far right of the page |
Collections can be changed to "Grid" view by the initial creator of the collection:
7/05/2020 | Logged with Daemon for investigation UNSW-644 |
Text Content: HTML pre tags with large amounts of text may cause the page to scroll horizontally. | Replace the <pre> ... </pre> element with <span style="white-space: pre-wrap;"> ... </span> | 6/05/2020 | Logged with Daemon for investigation UNSW-644 |
Media Collection Activity: The dropdown does not automatically default to the originally selected gallery when the Resubmit/Submit button is clicked. |
This issue can be fixed by selecting the gallery manually. | 05/06/2019 | This issue will not be fixed. |
H5P: H5P activities should be used to engage students with activities and to enhance interactivity in the course. |
We do not recommend the use of H5P activities for assessments that could earn grades for students. | 28/05/2019 | This issue is on the H5P roadmap to be addressed in the future |
Image icon issue: Banner icon observed while uploading images through theBox repository under Course administration. |
27/05/2019 | This issue will not be fixed. | |
Sharing Cart: Instructors when copying activities/resources will always contain user data. |
To ensure user data is not copied across, for applicable activities;
13/05/2019 |
Fixed as part of May Moodle release. UNSW3-695 |
Forum Activity: YouTube videos in threaded replies (Forum activity) fail to stop playing the audio even after the reply is collapsed. |
Currently no workaround. | 29/03/2019 | This is not currently planned to be fixed. |
H5P: |
Currently no workaround. | 18/03/2019 |
Issue has been raised with Moodle Support. Bugfix patch (UNSW3-677) is scheduled for 03/04/2019. |
Turnitin Plagiarism Plugin: Students cannot view submitted paper or similarity report. |
Currently no workaround. | 22/10/2018 | Issue has been raised with Turnitin and Moodle support. |
Turnitin Plagiarism Plugin: Instructor cannot view the similarity score in the grading screen until the due date. |
Instructors can access an individual student’s similarity report before the due date via the Feedback Studio. |
22/10/2018 | Issue has been raised with Turnitin and Moodle support. |
Turnitin Plagiarism Plugin: Students can resubmit an assignment when the assignment settings do not allow resubmission. |
Currently no workaround. | 22/10/2018 | Issue has been raised with Turnitin and Moodle support. |
Turnitin Plagiarism Plugin: Instant similarity reports are generated for submissions even after the third attempt. |
Currently no workaround. | 22/10/2018 |
Currently students cannot see their similarity reports hence they cannot game the system with frequent resubmissions. |
Turnitin Plagiarism Plugin: Students can resubmit even after the due date. |
The Moodle assignment settings override the Turnitin settings. Setting the due date and the cut-off date to the same date in the assignment (not Turnitin) will prevent resubmission after the due date. |
22/10/2018 | Issue has been raised with Turnitin and Moodle support. |
Turnitin Plagiarism Plugin: Instructor cannot view Peermark. |
Currently no workaround. | 22/10/2018 |
There will be no impact to students or marking as currently Peermark cannot be enabled when the assignment is set up. |
Turnitin Plagiarism Plugin: Students are unable to view rubrics. |
Attach a PDF copy of the rubric to the assignment for students to access. | 22/10/2018 |
Issue has been raised with Turnitin and Moodle support. |
Course Contact Tool: |
This can be resolved by an Instructor or TELT Admin following these steps: 1) Delete existing course contact link |
25/07/2018 | Please use the workaround. The tool is currently being scoped for a redesign. |
Moodle StudentQuiz Activity: If an 'Essay' type question is created in a quiz, when attempting to complete the quiz, no "Next" or "Finish" button is shown on screen and users cannot progress. | When adding the StudentQuiz activity, under Advanced Settings for allowed question types manually select all applicable options omitting the 'Essay' option. | 18/05/2018 | This is not currently planned to be fixed. |
Moodle course overview - performance issues when users are enrolled in a large number of courses as an instructor. | Don't enrol in courses unless you are an instructor in that course. Administrative users can access course without enrolling. | 12/03/2018 |
Moodle HQ are working on performance improvements MDL-61384 and MDL-55611 |
Moving inserted videos in Moodle from theBox: Within 'settings', if you click the option to move the content, upon the page refreshing, the media player generated changes and displays larger in size. | A manual refresh of the browser is required before the appropriate media player is generated and displayed in its new position. | 26/02/2018 | This is not currently planned to be fixed. If experienced please refresh the browser as per the workaround. |
ogttUser Synchronisation Issue (myUNSW / Moodle): There is currently an issue affecting the synchronisation of staff and students from myUNSW to Moodle for Semester 1 2018 courses. Anyone who already had access won't be affected. | No Workaround. | 08/02/2018 | Blackboard have implemented a fix which will be deployed in the February Moodle release. Issue will be resolved on the 15th February. Ticket #03061498. |
Share codes for MP3: Adding MP3 content in Moodle using Share Code's from theBox will not generate a working media player. | Insert MP3 content from theBox via embed code instead. | 03/01/2018 | Investigated by Blackboard. Ticket #465516 |
Moodle Player Issues: Videos inserted in Moodle from theBox via the "Insert Moodle Media" may in some cases, cause older content to auto download. | Insert content into Moodle using theBox embed codes. | 28/02/2018 | Developers are aware of this issue and are working to apply a fix as soon as possible. For more information, please contact TELT. Tickets #03050612, #03055364 & UNSW-378. |
Workshop & UNSW Workshop: Students’ assessment marks are not computed correctly when using comparison against the best assessment. | 1) Make use of the tool for submission marks only. This is done by hiding the assessment mark in the gradebook. OR 2) Manually enter the peer assessment marks as overrides. The overrides must be done in the Gradebook – either by direct entry in the Grader Report, or as an import (see next issue). Once below issue is resolved, overrides can also be done directly in the workshop activity. |
23/10/2017 | Currently being investigated by Netspot. Ticket #: 413044 |
Workshop & UNSW Workshop: When an assessment mark is overridden within the Workshop activity (not in the Gradebook), the old mark is still recorded as the grade – i.e. the student sees the old mark only, both in the activity and in the grade book. | Grade overrides must be done in the Gradebook – either by direct entry in the Grader Report or as an import. Note: When using this workaround, the instructor should tell students to disregard the bracketed numbers and the column for assessment marks when accessing the Workshop activity in Closed phase. |
23/10/2017 | Currently being investigated by Netspot. Ticket #: 413044 |
Gradebook import: xlsx and xml files are not able to be imported. | Export and import .csv files only. | 17/10/2017 | This issue has been reported to Blackboard who are investigating a solution. |
Course Import / Progress Bar: Importing from a course with multiple progress bar blocks will only result in one progress bar block being imported, the most recently created progress bar block. | There is no current workaround available. | 17/10/2017 | This issue has been reported to Blackboard who are investigating a solution: Ticket number 462956 |
Moodle Quiz: Editing a close type question after it has been completed by a user can result in the question breaking. This prevents subsequent users from using this question. |
Best practice is to not edit quiz questions after the quiz has become live in your course. If editing a close type question is required minor changes may be allowed but if you see the prompt "I confirm that I want the question to be saved as edited" |
17/10/2017 | Moodle HQ is aware of the issue MDL-52703 but there is no current schedule for a fix to be implemented. |
Users of the internet service provider 'Belong (Telstra)' are unable to connect to Moodle. | Use a different internet provider if possible, perhaps from the UNSW Campus. | We recommend contacting your internet service provider so that they can identify and resolve the issue. | |
Choice activity: If you limit the number of responses allowed you receive an error “This choice is full and there are no available places” (MOOD-5522) | Do not limit the number of responses to the choice activity. | 14/11/2017 | Currently a known issue. Moodle HQ tracker issue: MDL-56881 |
OU Wiki: images and other media inserted in heading text in sections causes an error when clicking on "Edit section" link. | Highlight the image or media that has been tagged incorrectly and set back to paragraph formatting before saving. | 9/11/2017 | This issue has been reported to Blackboard. Ticket #463947 |
Embeded videos: Users are able to play an embedded video even when there are
restrictions in place for an activity/resource.
Manually hide the restricted activitie/resource that require restrictions. | 27/10/201 | This issue has been reported to Blackboard. Ticket #: 463501 |
Moodle is intermittently unresponsive: Staff/students may intermittently experience Moodle activities/resources being unresponsive. For example, a section may not expand/collapse when clicked on, or a threaded forum may not open. This is believed to be related to javascript. | Please refresh your webpage, as testing has confirmed that this issue is intermittent and will usually be resolved. | 23/10/2017 | This issue has been reported to Blackboard. Ticket #: |
Advanced Forum: The reset table preferences button does not stick (MOOD-4389). | Manually show the column again rather than clicking the reset table link. | 23/10/2017 | This issue has been identified by Moodle and is being looked at under MDL-41730. |
Moodle File/Folder: Users get a "Can't find server" error in Moodle when trying to access a file or folder. | The issue is sporadic. Click the file or folder again. | This issue has been reported to Blackboard. Ticket #: 448597 | |
Moodle Media Collection: When using group mode within an assignment collection the settings to restrict the number of "Maximum galleries" does not work as intended. | There is no current workaround available. | 17/10/2017 | This issue has been reported to Blackboard to develop a fix. Ticket #: 448253 |
Moodle Media Collection: When using a media collection with the settings to allow students to create an unlimited number of galleries student will be unable to add any galleries at all. | There is no current workaround available. | 17/10/2017 | This issue has been reported to Blackboard to develop a fix. Ticket #: 448253 |
Forum activity: When clicking Show parent in a forum, all posts in the forum are marked as read. | There is no current workaround available. | 17/10/2017 | This issue has been reported to Blackboard to develop a fix. Ticket #: 448074 |
Forum activity: A users personal preference setting "Automatically mark posts as read" does not work correctly for the forum activity, when it is set as a "single simple discussion". Posts are not automatically marked as read and the button to do so manually is not available. |
Other forum types do not have this issue. |
17/10/2017 | This issue has been reported to the developer in Netspot. Ticket #: 438804 |
Quiz tool: In situations where a quiz contains a mix of manual and automatically graded questions, If changes are made to the multiple choice answers after submissions have been made some attempts will be automatically graded and some will be listed as "Not yet graded" | Attempts that are not yet graded must be done so manually. | 17/10/2017 | Currently being investigated by our developer on Blackboard ticket #: 446067. |
Media Collection activity: Users are unable to choose files to upload to a media gallery when using Firefox on Windows and clicking the Select your file button. |
Option 1: Drag and drop your file into the uploader instead of clicking Select your file. Option 2: Change the drop-down beside File name to All files. Option 3: Use a different browser. |
Currently being investigated by our developer on Blackboard ticket #: 445853. | |
Moodle Message menu: The Moodle message menu is not visible when accessed via iOS devices. | Use a supported operating system and browser. | This is an iOS issue that may be fixed through future updates. | |
Course Grid Format: Grid format is not readable by JAWS screen reading software for visually impaired students. |
1) Avoid using the grid format 2) Change your course format to the topic or weekly format if you are already using it. |
Grid format developer is currently updating the plugin to improve accessibility. Moodle tracker issue: CONTRIB-3240. | |
Gradebook: When working with the grade book in multiple tabs, filtering the list in one tab (tab 1) can cause problems when entering grades in the second tab (tab 2) as the list filtered in tab 1 has caused updates not reflected in tab 2. | Do not use multiple tabs when working with the grade book. | 17/10/2017 | Currently a known issue by Moodle HQ. Moodle tracker issue: MDL-42306 |
IMS Content Package: Bad URL links in PDF file and HTML page, XSD not displayed clearly in IMS Content package (MOOD-2070) | There is no current workaround available. Avoid linking using anchors within pages and only use the main TOC for navigation. | Currently a known issue. |
Search Users: On activities/tools that allow you to search users, the checkbox "If only one user matches the search, select them automatically" does not work. | There is no current workaround available. | 23/10/2017 | Currently a known issue by Moodle HQ. Moodle tracker issue: MDL-26363 |
Quiz: When an Adaptive Mode quiz that allows re-attempts is created the feedback is for the last saved answer, not last submitted/graded. | There is no current workaround available. | 23/10/2017 | Currently a known issue by Moodle HQ. Moodle tracker issue: MDL-35325 |
Turnitin Assignment: Turnitin calculates grades incorrectly when a zero scale is specified. This occurs most commonly where an Instructor sets a task with two parts e.g. one section worth 0 marks and the second section worth 20 marks. In this case, if a marker gives a 0/0 mark for the first section the total calculates incorrectly. | The preferred workaround is not to set assignments or sections of assignments worth zero marks. If there is no alternative to the use of zero marks then do not mark the section that is worth zero marks and the calculation will occur correctly. For example, Student J: (-/0) + 12/20 = 60% (correct) Student C: 0/0 + 12/20 = 300% (incorrect) |
23/10/2017 | We are working with Turnitin and Netspot to resolve this issue either by restricting the number of characters that can be entered when the assignment is created or by increasing the number of characters allowed. |
Moodle Mobile App: Unable to add audio-only content as student. | There is no current workaround available. | This is a limitation of the iOS7 as it does not allow files other than photos or images from the internal gallery. | |
Moodle Mobile App: White "contents" heading text overlaps underlying interface on iOS7 iPhone 5. | There is no current workaround available. | Currently a known issue by Moodle HQ. Moodle tracker issue: MOBILE-462 | |
Mobile Devices: No embed code available when accessing YouTube from an iPad (MOOD-2234) | If you need to post videos on YouTube, use a desktop browser. | 24/10/2017 | The mobile version of the YouTube website does not provide access to the embed code. |
Mobile Devices: Receive a SAML error when trying to use the "Web" icon within Moodle Mobile App (MOOD-2051) | There is no current workaround available. | Currently a known issue by Moodle HQ. Moodle tracker issue: MOBILE-529, MOBILE-113 | |
Win7 64bit Chrome 30 > Maple TA Activity >Instructor is unable to add a Maple TA activity as the course is not mapped to a Maple TA class via the Maple T.A course tools block (MOOD-2543) | There is no current workaround available. | MapleTA is not integrated with Moodle. | |
Moodle Mobile App: Horizontal scroll doesn't work properly during grading (MOOD-1996) | Use the mobile theme to grade the assignment instead of the Moodle Mobile app. | Currently a known issue. by Moodle HQ. Moodle tracker issue: MOBILE-640 | |
iPad4 Safari 7 > Lightbox Gallery - Multiple image upload from Camera Roll & Images Per Page Issue (MOOD-1810) | Rename each file before upload from the Camera Roll. | 24/10/2017 | This is a limitation of the way iOS handles uploads from the Camera Roll as every uploaded file has the name "image.jpg". |
Mobile Devices: iPad4 Safari 7 > User boxes always say "0 Items" (MOOD-2360) | There is no current workaround available. | 24/10/2017 |
Currently a known issue by Moodle HQ. Moodle tracker issue: MDL-45385 Unresolved |
Mobile Devices: Audio of SCORM package kept looping at regular intervals, cropping of window displaying SCORM package (MOOD-1925) | The width of the Flash content area should be set between 940 pixels to 960 pixels to fit in landscape mode. | 24/10/2017 | |
Moodle Mobile App: Unable to complete enrol cohort as a Manager (MOOD-2316) | There is no current workaround available. | Currently a known issue by Moodle HQ. Moodle tracker issue: MDL-45999. | |
Moodle Mobile App: Restore screen missing horizontal scroll (MOOD-2016) | There is no current workaround available. | Resolved in Moodle 2.6. Moodle tracker issue: MDL-39851 | |
Moodle Mobile App: Unable to edit Legacy Files (MOOD-2041) | There is no current workaround available. | This is a limitation of the Moodle Mobile app. | |
Moodle Mobile App: Unable to add a cohort as an Manager (MOOD-2356) | There is no current workaround available. | Currently a known issue by Moodle HQ. Moodle tracker issue: MOBILE-574 | |
Moodle Mobile App: Unable to complete enrol cohort as an Manager (MOOD-2366) | There is no current workaround available. | Currently a known issue by Moodle HQ. Moodle tracker issue: MDL-45999 | |
Voice Podcaster subscription returns blank page (MOOD-2815) | Use an alternative browser. | This issue affects only Chrome 38 on Windows 8 PCs as the Java plugin is not supported. | |
Course Menu block: Error message with custom link setting in Course Menu block (MOOD-2866) | There is no current workaround available. | 24/10/2017 | Currently a known issue by Moodle HQ. Moodle tracker issue: Moodle Tracker issue: CONTRIB-5534 |
MOOD-2666 Can upload multiple files but only the first will be displayed using an iPad. |
Moodle lets the user select which of the multiple files they are uploading is the 'main' file, which is the one shown by default. You need to select the 'main' file if you upload mutiple files in order for the 'main file' to be displayed. If you do not select a 'main' file, Moodle selects one for you automatically. |
24/10/2017 |
Currently a known issue by Moodle HQ. Moodle tracker issue: MDL-25489 Expected behaviour and is not intended to be resolved. |
Course logs: When attempting to retrieve the course logs for a large course cohort, the page can may time-out. | There is no current workaround available. | 24/10/2017 | Currently a known issue by Moodle HQ. Moodle tracker issue: MDL-30212 |
Error message when accessing SCORM packages using wireless connections as there is a low time-out set for accessing the SCORM resource. | There is no current workaround available. Users may wish to access SCORM packages using a wired connection. | 24/10/2017 | There are discussions on this issue here. |
YouTube search: When searching for a YouTube video using the Moodle Media button or in a Moodle Media Collection YouTube gallery, it returns a video saying that your device or app is not supported. YouTube is currently changing their technical interface that allows users to access YouTube from other apps such as Moodle. |
To add a YouTube video to your course, navigate to YouTube first and search for your video. Once you have found your video, copy the URL from the address bar (the URL looks like this) and paste this in the editor in your Moodle course or the Youtube URL field in the Media Collection. | 24/10/2017 | Currently being investigated by Netspot. Ticket #: 434466. |
Cannot load Voice Authoring applet due to Java security settings in the browser (MOOD-3555, MOOD-3557) | Use an alternative browser. | This issue affects Chrome 4X on Windows 7 PC and Safari 9 on El Capitan as the Java plugin is not supported. | |
UNSW New theme: MOOD-8401 Issue 2 - Chat scrolls up when typing in Message | This is a Safari specific issue and will not be resolved. | 16/10/2019 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. UNSW-552 |
Open Forum: large forum freezing |
The suggested workaround is to change the site-wide setting to only display 25 posts per page to reduce performance issue when bookmarking and substantive are ticked. |
25/12/2019 |
logged with Blackboard case #04497230 |
Resolved Issues
Issue | Workaround | Date Updated | Status |
Moodle Enhance Toolbar: Invalid parameter value detected | Adjust items one at a time. Also affects the use of sharing cart. | 11/07/2023 | Theme issue UNSW-1022 resolved. |
Quiz We have been notified of issues with Moodle Quiz on courses using Moodle Enhance theme. These issues affect quiz questions (essay, drag and drop), the timer, and the saving of student responses. |
Turn off Browser security for the quiz | 17/03/2023 | Resolved OpenLMS ticket #266719 |
Error in creating groups and assigning users to groups when uploading from a CSV file The error message '"" is not a valid field name' is displayed when attempting to import groups from a CSV file |
Groups can be created and users assigned to groups manually via the Groups page for the course | 09/02/2022 | Resolved OpenLMS Request #237600 & #238471 |
Quiz: Download essay submissions does not download if quiz only contains random questions containing essays and no individual essay questions in the quiz |
At least one single essay question should be included in the quiz if the 'download essay submissions' is to be used alongside randomised questions. There is no workaround after the quiz is attempted. |
26/8/2021 |
Resolved OpenLMS Request #117198 Resolved in Client Release 7 |
Team Builder: Long text or text containing quotation marks in questionnaire responses causes the questionnaire not to save | Responses need to be shortened o ~150 characters & quotation marks removed. Additional information can be provided in the 'Question' text. | 18/02/2021 | Resolved OpenLMS Request #120528 |
Login Issues: unable to login to Moodle: There was a problem signing you in, please contact your administrator. Exact error displayed may vary. | Please contact the IT Service Desk and report the Moodle login issue and a data related issue with your account will be corrected. | 22/02/2021 | Resolved OpenLMS Request #123022 |
Login Issue: Exception - Argument 1 passed to core\session\manager::login_user() must be an instance of stdClass | If you are not enrolled in course for the current term/semester, please check your enrolment status with your faculty. | 22/02/2021 | Resolved OpenLMS Ticket #123143 |
UNSW Workshop: Error occurs when saving example submission when only file submission is enabled. The changes are still saved. |
Enable the 'Online Text' submission type within the workshop activity's submission settings when creating example submissions. This can be disabled once the example submissions are created. |
8/4/2021 | Resolved in Client release OpenLMS case #123465 |
Quiz: Some students appear as 'in Progress' status in the quiz reports even after their time limit runs out and their submission automatically submitted |
Course Instructors can refresh the students status by: 1. Log in as the student 2. Open the quiz to view the attempt |
14/01/2020 | Resolved via OpenLMS case #120263 |
Moodle Media: theBox videos inserted via insert moodle media play in the flash player in some browsers. | 4/01/2021 | Resolved via OpenLMS. Ticket 121215 | |
H5P: When selecting the type of interactive content the width of the page is too small | 7/05/2020 | Daemon resolved. ticket UNSW-645 | |
URL to Course Content: Error message occurs when using a URL to access an activity whilst not logged into Moodle. |
The error does not appear if the user has logged into Moodle beforehand. There is no workaround at this time. |
20/02/2020 |
Blackboard resolved. Ticket #04404946. |
Ally Plugin Display issue: Ally Plugin is causing multiple display issues within Moodle courses. | Blackboard has disabled the plugin site-wide until they find a resolution for this issue. | 9/08/2018 | Blackboard resolved ticket #03906017 |
Moodle calendar / upcomming events block showing an "EXAM" event: In your Moodle course you may notice this event. | Resolved. | 20/07/2018 | Investigated and the "EXAM" event was subsequently deleted by Blackboard. Ticket #03903608. |
Sync delay for Staff Enrolment via myUNSW: Staff enrolment into Moodle courses via Learning Management in myUNSW are delayed by a couple of days before appearing on Moodle. |
Issue has been resolved. The reason for the delay was with the sync cut-off time at Blackboard. This has now been increased. | 19/07/2018 |
Blackboard resolved ticket # 03496709 |
H5P fails to save content states: H5P activities will not save student's attempts during completion of an activity. Any responses/activity completion data will be wiped out if the webpage is refreshed or closed during the session. | Please ensure any H5P sessions are completed is done so without refreshing or closing your browser. | 07/05/2018 |
Blackboard Ticket #03085879 This is a limitation with H5P. Resolved by Blackboard. Ticket #03124789 |
Moodle Quiz activity: Text and Icons overlap each other in quiz questions | No workaround. | 07/05/2018 | UNSW theme developer resolved this issue. Ticket UNSW-388 / UNSW3-350 |
HTML Editor - Insert Moodle Media Slider does not work: When inserting a video via the Insert Moodle Media button, staff/students can control the size of the video using a slider. The slider is not currently working, the video instead defaults to one size. | You can instead set the video size by clicking the "show html" button, denoted by <> in the menu, and then change the height/width pixels to your desired preference. Note, if you enter a pixel size which isn't in the correct ratio, the player will load a video player in the correct ratio as close as it can to what you entered. | 07/05/2018 | Resolved by Blackboard. Ticket #03078505 |
Quiz STACK questions: an error is displayed which prevents creation of new stack questions. Existing stack questions should continue to work as expected. | No workaround. | 19/04/2018 | Blackboard resolved this issue ticket #03120599 |
Quiz STACK questions are i) not displaying correctly and ii) not accepting answers and produce and "invalid answer" error message preventing these questions from being completed. |
1) click the box at the bottom of each STACK question with 'fix dollars' written on it. Save the changes and the variables will display again. 2) There is no current workaround. |
11/04/2018 | Blackboard resolved this issue ticket #03118641 |
Lightbox Gallery: Unable to add files in Lightbox Gallery: The ability to upload files within a Lightbox Gallery Moodle activity is not functioning. | 26/2/2018 | Resolved - Ticket: #03077211 | |
Moodle Player Issues: Videos inserted in Moodle from theBox via the "Insert Moodle Media" method will allow manual downloading and in some cases, cause content to auto download. | Insert content into Moodle using theBox embed codes. | 19/02/2018 | Developers are aware of this issue and are working to apply a fix as soon as possible. Manual downloading was addressed in the February Moodle release. For more information, please contact TELT. Tickets #03050612, #03055364 & UNSW-378. |
Adding media on Moodle from theBox using "Insert Moodle Media" method will autoplay in some browsers. | Use an alternate browser (excluding Safari) and add content from theBox using Embed Code instead. | 19/02/2018 | Investigated and resolved by Blackboard as part of the February Moodle release. Ticket #: 03050673 |
An instructor cannot add iframe embed codes from services such as theBox, Vimeo or Google into activities including Database, OU Blog, Discussion Forum. |
Moodle strips out iframe embed codes from multiple activities for security reasons. Not all activities/resources are affected, for example, Page/Label. |
24/10/2017 | Logged with Blackboard for investigation. Ticket #: 440169 |
Average mean of grades (with extra credit) calculates incorrectly in Gradebook (iPad iOS 9) (MOOD-3638 | This is a limitation with iOS 9. | 24/10/2017 | Logged with Blackboard for investigation. Ticket #: 440220Works |
Lesson activity: The numerical question type does not display embedded images to staff (preview mode) or students. Rather a broken image icon will appear to these users. | If an image is being used to display an equation, use LaTeX notation if possible. | 17/10/2017 | This issue is known to the developer and is currently being investigated by Netspot. Ticket #: 446835 |
Lesson activity: Attempts are not counted as 'Completed' even after a student reaches the end of a Lesson |
Students must complete at least one question for their attempt to be completed. For lessons without questions, staff may add a multiple choice at the end as a final confirmation. "You have reached the end of the lesson, select 'I'm done' below to submit your attempt or choose 'Go back to start' to review the previous pages" |
11/10/2021 | This is part of Moodle's design for Lesson and will not be fixed. |
Media Collection activity: Users are unable to playback audio files when comments are not enabled in the collection. | If there are no course related implications, edit your media collection and enable commenting. | 17/10/2017 | Currently being invested by our developer on Blackboard ticket #: 446345. |
Web PA activity: Security message displays due to the security certificate expiring. | When the error displays ignore this alert and select "Continue to this webpage (not recommended)" in order to access WebPA. | 17/10/2017 | The WebPa security certificate is not being renewed because a new activity is scheduled to supercede WebPA before the end of 2016 |
Guest access mode: Profile pictures and names are visible to guests viewing tag pages. | If privacy is a concern, avoid adding tags to the interests section of personal user profiles. | 17/10/2017 | This issue is known to the developer and is currently being investigated by Netspot. Ticket #: 444363 |
Mobile Devices: All SCORM packages viewed on an iPad have their navigation (back/next buttons) cut off by the Moodle SCORM window (MOOD-2198) | There is no current workaround available. | 24/10/2017 | There will be patches for this issue in Moodle 2.6. |
Turnitin Assignment: There is a 40 character limit on Turnitin Assignment titles. If you use more than 40 characters you may be able to create an assignment but you won't be able to edit details, such as the post date, after creation. | Edit the title and reduce the title to less than 40 charcaters and save changes. Once this has synchronised with Turnitin the assignment will be fully editable again. | 23/10/2017 |
We are working with Turniitn and Netspot to resolve this issue either by restricting the number of characters that can be entered when the assignment is created or by increasing the number of characters allowed. Th elimit has been changed to 255 characters. |
Forum Posts: Double posts will occur whenever the "Post to forum" button is double-clicked. | There is no current workaround available. | 17/10/2017 | Currently a known issue by Moodle HQ. Moodle tracker issue: MDL-41730 |
Mobile Devices: Unable to enrol users into sandpit using iPad 4 Safari 7 (MOOD-2275) | There is no current workaround available. | 24/10/2017 |
Currently a known issue by Moodle HQ. Error generated but student gets enrolled. |
Mobile Devices: On creating a note via Participants icon, XMLPRC Error displayed (MOOD-2049) | There is no current workaround available. | 24/10/2017 |
Currently a known issue by Moodle HQ. Moodle tracker issue: MOBILE-533 |
Editing Section 0: When a course format is set to Topics format section 0 can't be edited due to the edit icon not displaying. | Change the course format to Collapsed topics, edit section 0, and then return the course format to Topics format if necessary. |
17/10/2017 |
This issue has been reported to our theme developer who have develop a fix which will be deployed in the January Moodle release on Weds 18th January. |
Hidden course section names: When you hide a section within a moodle course, the section name also disappears resulting in confusion if multiple sections are hidden. | If hiding sections, create a label activity with the section name and place it at the top of the section so you know which one it is. | 17/10/2017 | This issue has been reported to Blackboard who are investigating a solution: Ticket number 454371 |
ATTO editor: ATTO editor does not link text to provided URL | There is no current workaround available. | 24/10/2017 | Currently a known issue by Moodle HQ. Moodle tracker issue: MDL-45842 |
Moodle Mobile App: Question Bank issues (MOOD-2031) | There is no current workaround available. | 24/10/2017 | Resolved in Moodle 2.6. Moodle tracker issue: MDL-39851 |
Moodle Mobile App: Unable to access TinyMCE editor as student (MOOD-2225) |
There is no current workaround to resize the File picker to the screen size. "Choose File" options are limited to only "Take Photo or Video" or "Choose Existing". |
24/10/2017 |
Resolved in Moodle 2.6. Moodle tracker issue: MDL-39851 This is a restriction applied at the operating system level |
Maple TA activity: MOOD-2545 Unable to add Maple TA activity. | There is no current workaround available. | MapleTA is not integrated with Moodle | |
Maple TA assignment: MOOD-2544 Unable to add MapleTA assignment. | There is no current workaround available. | MapleTA is not integrated with Moodle. | |
Moodle Chat: When setting to separate groups, chats are now separated by groups. | There is no current workaround available. |
This issue was identified in Moodle 3.1 upgrade testing (451955), however, will not be fixed. If this is an issue for you, please email [email protected]. This issue has been resolved the Moodle 3.3 upgrade. |
Send an Email immediately: Instructor unable to send an email using Send An Email Immediately functionality using iPad iOS 9 (MOOD-3678) | This is a limitation with iOS 9. Use an alternative browser. | 24/10/2017 | Logged with Blackboard for investigation. Ticket #: 439748 |
TinyMCE: Unable to embed media, add iframe, access Dropbox via Moodle Media button in TinyMCE (El Capitan) (MOOD-3921) | iframes are stripped out from TinyMCE for security reasons. | 24/10/2017 | Logged with Blackboard for investigation. Ticket #: 439066 |
TinyMCE editor: Unable to add Math equation and select Media Gallery in TinyMCE editor (Win 10) (MOOD-3504) | Use Firefox instead of Chrome. | Logged with Blackboard for investigation. Ticket #: 439104 | |
Course Menu block: Instructor unable to change number of chapters in Course Menu block (Win 10) (MOOD-3620) | Use Firefox instead of Chrome. | Logged with Blackboard for investigation. Ticket #: 439273 | |
RSS feed: Empty RSS feed for student (Win 7) (MOOD-3791) | Use Firefox instead of Chrome for better formatting. However, RSS feed is not intended to be viewed in the browser directly. | Logged with Blackboard for investigation. Ticket #: 439945 | |
Group mode icon: Missing icon for Group mode, debugging message displayed when uploading unacceptable file format, cannot uncheck Outcomes checkbox after selection for OU Wiki (Win 10) (MOOD-3576) | Group member information has been moved under activity restrictions. | Logged with Blackboard for investigation. Ticket #: 439500 | |
Certificate: TELT Administrators not enrolled in course receive notifications for Certificate (El Capitan) (MOOD-3461) | There is no current workaround.The TELT Admins enrolled at category level inherit additional capabilities. | Logged with Blackboard for investigation. Ticket #: 439443 | |
Embed URL resource: "Embed" URL resource loads a blank screen with wrong URL (Win 7) (MOOD-3431) | Browser blocks iframe in another site. | Logged with Blackboard for investigation. Ticket #: 439475 | |
AGSM EE Administrator role: AGSM EE Administrator unable to enrol a staff member (iPad iOS 9) (MOOD-3966) | This is a pre-existing iOS issue. | Logged with Blackboard for investigation. Ticket #: 439697 | |
TELT Administrator role: TELT Administrator unable to enrol a staff member (iPad iOS 9) (MOOD-3962) | This is a pre-existing iOS issue. | Logged with Blackboard for investigation. Ticket #: 439698 | |
iPad - Smart Sparrow Lesson: Instructor unable to edit Smart Sparrow lesson using iPad (MOOD-3482) | Smart Sparrow's content is developed using Flash which cannot be played on iOS. | Logged with Blackboard for investigation. Ticket #: 439889 | |
Moodle Media button - theBox repository: Student unable to access audio using theBox repository from Moodle Media button (iPad iOS 9) (MOOD-3842) | Moodle is providing a URL that first needs a redirect through to theBox (for authentication purposes), and this is preventing iOS from displaying the audio within an html5 audio player - as it doesn't perform the redirect itself. | Logged with Blackboard for investigation. Ticket #: 439954 | |
IMS content package: Student unable to scroll content and follow links in PDF documents within IMS content package (iPad iOS 9) (MOOD-3722) | This is a limitation with iOS 9 | Logged with Blackboard for investigation. Ticket #: 440009 | |
Uploading files: Unable to add video using theBox upload and select from iPad photo gallery (local files) (iPad iOS 9) (MOOD-3598) | This is a limitation with iOS 9. | Logged with Blackboard for investigation. Ticket #: 440010 | |
Moodle calendar / upcomming events block showing an "EXAM" event: In your Moodle course you may notice this event. | Resolved. | 20/07/2018 | Investigated and the "EXAM" event was subsequently deleted by Blackboard. Ticket #03903608. |
Sync delay for Staff Enrolment via myUNSW: Staff enrolment into Moodle courses via Learning Management in myUNSW are delayed by a couple of days before appearing on Moodle. | Issue has been resolved. The reason for the delay was with the sync cut-off time at Blackboard. This has now been increased. | 19/07/2018 | Blackboard resolved ticket # 03496709 |
H5P fails to save content states: H5P activities will not save student's attempts during completion of an activity. Any responses/activity completion data will be wiped out if the webpage is refreshed or closed during the session. | Please ensure any H5P sessions are completed is done so without refreshing or closing your browser. | 07/05/2018 |
Blackboard Ticket #03085879 This is a limitation with H5P. Resolved by Blackboard. Ticket #03124789 |
Groups: Import groups provides a group name required error | There is no workaround | 14/01/2020 | Ticket #121653 is closed |
Turnitin: "There was an error when trying to get submissions for this assignment from Turnitin" error message | Open the Turnitin settings and set the "Grade Display" setting to "Show grades as a Fraction" | 8/3/2023 | Ticket #267005 is closed |
Workshop: issue when allocating submission manually in Team mode. Exception - Attempt to assign property "submissionid" on null |
Do not remove the user who submitted the work from the group | 17/3/2023 | Ticket #267519 / #267232 is closed |
Multiple attempts on group quiz Marks cannot be applied to the group in a group quiz if a second student in the group starts an attempt alongside the first student. |
Marks must be manually assigned to members of the group. | 8/4/2022 |
Ticket #241847 is closed |
Media collections stay linked after rollover Duplicated and rolled-over media collections will share the same name and galleries as the original. |
Media collections where students submit content should be remade instead of duplicated or rolled over. | 12/5/2022 | Ticket #223820 & #226895 are closed |
'Natural' grade category totals are not shown to students When set to the 'natural' aggregation method, category totals will not be visible to students. Instructors still see totals but students just see a -. |
The Category will need to be set to a different aggregation method. 1. On the 'Gradebook setup' page, edit the category 2. Set the 'Aggregation' to 'Weighted mean', provide the appropriate category total and save 3. Set any weights as necessary |
27/10/2021 | Ticket #230944 is closed |
Videos and youtube links displaying as a Poodll error Video links display as an error 'The Poodll plugin has been disabled and you can no longer add a new Poodll activity' |
27/9/2021 | Ticket #227056 is closed |
Font Awesome: icons displaying as short code text | Remove any surrounding <nolink> tags | 4/07/2023 | Ticket #276473 is closed |
Grade Book: Download All Student Submissions | 25/10/2022 | Ticket #255399 / BASE-4593 is closed | |
Feedback activity notifications send to inactive instructors Feedback activity “Enable notification of submissions” setting will send emails to suspended/inactive instructors |
There is no workaround, this option should only be used when instructors in the course are active or notified beforehand of the emails | 29/10/2021 |
Ticket #229469 is closed
Team Evaluation: Some comments may not save if incomplete questions were previously submitted. |
If submitting a Team Evaluation response in parts, i.e you submit after answering Q1 and only half of Q2. Subsequent updates to the unanswered questions may not save after submitting. Students should 2. Submit and refresh the page 3. Check if the answers have been saved. If not, answers will need to be re-entered and resubmitted. |
10/8/2021 | Ticket #223106 is closed |
Login Issues: OpenID Connect error | Try logging in to myUNSW then click on the Moodle link which may work more often. Please report the date and time of the error if you are unable to login after several attempts. | 22/02/2021 | Tickets #123057 and #124980 are closed. |
Groups: Suspended instructors receiving emails from auto group removals | 19/02/2021 | Ticket #121935 is closed | |
Team Eval: freezes when adding questions | There is no workaround. | 14/01/2021 | Ticket #121505 is closed |
HTML (Per role): Images, media & files directly uploaded to the HTML (per role) block are broken after saving. |
theBox should be used to upload & embed the content: 1. In the text editor, click insert moodle media or insert image 2. In the file explorer, select the 'theBox' tab on the left 3. Upload files via theBox's uploader and insert |
4/12/2020 | Ticket #120018 is closed |
Media Collection: 'Theme has already been set' coding error appears when viewing gallery |
Disable the emoticon filter 1. In the course, go to the 'Settings' block and click 'Filters' 2. Set 'Display emoticons as images' to 'Off' 3. Click Save |
16/11/2020 | Ticket #119884 is closed |
Calendar: The Turnitin due date may not automatically appear in the calendar after some parts settings are changed. |
A custom calendar event may be added manually to the calendar. Steps to create an event can be found on the Teaching Gateway. |
3/11/2020 | This issue will not be fixed. |
Open Reports: Open reports are empty and do not display course data | There is currently no workaround | 15/10/2020 |
Ticket #3053 is closed
Group Self Select: The 'Participants can set and edit group description' setting remains active even when it is greyed out due to 'participants can create groups' being disabled. | In the activity settings you can re-enable 'Participants can create groups' and modify the 'Participants can set and edit group description' setting before disabling 'Participants can create groups'. | 27/08/2020 | Ticket #116430 is closed |
StudentQuiz: "Invalid Course Module ID" error | Logged in as an admin opend the activity and added the student role to the permission "moodle/question:editall", then remove the student role straight away from this permission. | 21/08/2020 | Ticket #116052 is closed |
Activity Completion: Quiz activity completion option 'or all available attempts completed' will be unchecked when saving quiz settings after students have completed the activity |
The 'Unlock completion options' button may be used to make changes to activity completion and re-enable the 'or all available attempts completed' option. This will temporarily clear current activity completion and reupdate completion of all students using the new conditions. |
18/08/2020 | Moodle Core issue, tracker: MDL-69496 |
StudentQuiz: StudentQuiz activities that are rolled over, duplicated, or copied with the sharing cart will not be usable due to an error message appearing. |
StudentQuiz activities will need to be recreated manually when they are rolled over. | 24/01/2020 | Ticket #04439329 is closed |
Random Short-Answer Matching question type: Images in a short-answer question types may not appear in Random Short-Answer Matching questions. |
When uploading the image, using the file picker, opt for uploading through theBox rather than directly uploading to Moodle ("Upload a file"). | 09/01/2020 | Moodle Core issue, tracker: MDL-67645 |
External Tool: Embed launch container setting does not work properly on Safari iPad, it will launch in existing window |
No workaround at this time | 16/12/2019 | Moodle Core issue, tracker: MDL-64150 |
Label: Moving a label (left/right or up/down) with a YouTube video inserted breaks the video player until page refresh. |
Refresh the page and the video player should return to normal. | 29/10/2019 | Ticket #04290489 is closed |
Quiz: When Quiz attempts data has been changed through the Backup and Restore tool, they cannot be moved back to the original date after new attempts have been made. |
There is no workaround as the feature to move Quiz attempts data has been removed in Moodle 3.4 | 05/07/2019 | Ticket #04187263 is closed |
Media Collection Assignment: When the "Assignment Submission in Media Collection" setting is used with "require students to click the submit button" or group submission, students are given an error message when submitting. |
Currently no workaround. | 01/07/2019 | Ticket #04191155 is closed |
VoiceThread: When accessing VoiceThread using Safari, cannot leave a video/video comment. Error says your computer's microphone/camera is not configured. |
This affects Safari only. Please use other browsers like Firefox, Chrome etc as a workaround. | 01/10/2019 | Ticket #2200-6702 is closed |
Gradebook Export: Exporting the Gradebook to an excel spreadsheet times out for courses that have thousands of student enrolments. |
"Plain Text Format" (CSV) export takes only a few seconds. | 26/06/2019 | Ticket #04183854 is closed |
OU Blog: Using an individual blog with the Separate groups option prevents students from viewing comments for group member's blog posts. |
Currently no workaround. | 26/06/2019 | Ticket #04187303 is closed |
Course Overview On Campus: Courses under UNSW Online are being displayed incorrectly in the course overview on-campus block. |
Currently no workaround. | 24/06/2019 | Ticket #04171219 is closed |
Course Overview On Campus: Hiding many courses at a time may not hide all the courses if clicking too fast. |
Wait for the course to vanish from the block before hiding next course. | 20/06/2019 | Ticket #04179390 is closed |
Media Collection Activity: The add comment button does not appear in the first instance of the page while viewing the Media collection gallery. |
This issue can be fixed by clicking on the adjacent "Course", "Private" or "Feedback" tab. | 27/05/2019 | Ticket #04093956 is closed |
Media gallery in Text editor: The insert Media Gallery button in the ATTO and TinyMce text editor always inserts an empty gallery |
09/10/2019 | Ticket #04269231 is closed | |
Moodle UAT, STAGE failure on Microsft Edge: Moodle UAT and STAGE cannot be accessed on Microsoft Edge version 42.17134.1.0. |
Using other browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox are recommended. | 14/05/2019 | Ticket #04142150 is closed |
Course Template tool: The correct Course Template is not used to create new courses if you rename the original and use a new one with the same course shortname as the previous. |
Request course cache to be cleared or avoid renaming template sandpit courses once created. | 13/05/2019 | Ticket #04146422 is closed |
When staff log in as a another user for troubleshooting / design purposes, they are unable to view Stack questions, as well as Embed Codes from theBox or H5P. Other tools may also be affected. This is due to a security patch applied in April 2019, to protect logged-in-as users from running inappropriate code. |
The best work-around at this stage is to use "Switch role to" as a student as it is not affected by this issue. This is not a perfect work-around as 'Switch role to' will not show you what a specific student sees. In this case you may need to ask them to show you in person, or send you screenshots. Additionally, in some rare circumstances the 'switch role to' will inherit permissions from the original users role, meaning the view is inaccurate. |
01/05/2019 | Ticket #04138904 is closed |
STACK question: An error message appears If the answer of a question is "cos(1200*%pi*t)". |
Instructors can grade the question manually. | 29/03/2019 | Ticket #04104234 is closed |
Teaching Assistant Role: Role updates in UNSW3-305 have removed Teaching Assistants ability to modify Course Resources and Activities. | Users with an Instructor role are unaffected and can add/modify/delete resources and activities. | 14/02/2018 | Ticket #03092962 is closed |
theBox video transcoding notice missing: When uploading a Video to theBox instead of observing a message that the video is still transcoding, a progress indicator is displayed with no message on the status. | Refresh the page in a few minutes time. Once complete the progress indicator disappears. | 28/02/2018 | Ticket #03070409 is closed |
Safari - Embed Codes: When using Safari and adding media content in Moodle using Embed Codes, the page will reload and not display the media player. | If using Safari, a refresh of the page will be required after inserting the media item, for the media player to be generated. | 03/01/2018 | Ticket #465392 is closed |
Groups: MOOD-8503 Issue 2 - Cannot set 'maximum number of groups to participate in' to 0, but the tooltip says you can. | 30/09/2019 | Ticket #04274962 is closed | |
Media Collection Assignment: Error submitting when using the “Assignment submission in media collection” setting along with multiple assignment submission types | “Assignment submission in media collection” should be turned off when using non media collection submission types | 5/11/2019 | Ticket #04306317 is closed |
Auto Created Groups: Class ID groups creates duplicates if renamed and recreated | Issue A: Duplicate groups created workaround 1. If Group Class ID is blank, determine class from Course Participants list, otherwise the class id will be set for the group 2. Copy group names for safe keeping 3. Rename the groups to the class id 4. Auto create groups 5. Rename groups back to the human readable names Issue B: Groups with class id cannot be deleted, workaround: If you do not need to delete the group but just update the group, follow the workaround for Issue A rather than deleting groups. Alternatively you can still remove members from the group rather than delete the group. |
6/03/2020 | Ticket #04504452 is closed |
Moodle 4.4 Upgrade
The issues listed below were identified in the Moodle 4.4 test environment and do not affect the production Moodle environment. Blocker issues identified during testing will be resolved prior to the upgrade.
Issue | Workaround | Date Updated | Status |
MOOD-16291 Issue 1 - Removing a section without any activities or resources creates an error message before deletion | 01/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #307525 | |
MOOD-16291 Issue 3 - Highlight and Unhighlight requires a page refresh to appear | 01/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #307530 | |
MOOD-16533 Issue 1 - Student cannot view instructor email on Profile page when available for all | 01/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #307531 | |
MOOD-16291 Issue 4 - Deletion of section with activities generates multiple deletion popups | 01/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #307533 | |
MOOD-16399 Issue 2 - Unread Forum posts are not highlighted yellow | 01/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #307534 | |
MOOD-16681 Issue 3 - Instructors should not send private replies in Forum | 01/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #307537 | |
MOOD-16741 Issue 3 - Description does not appear when Page is set to Display 'In popup” | This issue has been reported to Moodle HQ at | 01/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #307540 |
MOOD-16293 Issue 2 - Searching for alternate name using Messaging does not find a profile | This issue has been reported to Moodle HQ at | 02/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #307616 |
MOOD-16284 Issue 1 - Selecting the second page of participants does not load to the top | This issue has been reported to Moodle HQ at | 02/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #307622 |
MOOD-16741 Issue 6 - Cannot insert indents in new tinyMCE when typing in code via “Insert/edit code sample” | This issue has been reported to Moodle HQ at | 02/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #307625 |
MOOD-16293 Issue 3 - Privacy settings do not work for Messaging | 02/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #307626 | |
MOOD-16293 Issue 4 - Dummy Students unable to send messages on Moodle Messaging | 02/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #307629 | |
MOOD-16133 Issue 2 - Criteria set in Team Builder is not observed | This is a limitation of the plugin. | 03/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #307713 |
MOOD-16669 Issue 5 - Activity specific tabs replaced with course specific tabs in OU Blog | 03/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #307714 | |
MOOD-16166 Issue 1 - Empty course module IDs error when duplicating Turnitin v2 Assignment | 03/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #307720 | |
MOOD-16175 Issue 3 - Peermark assignment changes (add/edit/delete) take a while to appear or don’t appear | 04/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #307798 | |
MOOD-16461 Issue 1 - Student should not be able to submit more than 1 file to Turnitin | 06/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #307863 Logged with Daemon for investigation. |
MOOD-16172 Issue 3 - Unable to download current view of document in Feedback Studio | 09/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #308086 | |
RemUI theme - Nav drawer behaviour for different courses | 10/10/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1245 | |
MOOD-16224 Issue 1 - Vimeo embed using TinyMCE does not save correctly when used in forum posts | 10/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #308176 | |
RemUI theme - User Profile settings not the cog icon | 10/10/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1252 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16106 Issue 5 - Multiple Course Overview On Campus can be added | 10/10/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1253 Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #308720 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16139 Issue 5 - Expanding submission attachment types functions inconsistently in UNSW Workshop | Refresh the page and try again. This issue has been reported to Moodle HQ at | 10/10/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1259 Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #308882 |
MOOD-16752 Issue 1 - Quota error when selecting Youtube video in Filepicker | 10/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #308186 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16139 issue 11: Grading report table sort arrows not aligned in UNSW Workshop | 11/10/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1272 Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #309469 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16152 Issue 5 - Export as PDF file from Scheduler, top horizontal line is longer than the width of the table | 11/10/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1275 Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #309163 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16152 Issue 7 - Under Export → “Data to include”, there is an unusually large indent for Student in Scheduler | 11/10/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1277 | |
MOOD-16719 Issue 1 - Exception when trying to view tag for blackboard collaborate ultra | 11/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #308271 | |
MOOD-16516 Issue 6 - Nopermissiontoaccess error when using Dropbox via File Picker as a student | 11/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #308283 | |
MOOD-16344 Issue 1 - Opening a mp4 or webm file uploaded via thebox leads to a 404 Not Found error | 12/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #308333 | |
MOOD-16738 Issue 2 - Functionality of “Display URL description” option is unclear when ‘Display’ is set to ‘Automatic’ in URL resource | 12/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #308335 | |
MOOD-16738 Issue 3 - When ‘Display’ is set to ‘New Window’ for URL resource, clicking on link opens a new tab instead of a new window | 12/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #308336 | |
MOOD-16738 Issue 4 - Unable to drag and drop URL and text onto course page | 12/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #308337 | |
MOOD-16290 Issue 2 - “Can’t find data record” error when moving and deleting section with unchanged name | For sections with activities, move all activities to the desired section location using the bulk edit toolbar then delete the unwanted section and rename the section with all the moved activities. For sections with no activities, rename the section itself and delete the unwanted section. |
14/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #308361 Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1525 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16200 Issue 2 - Different Checklist progress percentage display for Student and Instructor | 14/10/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1292 Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #309479 |
MOOD-16492 Issue 1 - Completed item in Checklist is not saved during page refresh | 14/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #308363 | |
MOOD-16139 Issue 12 - Required submission type settings is not saved when trying to edit settings in UNSW Workshop | This issue has been reported to Moodle HQ at | 15/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #308431 |
MOOD-16139 Issue 13 - Stack trace error appears when selecting an invalid attachment in UNSW Workshop | 15/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #308434 | |
MOOD-16139 Issue 14 - Stack trace error appears when selecting an attachment that is too large in UNSW Workshop | 15/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #308441 | |
MOOD-16437 Issue 3 - No submission required option prevents submission in UNSW Workshop | 15/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #308454 | |
MOOD-16707 Issue 8 - Dates for rating range resets after each rating in Database | This issue has been reported to Moodle HQ at | 15/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #308456 |
MOOD-16371 Issue 3 - Automatic start audio does not consistently start automatically | This issue has been reported to Moodle HQ at | 16/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #308526 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16269 Issue 3 - Course breadcrumb not displayed when editing section | 16/10/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1307 Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #313123 |
MOOD-16734 Issue 8 - Removing a submission by a student sets the submission status to draft in Assignment | 16/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #308536 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16736 Issue 1 - Unable to scroll through edit assignment page at different regions on iPadOS | This is a core issue with the deprecated ATTO editor. | 17/10/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1311 Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #309872 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16139 Issue 17 - New line needed to separate the calibration table from submit on behalf of others dropdown | 17/10/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1318 | |
MOOD-16269 Issue 7 - Linked youtube videos unable to be played on section view page | 17/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #308624 | |
MOOD-16734 Issue 10:Undefined errors when trying to add a comment to feedback while grading a submission | This issue has been reported to Moodle HQ at | 17/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #308625 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16139 Issue 19 - Unable to sort calibration percentage scores in UNSW Workshop | 17/10/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1333 Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #310150 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16500 Issue 1 - Two closed voting notifications appear when Highlight answer is toggled on in Live Poll | This issue has been reported to the developer at | 18/10/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1343 Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #310233 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16500 Issue 2 - Polar visualisation graph covers the number scale in Live Poll | This issue has been reported to the developer at | 18/10/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1344 Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #310234 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16500 Issue 3 - Result rendering graphs in Live Poll are not scaled with the left drawer | 18/10/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1346 Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #310285 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16417 Issue 1 - Cannot drag and drop in “Gap fill” Quiz questions which are set to “dragdrop” | This issue has been reported to the developer at | 18/10/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1350 Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #310288 |
MOOD-16663 Issue 6 - “Coding error detected” when regrading submissions if “Random Short-Answer Matching” question type exists in Quiz | Do not use random short answer matching questions if regrading is required to minimise manual marking. This issue has been reported to Moodle HQ at | 21/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #308797 |
MOOD-16437 Issue 7 - No option to return to Assessment phase when assessing after deadline in UNSW Workshop | 22/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #308810 | |
MOOD-16293 Issue 11 - Rapidly toggling between starring and unstarring a user results in an error in Message | 22/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #308878 | |
MOOD-16293 Issue 17 - Most recent chat is duplicated in Message when switching and waiting between tabs | 22/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #308880 | |
RemUI theme - settings block deep menu links are truncated | 22/10/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1369 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16362 Issue 2 - Unicode and emoji are not displayed in Certificate | 22/10/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1376 Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #310620 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16708 Issue 2 - “Cancel” and “Save” buttons are not grouped together with the form for adding a new field in Database | 22/10/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1378 Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #310625 |
MOOD-16708 Issue 4 - “Import a preset” does not consistently work | 23/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #308956 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16293 Issue 22: Selecting a user will push chat logs to the top | 23/10/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1386 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16708 Issue 5 - “Add entry” button is not grouped together with entries in Database | 23/10/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1388 | |
MOOD-16708 Issue 7 - When using ATTO for entry template, there is no button to “Browse repositories…” | This issue has been reported to Moodle HQ at | 23/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #308959 |
MOOD-16172 Issue 7 - Anonymous submissions appear at the bottom of the Turnitin submission list | Turnitin has added this issue to the backlog of fixes for future releases. | 11/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #324438 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16362 Issue 3 - A large number of instructors causes an overflow on the certificate | 24/10/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1404 Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #311216 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16716 Issue 3 - Overlapping Signature with teacher names in Certificate | 24/10/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1409 Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #311288 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16503 Issue 7 - Playback speeds for videos are not fully displayed in Text and Media Area | 24/10/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1414 Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #311297 |
MOOD-15892 issue 3 - “Search users” box in “Grader report”/”Single view”/”User report” does not display all students when clicked | 25/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #309147 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16281 Issue 2 - Date for duration can be changed with the calendar icon even when the option isn’t selected | This issue has been reported to Moodle HQ at | 25/10/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1425 Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #311381 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16281 Issue 5 - Changing the calendar between some courses causes a permission error | 25/10/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1429 Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #311430 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-15892 Issue 5 - in “Grader report”, grades appear above grade item column header | 25/10/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1430 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16136 Issue 1 - radio buttons not inline with label and help tooltip | 25/10/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1431 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16221 Issue 1 - Playback speed in audio player not fully displayed | This issue has been reported to Moodle HQ at | 25/10/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1434 Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #311445 |
MOOD-16221 Issue 3 - Unable to play audio file .oga | 28/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #309235 | |
MOOD-16260 Issue 3 - Fatal error when adding Badge criteria in “Completing a set of courses” | This issue has been reported to Moodle HQ at | 29/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #309301 |
RemUI theme - HIGH PRIORITY - MOOD-16238 Issue 2 - Selecting Hide option when configuring Course menu block does not hide section | 29/10/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1449 Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #309478 |
RemUI theme - HIGH PRIORITY - MOOD-16238 Issue 4 - Unable to save changes in Block general settings in Course menu block | 29/10/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1451 Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #309478 |
MOOD-16131 Issue 2 - Incorrect calculation for SCORM package when “Grading method” is set to Average grade | 29/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #309305 | |
MOOD-16260 Issue 4 - Constantly resetting all filters in manage Badges section causes undefined errors | 29/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #309311 | |
MOOD-16260 Issue 6 - Date can be modified using the calendar icon when the fixed date option is not selected in In Badge expiry | This issue has been reported to Moodle HQ at | 29/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #309314 |
MOOD-16761 Issue 3 - Unable to play audio from user description displayed in Course Contacts block | This issue has been reported to the developers at | 29/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #309315 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16761 Issue 4 - Subsequent users after mp3 file in user description are centered in Course Contacts block | 29/10/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1456 | |
MOOD-16545 Issue 1 - Resetting filters multiple times in course Badges section causes undefined errors | 30/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #309381 | |
MOOD-16304 Issue 1 - Stack trace when awarding a badge | 30/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #309383 | |
MOOD-16713 Issue 4 - Clicking submit multiple times during initial submit in a chat activity will send multiple times | The users should click on Send/Submit only one time and their post will appear once after a few seconds. | 30/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #309386 |
MOOD-16680 Issue 1 - Clicking “Post to forum” multiple times will generate multiple post | This issue has been reported to Moodle HQ at | 31/10/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #309470 |
Workshop submission type: File Attachment not working with exemplars | 01/11/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #309498 | |
Open Reports have a deprecation error and no nav drawer on right hand side | 01/11/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #309507 | |
MOOD-16563 Issue 1 - Paste as text button doesn’t work on TinyMCE editor | 01/11/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #309524 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16563 Issue 2 - Clicking the insert button will move the page up in TinyMCE editor | This issue has been reported to Moodle HQ at | 01/11/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1487 Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #311703 |
MOOD-16491 Issue 2 - Progress bar not in sync with the displayed percentage in Checklist | 04/11/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #309583 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16759 Issue 2 - Other course blocks appears inside of Course Contact block | 04/11/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1502 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16759 Issue 3 - Audio player in Course Contacts block is displayed outside the block | 04/11/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1503 | |
MOOD-16743 Issue 1 - Image caption is removed when image is flipped in Lightbox gallery | 05/11/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #309663 | |
MOOD-16743 Issue 2 - Resizing or rotating a .gif image will change image to a .jpg in Lightbox Gallery | 05/11/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #309667 | |
MOOD-16743 Issue 3 - Flipping, rotating or resizing a .svg image will result in Imagecreatefromstring() stack trace error in Lightbox gallery | 05/11/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #309668 | |
MOOD-16743 Issue 4 - Instructor comment is hidden in edit mode in Lightbox gallery | 05/11/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #309670 Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1581 |
MOOD-16609 Issue 1 - HTML source code entered via TinyMCE does not display correctly when saved in Text block | This issue has been reported to Moodle HQ at | 05/11/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #309671 |
MOOD-16813 Issue 2 - Certain log pages do not display log entries as expected | 06/11/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #309732 | |
MOOD-16743 Issue 5 - Offsetting thumbnail does not change without holding a shift refresh in Lightbox gallery | 07/11/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #309793 | |
MOOD-16743 Issue 6 - Shifting a thumbnail will appear in lightbox gallery without setting it as index image | 07/11/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #309794 | |
new PLD UI is missing padding and has spacing issues for rule dates | 08/11/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #309849 | |
MOOD-16139 Issue 26 - Summary table for grades after a UNSW Workshop is closed does not appear | 11/11/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #309957 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-15909 Issue 2 - question bank does not expand to full width when left and right nav drawer is closed | 17/11/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1548 | |
RemUI theme - HIGH PRIORITY - MOOD-16220 Issue 2 - Clicking on speed icon does not change the playback speed of audio | 19/11/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1583 Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #310379 |
MOOD-16220 Issue 3 - Missing playback speed in audio player for .aiff file | 19/11/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #310363 | |
MOOD-16220 Issue 5 - Audio player does not play .wma file | This file type is not supported by the JS player in Moodle. | 19/11/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #310364 |
RemUI theme - HIGH PRIORITY - Media Collection not displaying correctly | 19/11/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1584 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16548 Issue 2 - Unable to expand section in Course menu block | 19/11/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1587 Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #312071 |
MOOD-16220 Issue 4 - Seekbar does not move in audio player for a .ogg file | 19/11/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #310374 | |
MOOD-16172 Issue 8 - Submitting Turnitin assignment for student results in error messages on Moodle STAGE | 19/11/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #310380 | |
MOOD-15903 Issue 2 - Failed course import if IMS Common Cartridge 1.1 is selected from Import settings | Backup/restore/import of IMS Common Cartridge is not supported. | 19/11/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #310381 |
MOOD-15897 Issue 1: Failed Course Backup when IMS Common Cartridge 1.1 is selected from Backup Settings | Backup/restore/import of IMS Common Cartridge is not supported. | 20/11/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #310446 |
MOOD-16609 Issue 5 - In Course Contacts block, audio controls do not work | 20/11/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #310447 | |
MOOD-16226 Issue 1 - Multiple Completion Progress blocks can be added | 20/11/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #310457 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16707 Issue 10 - Formatting issues for checkboxes on Database settings for Safari version 15.0 | 21/11/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1606 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16782 Issue 1 - Duration radio buttons on New event modal are incorrectly formatted on Safari Version 15.0 | 21/11/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1608 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16582 Issue 1 - Disabling “Activity Indentation” does not remove “Move Left”/”Move Right” buttons from toggle bar | 22/11/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1614 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16603 Issue 3 - Toggle bar has display issues when window is resized | 22/11/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1617 | |
MOOD-16267 Issue 1 - No button on any existing text editor to add a formula | 25/11/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #310722 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16362 Issue 1 - Long alternate names overflow in Certificate | 26/11/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1624 Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #313017 |
MOOD-16579 Issue 1 - “echovideo” iframe does not display when “Embed Media” modal is reopened in new TinyMCE editor | 26/11/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #310800 | |
MOOD-16674 Issue 1 - Deprecated strtr() error occurs when downloading csv for group self-selection | 26/11/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #310816 | |
MOOD-15912 Issue 1 - Question bank tags linked to Moodle tags page do not link to tagged question | This issue has been reported to Moodle HQ at | 27/11/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #310886 |
MOOD-16417 Issue 4 - JavaScript security allows students to copy paste responses if (New) TinyMCE is their default text editor | This issue has been reported to Moodle HQ at | 27/11/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #310887 |
MOOD-16554 Issue 2: Clicking repeatedly on certain filters creates multiple loading icons when using Global search | 28/11/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #310930 | |
MOOD-16208 Issue 2 - Question bank not found error occurs when editing Active quiz | 28/11/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #310932 | |
MOOD-16426 Issue 1 - Geogebra stack question does not load correctly for student | 03/12/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #311109 | |
MOOD-16255 Issue 1 - Coding error displayed when “Socialwall” course format is chosen | 03/12/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #311115 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16167 Issue 2 - Misaligned rubric scale score input in Turnitin Assignment | 04/12/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1645 | |
MOOD-16462 Issue 1 - Turnitin Assignment rubric close button does not work as expected | 05/12/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #311290 | |
MOOD-16462 Issue 2 - Turnintin Assignment rubric modal moves when page is scrolled | 05/12/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #311291 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16179 Issue 1 - Textbox text moves up in Turnitin Document Viewer Rubric grading form editor | 06/12/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1654 | |
MOOD-16281 Issue 5 - Changing the calendar between some courses causes a permission error | 09/12/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #311430 | |
MOOD-16146 Issue 3 - Stack Trace error message displays when files are uploaded in a Gallery in Assignment Media Collection | 09/12/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #311433 | |
MOOD-16441 Issue 1 - Instructors able to access restricted gallery with restrictions in place | 09/12/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #311436 | |
MOOD-16143 Issue 4 - Description image appears underneath theBox dropbox | 09/12/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #311438 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16185 Issue 1- 'Display description on course page' option does not display description on course page | This issue has been reported to the plugin developer at | 10/12/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1667 Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #313867 |
MOOD-16423 Issue 1 - Options are not shuffled when “drag and drop into text” Quiz question with shuffle setting is enabled | 11/12/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #311609 | |
MOOD-16116 Issue 3 - Instructors unable to see users on leadership snapshot in Level Up! block | 12/12/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #311609 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16239 Issue 1 - Course block configurations are unable to be clicked | 13/12/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1678 Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #313958 |
MOOD-16351 Issue 1 - Marks per criteria not displayed when solely checked in Assignment | 16/12/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #311835 | |
MOOD-16732 Issue 3 - Multiple expand icons that double up as a close function in Assignment | This issue has been reported to Moodle HQ at | 16/12/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #311836 |
MOOD-16116 Issue 2 - Multiple Level Up! blocks can be created | This issue has been reported to Moodle HQ at | 16/12/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #311837 |
MOOD-16662 Issue 12 - Creating a random Quiz question from a category without enough questions results in an error | This issue has been reported to Moodle HQ at | 16/12/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #311844 |
MOOD-16459 Issue 1 - Comment question with “Optional” enabled cannot be answered by student in Team Evaluation | 16/12/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #311847 | |
MOOD-17161 issue 2 - Indenting activity/resource in Text and Media area left or right does not function | 17/12/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #311887 | |
MOOD-17328 Issue 1 - Close button does not work for rubric manager in Turnitin Assignment | 17/12/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #311889 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-17432 Issue 2 - Subheading text aligned too close to text box boundary in ‘Open Reports’ section | 17/12/2024 | Logged with Daemon for investigation. Ticket UNSW-1689 | |
MOOD-17033 Issue 1 - Clicking save changes multiple times when creating a chapter in book will create multiple chapters | This issue has been reported to Moodle HQ at | 17/12/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #311901 |
MOOD-17033 Issue 3 - Clicking save multiple times when creating Book activity will generate multiple Books | This issue has been reported to Moodle HQ at | 17/12/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #311903 |
UNSW 4.4 Upgrade Urgent: Exception stack_cas_connection: MaximaPool error: 0 when accessing STACK quiz questions | 17/12/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #311908 | |
UNSW 4.4 Upgrade: HIGH PRIORITY - Email address in user profile is no longer primary email alias | 17/12/2024 | Logged with Open LMS for investigation. Ticket #311913 |
Resolved Issues
Issue | Workaround | Date Updated | Status |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16758 Issue 2 - Message and Email icons for the first user do not appear in Course Contacts block | 11/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1436 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16761 Issue 2 - User descriptions appear on subsequent users in Course Contacts block | 11/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1452 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16758 Issue 4 - Telephone icon is only displayed for certain users in Course Contacts block | This is not a bug, the phone link will be shown when the user has a phone number set in the profile. | 11/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1437 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-15921 Issue 1 - Navigation Block drawer closes when profile picture clicked | 01/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1209 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16293 Issue 1 - Star icon for starred users is partially blocked out by scroll bar | 01/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1210 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-15921 Issue 3 - Privacy checkbox text appears behind the top menu | 01/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1211 | |
MOOD-16741 Issue 1 - Cannot insert image into page content after inserting image in Page using New TinyMCE | 01/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #307539 | |
MOOD-16414 Issue 2 - Question Image Error | 04/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #307805 | |
MOOD-16223 Issue 6 - Embedded youtube videos using the media button can't be played on the course page | 09/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308104 | |
MOOD-16669 Issue 3 - Duplicated “Allow comments (if chosen for post)” field in OU Blog | 03/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #307709 | |
MOOD-16175 Issue 4 - Peermark Turnitin v2 assignment settings are not saved when switching tabs | Instructors must save their settings to apply them to the PeerMark assignment before navigating to another PeerMark tab. Further information on setting up PeerMark assignments can be found here. |
10/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308180 |
MOOD-16656 Issue 4 - Drag and drop Quiz question markers preview doesn’t load | 08/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308008 Daemon Ticket UNSW-1298 |
MOOD-16656 Issue 5 - Drag and drop Quiz question into text preview doesn’t load markers | 08/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308013 | |
MOOD-16152 Issue 4 - Export as HTML file throws an error in Scheduler | 11/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308273 | |
MOOD-16344 Issue 2 - mp4 file uploaded via Dropbox cannot be played | 12/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308334 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16223 Issue 3 - Help tooltips not displaying properly | 09/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1238 | |
MOOD-16365 Issue 4 - sessionwaiterr exception occurs when sending messages too fast in Chat | This is a limitation of the application. | 15/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308433 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16656 Issue 2: Blue question mark incorrectly formatted (inside white box) | 04/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1223 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16161 Issue 2 - File picker hovering over “Content bank” renders hover effect outside of File Picker modal | 04/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1219 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16293 Issue 8 - When searching contacts in messages, one of the loading symbols that should be in the middle is on the very left | 09/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1242 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16524 Issue 1 - No horizontal scroll wheel when viewing grades in Turnitin v2 assignment | 08/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1229 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16223 Issue 2 - Padding between top border and bottom border for some options is not equal | 10/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1247 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16223 Issue 4 and Issue 5 - Incorrect subheading size and misaligned checkbox | 10/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1250 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16223 Issue 7 - Cursor does not become a pointer when adding a file | 10/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1251 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16656 Issue 1: Drag and drop into text incorrectly formatted in questions | 04/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1222 | |
MOOD-16744 Issue 4 - imagerotate() error message when clicking ‘Set as Index Image’ in Lightbox Gallery | 14/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308352 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16666 Upgrade Issue 1: Formatting issues with checkboxes and alignment across | 04/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1220 | |
MOOD-16200 Issue 3 - No option to hide item in Checklist | 14/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308364 | |
MOOD-16735 Issue 3 - Exception thrown when “Bulk upload submissions” is clicked | 08/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308010 | |
MOOD-15921 Issue 2 - Privacy setting checkboxes on Profile page do not work | 02/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #307603 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16166 Issue 2 - Custom font colour menu textbox in Summary field of Turnitin v2 Assignment is misaligned | 06/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1224 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16169 Issue 1 - Quickmark manager icon outline expands past icon | 03/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1217 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16148 Issue 2 - Misalignment of "Private reply" or "Reveal yourself in this post" checkboxes overlap with the text box in Open Forum | 09/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1243 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16133 Issue 1 - Student names not fully in Team Block in Team Builder | 03/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1216 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16148 Issue 1 - Misalignment of anonymous checkbox in text box of Open Forum | 08/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1233 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16293 Issue 7 - The option to unstar an unstarred user exists and causes an error | 08/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1227 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16293 Issue 6 - Star icon remains after user is unstarred | 08/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1226 | |
RemUI theme - Close buttons missing on banners | 22/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1354 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16169 Issue 2 - Edit icons are incorrectly formatted when left and right navigation blocks are open in Turnitin v2 assignment | 08/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1228 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16166 Issue 4 - Settings outline not completely outlined when clicked in Turnitin v2 assignment | 08/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1230 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16461 Issue 2 - Turnitin logo is shrunk when viewing the digital receipt for Turnitin v2 assignment | 08/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1232 | |
MOOD-16365 Issue 3 - Slight delay between pressing send and message sending in Chat | 15/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308428 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16172 Issue 6 - Notify non-submitters popup text and icons are pushed to the extreme sides | 09/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1236 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16106: Issue 2 - Subject text on Course Overview On Campus block spills over boundaries | 10/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1246 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16106 Issue 3 - No spaces between number and text on Course Overview On Campus block | 10/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1248 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16824 Issue 2 - Turnitin assignment headings are kept in light mode | 09/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1240 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16106 Issue 4 - Unable to drag and move Course Overview On Campus block | 10/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1249 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16824 Issue 3 - Activity icons on course page when in edit mode are darkened when hovered over | 09/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1241 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16669 Issue 6 - "Add..." does not display icon to upload files in OU Blog file picker | 03/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1218 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16734 Issue 1 - No padding next to grading action and dropdown | 09/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1239 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16148 Issue 3 - Viewing grades given by instructor in Open Forum results in filenotfound error | 09/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1244 | |
RemUI theme - Missing edit button on iPad when in portrait mode (iPad OS 16.7.10 Safari 16) | 04/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1221 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16166 Issue 3 - Colour menu appears on the top menu when scrolling up during Turnitin v2 Assignment creation | 06/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1225 | |
RemUI theme - no black border for dropdowns | 02/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1212 | |
MOOD-16515 Issue 3 - Unable to access private files as student | 11/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308280 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16524 Issue 4 - User report text colour is very similar to background colour, making it hard to see | 09/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1234 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16139 Issue 2 - Spacing and size of dropdown box is not the same as LegacyTest | 10/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1256 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16293 Issue 10 - Right block drawer icon blocks messaging screen | 10/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1258 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16348 Issue 5 - Team Evaluation radio button incorrect formatting | 09/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1237 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16139 Issue 7 - Submission attachment type checkboxes are misaligned in UNSW Workshop | 10/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1262 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16139 Issue 8 - Formatting dropdown in UNSW Workshop Submissions allocation is different from LegacyTest | 11/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1268 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16726 issue 1 - Add Attendance Visual Issue: White boxes behind the help icon on Status set | 10/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1254 | |
MOOD-16365 Issue 1 - Filenotfound error when selecting “Use more accessible interface” in Chat | 14/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308365 | |
MOOD-15892 Issue 2 - Cannot select grade item in 'Single view' Grader report | 25/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket: #309136 | |
MOOD-16713 Issue 2 - Send content change notification becomes unchecked even after checking it previously in Chat | This feature is functioning as designed. | 15/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308437 |
RemUI theme - HIGH PRIORITY - MOOD-15892 Issue 1 - Cannot select student in 'Single view' Grader report | 24/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1418 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16737 Issue 1: Help tooltip for Display can’t be horizontally scrolled through when adding URL resouce | 11/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1269 | |
MOOD-16407 Issue 3 - Invalid event function error stack trace when adding Essay question in Lesson | 14/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308366 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16152 Issue 6 - Under Summary in Scheduler, Overall does not have a tab indicator | 11/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1276 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16701 issue 1 - Add an activity or resource info dialog buttons spacing too close to the bottom in Chrome | This issue happens on some browsers and not others is because the browser's UI (address bar, tab bar, etc.) takes up different amount of space and hence the actual viewport size can be a bit different. | 12/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1279 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16152 Issue 2 - Scheduler Activity tabs have overlapping elements | 11/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1274 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16139 Issue 6 - Blue border around when selecting options in submission attachment types in UNSW Workshop | 10/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1261 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16752 Issue 4 - Misalignment of kebab menu and filename with the folder icon | 11/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1267 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16437 Issue 2 - Peer review displays overlapping exclamation mark if you try to save without grading | 11/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1266 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16752 Issue 2 - Filename not aligned with checkbox for selection in Filepicker | 10/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1263 | |
MOOD-15892 Issue 2 - Cannot select grade item in 'Single view' Grader report | 25/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #309136 | |
MOOD-16200 Issue 1 - Filenotfound error pops up when clicking on Manage Files in ATTO | 14/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308349 | |
MOOD-16740 Issue 1 - Cannot insert indent using tab key when typing in code via “Insert/edit code sample” in new TinyMCE | Use the 'Increase Indent' or 'Decrease Indent' on the main text-box or use the 'Space' bar/key to create the required spacing/indentation (when copying/pasting from another source) | 26/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #309211 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16371 Issue 1 - Alignment issues with some configured fields in Database for Student | 13/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1283 | |
MOOD-16669 Issue 4 - Guest cannot comment on OU Blog post with image inserted using new TinyMCE | 03/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #307712 | |
MOOD-16681 Issue 1 - New TinyMCE inserted image does not render properly when saved | 30/09/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #307446 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16407 Issue 2 - Radio button and text are misaligned for True/False options in Lesson | 14/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1290 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16407 Issue 4 - Progress bar percentage text is cutoff in Lesson | 14/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1293 | |
RemUI theme - Radio button in Sandpit Request Form cannot be selected in Safari | 14/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1291 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16290 Issue 1 - Page has to be refreshed for course section move to take place | 14/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1289 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16671 Issue 2 - Misalignment of checkboxes and text in “Overview” page of Reports in Lesson | 14/10/2024 | aemon Ticket UNSW-1294 | |
MOOD-16731 Issue 1 - Class “assign_header” not found error displayed when bulk uploading submissions in Assignments | 24/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #309068 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16407 Issue 5 - filenotfound error when accessing linked media in Lesson | 15/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1299 | |
Embedded Echo video via the Echo button in new TinyMCE editor is displayed as link | 21/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308810 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16671 Issue 4 - Misalignment of checkboxes in Detailed statistics of Lesson | 15/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1300 | |
MOOD-16224 Issue 4 - certain .webm videos inserted via tinyMCE play with audio that plays too fast | 11/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308253 | |
MOOD-16291 Issue 2 - Moving a section using the move option does not move the section | 01/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #307529 | |
MOOD-16761 Issue 1 - Cannot contact user error when Dummy Student select Email or Message icon in Course Contacts block | 27/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #309214 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16707 Issue 1 - Reset template checkbox in Database not aligned with text | 13/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1280 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16707 Issue 2 - Preset checkboxes in Database cannot be selected | 13/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1281 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16707 Issue 4 - Templates tab outline not complete when selected in Database | 15/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1297 | |
MOOD-16365 Issue 2 - Inserting a line break when there is any character in an unsent message still sends the message in Chat | 14/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308369 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16734 Issue 7 - Help tooltip for a feedback type that does not exist on Assignment | 16/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1303 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16704 Issue 1 - “Create” button is not aligned to the right, and label is not vertically centered in button | 16/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1304 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16683 Issue 2 - “Multiple Choice (rated)” questions do not have spacing between rating and choice label | 15/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1302 | |
MOOD-16221 Issue 2 - Unable to play audio files .ra and .wma | This is due to Moodle (particularly the default JS Player media player) not supporting wma and ra audio file types, | 28/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #309234 |
MOOD-16702 Issue 4 - no known method to add a Questionmark OnDemand activity | 17/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308627 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16139 Issue 3 - The option “Submit on behalf of others” is in the wrong location and functions incorrectly in UNSW Workshop | 10/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1260 Open LMS Ticket #308730 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16139 Issue 9 - Grading evaluation method missing new line in UNSW Workshop | 11/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1270 Open LMS Ticket #308730 |
MOOD-16437 Issue 6 - Missing calibration results | 17/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308626 | |
MOOD-16437 Issue 4 - Example submission removes option to view submission in UNSW Workshop | 15/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308458 | |
MOOD-16437 Issue 1 - Image in description does not appear in UNSW Workshop | 11/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308258 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16139 Issue 10 - Grading evaluation settings appearing above the Grading evaluation phase table in UNSW Workshop | The HTML is rendered by the plugin. | 11/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1271 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16284 Issue 2: Empty dropdown textbox after selecting filters in Participants page | 11/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1273 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16371 Issue 2 - Misalignment of checkbox and text for Advanced search in Database | 15/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1296 | |
MOOD-16753 Issue 1 - Folder contents do not open in a new page when “Force download of files” | 23/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308954 | |
date format issue where dates displayed in Personalized Learning Designer are in the US format | 14/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308362 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16744 Issue 1 - Misalignment of selection options in ‘Flip’ and ‘Rotate’ image in Lightbox Gallery | 14/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1286 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16744 Issue 3 - Radio button and text are misaligned for Thumbnail image options in Lightbox Gallery | 14/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1287 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16675 Issue 1 - Long username is not wrapped into the next line in Group self-selection | 14/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1295 | |
MOOD-16734 Issue 6 - Help tooltip for a submission type that does not exist on Assignment | 15/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308460 Daemon Ticket UNSW-1308 |
MOOD-16166 Issue 7 - OAuthSimple stack trace when adding Turnitin v2 Assignment activity | 04/11/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #309586 | |
MOOD-16106 Issue 1 - Adding a Course Overview On Campus block spawns a stack trace error | 10/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308164 | |
MOOD-16663 Issue 3 - Stack trace when using Freehand Drawing / Freehand Drawing (ETH) Quiz question | 18/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308725 | |
HIGH PRIORITY - MOOD-16524 Issue 9 - Unnecessary additional fields displayed in Grader report of Gradebook | 11/11/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #309942 | |
MOOD-16152 Issue 3 - File exported from Scheduler as ODS does not include file extension, and cannot be opened in MS Excel | This is a Chrome specific issue. Please use another browser to export .ods file format. | 11/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308272 |
MOOD-16347 Issue 1 - No error handling for a wrong file type being uploaded | This expected behaviour in all test environments. | 16/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308525 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16139 Issue 16 - Help tooltip covers the top menu | This expected behaviour as the tooltip is displayed on top of everything else. | 17/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1317 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16139 Issue 17 - New line needed to separate the calibration table from submit on behalf of others dropdown | 17/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1318 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16736 Issue 4 - Misaligned checkbox next to notify student option | 17/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1314 | |
RemUI theme - HIGH PRIORITY - MOOD-16139 Issue 25 - Download marks button missing from closed UNSW Workshop | 11/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1528 Open LMS Ticket #309997 |
MOOD-16513 Issue 1 - Student unable to play audio files inserted via TinyMCE editor | 01/11/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #309530 | |
MOOD-16172 Issue 5 - Unable to send code for Feedback Studio for IOS | 09/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308087 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16269 Issue 1 - Two checkboxes appear for each activity when bulk actions is enabled when viewing topics | 16/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1305 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-15909 Issue 1 - question bank columns overflow onto each other and text overlaps | 16/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1309 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16557 Issue 1 - Group restriction text is not appeared on a restricted section | 17/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1316 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16269 Issue 5 - Icon for insert character is a trash bin icon | 17/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1326 | |
MOOD-16707 Issue 6 - User able to submit more than 1 file in Image gallery preset in Database | 15/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308443 Daemon Ticket UNSW-1327 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16269 Issue 6 - File picker is pushed up when selected on the Manage files popup | 17/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1328 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16269 Issue 8 - Title of section duplicated on View page | 17/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1330 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16211 Issue 1 - Live Poll icon appears outside red background | 17/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1335 | |
RemUI theme - HIGH PRIORITY - MOOD-16348 Issue 6 - Misaligned Assignment submission checkbox “for Individual Assignment” | 11/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1526 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16702 Issue 1 - Inconsistent indent between checkbox and label | 17/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1320 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16702 Issue 2 - Label for “Maximum grade” within Grade area is missing padding | 17/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1321 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16702 Issue 3 - Missing padding between “ID number” and “Force language” fields | 17/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1322 | |
RemUI theme - HIGH PRIORITY - MOOD-15910 Issue 1 - Formatting issues for table headers and overlapping table items in Question Bank | 13/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1532 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16152 Issue 8 - Under Export → “Data to include”, Checkbox groups appear in the same row rather than separate rows if screen width is wide enough in Scheduler | 11/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1278 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16734 Issue 9 - Border missing from ATTO HTML editor textbox | 17/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1329 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16734 Issue 11 - Incorrect background colour on tooltip in grading interface | 17/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1332 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16734 Issue 13 - Loading symbol has no padding from edge of page when loading the grading interface in Assignment | 18/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1337 | |
RemUI theme - HIGH PRIORITY - MOOD-16524 Issue 8 - Additional padding increases scrolling of Grader report in Gradebook | 11/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1527 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16416 Issue 1 - Green ticks and red crosses has white background in Cloze Quiz question type | 18/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1348 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16223 Issue 1 - Misaligned checkboxes and text in video/audio tabs of Advanced settings for Book | 21/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1353 | |
MOOD-16248 Issue 1 - Multiple Test Users block can be added | 04/11/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #309589 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16269 Issue 2 - Blocks do not appear and cannot be added when editing sections | 16/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1306 Open LMS Ticket #309792 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16500 Issue 4 - Dummy students unable to open right block drawer in Live Poll | 18/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1347 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16437 Issue 5 - Calibration submissions to assess section is formatted incorrectly | 17/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1323 Open LMS Ticket #310139 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16139 Issue 4 - Expanding submission types temporarily moves the page to the top | 10/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1257 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16707 Issue 3 - “Create a field” button size is smaller than other buttons | 13/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1282 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16148 Issue 4 - Display issue when viewing grades due to long alternate name | 17/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1334 | |
MOOD-16716 Issue 1: Stack trace error appears when selecting a print date in Certifcate | 24/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #309053 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16269 Issue 9 - View page glitches when collapse button is clicked | 17/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1331 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16662 Issue 7 - Overlapping error exclamation mark on the number for “Number of questions to select” when creating Random short-answer matching Quiz question | 22/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1358 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16416 Issue 5 - Clicking “Clear my Choice” once as a student in Quiz displays white background upon refresh | 22/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1356 | |
RemUI theme - HIGH PRIORITY - Navigation circles on course page cover arrow to expand a section | 18/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1580 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16734 Issue 14 - Clicking the dropdown in Assignment shifts the right arrow onto a new line | 18/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1338 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16734 Issue 15 - Misalignment of dropdown and the change user field in Assignment | 18/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1339 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16734 Issue 16 - Misalignment of Notify student text and checkbox in Assignment | 18/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1340 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16663 Issue 4 - No space between Question name and Question text on Quiz Questions page | 18/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1349 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16663 Issue 7 - Unreadable text in column header of Grade page of Quiz | 21/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1352 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16678 Issue 2 - Menu renders far away from dropdown menu button in Glossary | 22/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1357 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16663 Issue 5 - Overlapping checkboxes in “Add from question bank ….” modal in Quiz | 21/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1351 | |
RemUI theme - HIGH PRIORITY - MOOD-15910 Issue 2 - Edit icon and tags disappear if question name is too long in Question Bank | 13/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1533 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16663 Issue 1 - “Minimum attempts” checkbox inconsistent with other options under “Completion conditions” in Quiz | 18/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1345 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16166 Issue 6 - Help tooltip textbox covers the top menu in Turnitin v2 Assignment | 22/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1363 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16139 Issue 20 - Uneven spacing for student display in UNSW Workshop submission allocation | 22/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1359 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16707 Issue 7 - Overlay remains after closing calendar in Database | 15/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1301 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16736 Issue 2 - Due date hidden behind pdf when students name is too long | 17/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1312 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16736 Issue 5 - File upload prompt is outside the designated box | 17/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1319 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-15983 Issue 1 - Sandpit request form does not look like Remui theme | 03/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1215 | |
MOOD-16449 Issue 1 - Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property creation stack trace error when booking slot in Scheduler | 12/11/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #309999 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16662 Issue 8 - Table header unreadable in Quiz Question Bank tab because of white background | 22/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1372 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16662 Issue 9 - Long alternate names overflow in Quiz Question Bank | 22/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1373 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16662 Issue 10 - Sides of Quiz Question Bank table are missing a border | 22/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1374 | |
MOOD-16175 Issue 1 - Stack trace errors when attempting to create Turnitin v2 Assignment | 04/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #307778 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16166 Issue 6 - Help tooltip textbox covers the top menu in Turnitin v2 Assignment | 23/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1380 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16708 Issue 1 - “Create a field” button height is inconsistent with neighboring buttons in Database | 22/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1377 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16368 Issue 1 - Radio button circle in choice activity is not clickable | 23/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1382 | |
MOOD-15983 Issue 2 - Sandpit request form missing right Nav Drawer | 01/11/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #309500 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16214 Issue 3 - Text cursor covers Image when image is aligned either left or right | The is the behaviour of Safari. Use a different browser to avoid this issue. | 23/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1393 |
MOOD-16524 Issue 3 - If the wrong zid is entered, an exception is thrown | 08/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308025 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16139 Issue 23 - Misalignment of user profile pictures in Allocation Overview page in UNSW Workshop | 22/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1371 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16139 Issue 15 - Enabling calibration causes example reassessment to change colour for a moment | 17/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1315 Open LMS Ticket #310001 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16214 Issue 2 - Checkboxes are misaligned in Image properties popup in Text and Media Area | 23/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1392 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16626 Issue 1 - Left course index drawer expansion icon is blocked by course content | 24/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1394 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16172 Issue 4 - Safari tabs block the close button for the submission information popup | The is the behaviour of Safari. View the Similarity Reports from a different browser as Chrome or Firefox | 09/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1235 |
MOOD-15922 Issue 1 - Unnecessary Info alert when saving privacy settings | 07/11/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #309797 | |
MOOD-16377 Issue 1 - Access activity - External Tool - no longer in add activity or resource | 10/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308184 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16736 Issue 3 - Current grade in grade book appears twice | 17/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1313 Open LMS Ticket #310000 |
MOOD-16269 Issue 4 - Atto test editor does not display the Embed question icon | 17/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308607 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16139 Issue 21 - Download allocations option is in wrong location in UNSW Workshop | 22/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1361 Open LMS Ticket #310461 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16704 Issue 2 - Page counter and Sorting dropdown box not right-aligned in Dialogue | 18/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1341 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16704 Issue 3 - Conversation options not right-aligned in Dialogue | 18/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1342 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16678 Issue 3 - Inconsistent alignment of ‘Comments’ labels in “Entry list” when comments on entries are enabled in Gossary | 22/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1360 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16708 Issue 3 - Coordinates field, URL field and Moodle Tags field in “New entry” page have incorrect formatting | 23/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1383 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16708 Issue 6 - “Actions” menu button height is not consistent with neighbouring select element in Database | 23/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1389 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16372 Issue 3 - When viewing entries in “List view”, “Moodle Tags” label is not aligned with other labels in Database | 24/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1396 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16293 Issue 12 - No Messages icon on profile dropdown | 22/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1364 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16293 Issue 13 - No Messages header on Messages page | 22/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1365 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16293 Issue 14 - Long names are truncated on Messages page | 22/10/2024 | aemon Ticket UNSW-1366 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16293 Issue 15 - Search icon outline covers Search text on Dashboard | 22/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1367 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16293 Issue 16 - Message text box is unexpectedly small on Messages page | 22/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1368 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16293 Issue 18 - User profile picture blocked by textbox when messages are selected | 22/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1370 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16293 Issue 19 - Chat page often loads to the top of chat history in Message | 23/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1381 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16293 Issue 20 - Unable to view selected messages checkbox for users with long names | 23/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1384 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16293 Issue 21 - Close icon is centered and shrunk on the user info page on Messages | 23/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1385 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16824 Issue 4 - Section 0's end is completely blacked out | 23/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1387 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16214 Issue 1 - Text is not aligned with bulk edit checkbox | 23/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1391 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16752 Issue 3 - Header of filepicker disappears when adding files to Folder from recent or server files | 10/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1264 Open LMS Ticket #310545 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16662 Issue 5 - Overlapping answer and textbox in multiple choice Quiz question | 22/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1355 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16139 Issue 22 - Misalignment of text and button when removing submission allocations in UNSW Workshop | 22/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1362 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16662 Issue 11 - Misalignment of checkbox in top row of Quiz Question Bank table | 22/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1375 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16710 Issue 1 - Checkboxes on top row of Responses is left aligned instead of the centralised in Choice | 22/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1379 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16226 Issue 2 - No space between “With selected users…” text and choose dropdown in Completion Progress block | 24/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1395 | |
RemUI theme - Different font type used in Moodle Test | 01/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1207 | |
MOOD-16576 Issue 1 - When “Store as image file” is disabled, image is not saved as a base64 inline image when using Sketch in ATTO | Moodle core strips out base64 encoded images in certain areas for security and performance reasons, | 28/11/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #310928 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16716 Issue 2 - Selecting a grade title is written incorrectly in Certificate | 24/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1399 | |
MOOD-16744 Issue 7 - Able to edit image in Lightbox Gallery with edit mode off | 14/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308371 | |
MOOD-16524 Issue 6 - Other students can't be selected in User Report | 09/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308088 Daemon Ticket UNSW-1423 |
MOOD-16263 Issue 4 - All blocks are hidden when ‘Course Contacts’ Block is expanded and set not to show to “Student” role | 29/11/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #310982 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16509 Issue 1 - Clicking options in File Picker moves the Modal to the top of page and it cannot be moved back | 14/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1285 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16226 Issue 4 - Completion progress block appears in a different spot after reloading the page | 24/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1401 | |
MOOD-16293 Issue 5 - Only 1 email is sent on Moodle Messaging | 02/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #307630 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16281 Issue 1 - No horizontal scrollbar for calendar | 25/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1424 | |
MOOD-16744 Issue 4 - imagerotate() error message when clicking ‘Set as Index Image’ in Lightbox Gallery | 14/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308352 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16708 Issue 10 - User input gets clipped in Width and Height textbox when adding a new Text area in Database | 24/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1400 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16238 Issue 1 - Clicking links does not display a part of the section after adding Course Menu block | 24/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1416 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16226 Issue 6 - Option under region and default region in configuration settings is displayed as double square brackets | 24/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1403 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16708 Issue 11 - On “Create a field” page in Database, labels have inconsistent colouring | 24/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1406 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-15892 Issue 6 - Large font size results in “Filter by name” dropdown letters to overflow in Grader report | 25/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1433 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-15892 issue 4 - In “Import” and “Export” pages, inside the dropdown menu for “Import as” / “Export as” there is no spacing between tick and label | 25/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1422 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16139 Issue 18 - Calibration settings in wrong location | 17/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1336 Open LMS Ticket #310156 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16503 Issue 1 - Text and Media resources not separated by line breaks | 24/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1397 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16214 Issue 4 - Release code restriction text box outline covers text in Text and Media Area | 24/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1398 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16214 Issue 5 - Moodle Tags and Competencies outline extend past options in Text and Media Area | 24/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1415 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16226 Issue 5 - Different help tooltip icons used in Completion Progress block configuration setting | 24/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1402 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16136 Issue 3 - Help Tooltip for Diff label in Wiki history has a white background | 28/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1440 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16758 Issue 7 - Incorrect background colour for Permission tooltip in Course Contacts block | 29/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1455 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16281 Issue 3 - When adding a new event to calendar, clicking any of the calendar icons moves the page up | 25/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1426 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16281 Issue 4: The new event button on calendar not in line with All Courses drop down | 25/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1427 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16226 Issue 7 - Clicking Expand All in configuration settings makes the page go to the top when there is a Completion Progress block | 24/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1405 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16281 Issue 6 - Space between some of the radio buttons | 25/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1428 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16136 Issue 4 - Cannot select radio buttons in Diff column in Wiki history | 28/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1441 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16136 Issue 5 - Cannot select radio buttons when administering Wiki delete page versions column | 28/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1442 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16260 Issue 7 - Misalignment of Copy option in Badge settings | 29/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1458 | |
MOOD-16524 Issue 7 - If you select around Grader report while loading, it takes you to Personalized Learning Designer | 09/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308089 Daemon Ticket UNSW-1407 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16226 Issue 8 - Clear button not aligned with search textbox and “Check this user’s permissions” button in Completion Progress block | 24/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1411 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16200 Issue 4 - Upload file section on bottom of modal in Manage files, ATTO Editor | 30/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1468 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16238 Issue 3 - Configure Course menu block has invalid region options | 29/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1450 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16242 Issue 1 - Inconsistent action when moving a block | 29/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1453 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16260 Issue 1 - Help tooltip has a white background when adding criteria to Badge | 28/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1444 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16034 Issue 2 - Clear button is not in line with search textbox and no padding between | 30/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1464 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16124 Issue 2 - White background appears around tooltip when cursor is hovered off in Copy section of Sharing Cart block | 30/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1471 | |
MOOD-16242 Issue 2 - Invalid get_string() identifier error when adding alert in Inactive user alerts block | 29/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #309308 Daemon Ticket UNSW-1478 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16146 Issue 1 - Incorrect layout in Media Collection Activity | 30/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1460 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16275 Issue 4 - Background colour of course blocks are different depending on state of edit mode | 31/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1479 | |
MOOD-16166 Issue 5 - Error message appears before rubric manager link appears | 08/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308027 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16305 Issue 3 - Unaligned checkboxes in weekly recurring events in Personalized Learning Designer | 31/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1484 | |
MOOD-16758 Issue 3 - Message and Mail icons link to wrong user’s profile in Course Contact block | 27/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #309213 Daemon Ticket UNSW-1454 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16681 Issue 4 - Forum table header text issues | 25/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1432 | |
MOOD-16417 Issue 2 - Student cannot draw in “Freehand Drawing” Quiz question | 21/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308793 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16629 Issue 2 - In the sandpit request form, the radio buttons don’t work | 31/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1480 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16260 Issue 8 - Opening and closing calendar for badge expiry creates a remaining calendar backdrop | 30/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1461 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16563 Issue 4 - On create link modal, the checkbox not aligned with the “Open in new window text” | 01/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1488 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16214 Issue 6 - Advanced settings checkboxes are not aligned with text in Text and Media Area | 24/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1413 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16305 Issue 1 - Overlapping dropdown options in PLD | 31/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1481 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16752 Issue 5 - Folder icon is too close to Edit button | 29/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1447 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16115 Issue 1 - Misalignment of options in Leaderboard settings in Level Up! block | 29/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1457 | |
RemUI theme - activity chooser tiles too small and don't show full activity names for tools with a long name | 30/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1469 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16371 Issue 4 - ATTO textbox does not fully appear when adding a entry in Database | 31/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1486 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16124 Issue 4 - No padding between Quick Links dropdown and Copy section button in Sharing Cart block | 30/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1473 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16124 Issue 5 - Long activity names are vertically stacked when Move into folder icon is clicked in Sharing Cart block | 30/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1474 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16124 Issue 7 - PDF Icon appears larger than other activity icons in Sharing Cart block | 31/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1482 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16654 Issue 1 - Fields are not left aligned when adding Book | 04/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1510 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16758 Issue 1 - Mail and Message icons are too close to each other in Course Contacts block | 27/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1435 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16181 Issue 2 - New TinyMCE “Open in new window” checkbox overlaps above input element when adding a link | 28/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1443 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16124 Issue 3 - Bulk delete icon and text are misaligned in Sharing Cart block | 30/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1472 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16131 Issue 1 - Inconsistent blue help icons when adding SCORM package | 28/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1446 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16124 Issue 1 - Copy section tooltip cannot be fully viewed in Sharing Cart block | 30/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1470 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16199 Issue 1 - Newly added items in Checklist are located on a single line | 01/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1495 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16758 Issue 8 - Misaligned and not grey text for hidden Course Contact block | 29/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1459 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16758 Issue 9 - Move block text exists outside boundaries | 30/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1462 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16053 Issue 1 - Search filters formatting issue | 30/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1463 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16053 Issue 3 - Filter badges have no padding from input element below | 30/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1465 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16557 Issue 3 - Partial YouTube channel picture displayed on topic descriptions | 29/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1448 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16284 Issue 3 - Options in More dropdown blocked by header in course profile page | 27/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1438 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16525 Issue 1 - Grade item labels are not fully left aligned | 28/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1439 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16563 Issue 5 - Long equation on the equation editor causes it to spill out of the equation preview box | 01/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1489 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16260 Issue 2 - Page elements are misaligned for course completion when adding Badge criteria | 28/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1445 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16365 Issue 7 - Help tooltip in accessible chat interface disappears immediately when clicked | 30/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1467 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16365 Issue 6 - Profile icon is oval-shaped rather than circular when user doesn't have profile picture | 30/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1466 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16248 Issue 2 - Unable to select location when moving Test Users block | 04/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1508 | |
MOOD-15943 Issue 2 - Mp3 files do not generate a Blackboard Ally icon | Ally only checks this list of files, Mp3 file is not included. | 06/11/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #309722 |
RemUI theme - HIGH PRIORITY - MOOD-17005 Issue 1 - Options in More dropdown hidden behind header | 17/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1684 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16434 Issue 1 - No horizontal scrollbar to scroll through very long comment in Wiki | 05/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1517 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16707 Issue 9 - Inconsistent Calendar outlines on different browsers | 21/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1603 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16248 Issue 5 - No space between dropdown and permissions table in Test users block | 04/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1509 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16199 Issue 5 - Comment boxes are not horizontally aligned when adding comment to student’s checklist | 04/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1506 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16437 Issue 8 - Formatting issue with calibration result tables in UNSW Workshop | 07/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1523 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16491 Issue 1 - Checkbox for optional item is cut off slightly in Checklist | 04/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1500 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16199 Issue 7 - No space between comments in Checklist | 04/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1507 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16199 Issue 3 - No space between buttons and table when viewing progress in Checklist | 04/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1504 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16199 Issue 4 - No space between buttons and progress bar when viewing progress of student in Checklist | 04/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1505 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16491 Issue 3 - Progress bar and percentage are slightly misaligned in Checklist | 04/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1501 | |
MOOD-16143 Issue 2 - Confirm Collection deletion is obsolete in Media Collection | 20/11/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #310548 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-15915 Issue 2 - theBox videos do not load if page is not refreshed | 06/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1520 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16653 Issue 1 - Misaligned subchapter field when adding a new chapter in Book | 14/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1534 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16226 Issue 9 - No space between clear button, search textbox and “Check this user’s permissions” button in Completion Progress block | 24/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1412 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16275 Issue 1 - No spacing between tick and text when viewing dropdown options on Dashboard | 31/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1476 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16548 Issue 1 - Selecting section in Course menu block redirects under section title | 19/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1586 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-15904 Issue 1 - Display issues in course table on “Import” page | 15/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1542 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-15882 Issue 1 - Formatting issues with text and layout of Participants Overview page | 14/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1539 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16653 Issue 3 - Chapter title overflows in Book | 14/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1536 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16653 Issue 4 - Writing content without spaces results in content being truncated in Book | 14/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1537 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16716 Issue 4 - Long custom text will overlap with other text in Certificate | Custom test should be kept to a few lines when "Print Teacher Name(s)" is set to "Yes". | 24/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1410 Open LMS Ticket #311289 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16653 Issue 2 - Atto text editor extends text box without wrapping text | 14/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1535 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16801 Issue 2 - Group participant profile pictures are stretched in Message | 11/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1529 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16136 Issue 7 - Text in Wiki preview has no spacing from side of text box | 05/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1516 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16305 Issue 4 - PLD alert can be blocked by the course navbar | 05/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1513 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16305 Issue 6 - No space between fields when creating PLD rules | 05/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1515 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-15915 Issue 3 - Repository options are not fully outlined in file picker | 03/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1496 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16130 Issue 1 - Formatting issue in appearance settings when adding SCORM package | 21/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1609 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16648 Issue 1 - Course short name field is not long enough | 21/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1610 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16726 Issue 3 - Group names create formatting issues on Session column on Reports page in Attendance | 21/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1607 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16653 Issue 5 - Changing chapter formatting to bullets does not display bullets in Book | 14/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1538 | |
MOOD-17358 Issue 1 - Error message displayed when adding a link to a Youtube video from ATTO editor | 17/12/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #311906 | |
MOOD-16629 Issue 3 - Stack trace errors when viewing site news | 31/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #309471 Daemon Ticket UNSW-1498 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16199 Issue 2 - No space between border and date when editing dates in Checklist | 04/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1499 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16612 Issue 3 - “Availability” menu options not fully visible for the leftmost activities/resources in Section 0 | 19/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1589 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16609 Issue 4 - Navigation block items overflow | 20/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1600 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16659 Issue 1 - Misaligned answers dropdowns in calculated Quiz question | 21/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1611 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16305 issue 2 - Unable to leave calendar when selecting icon in recurring events in Personalized Learning Designer | 31/10/2024 |
Daemon Ticket UNSW-1483 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16609 Issue 6 - In Course Contacts block, audio controls overflow | 20/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1601 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16659 Issue 2 - Misaligned “Add” and “Delete” options in calculated Quiz question | 21/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1612 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-15931 Issue 1 - Filter competencies dropdown menu is misaligned | 07/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1522 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16291 Issue 5 - Naming a section or activity with maximum number of characters without spaces causes overflow | 12/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1530 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-15900 Issue 1 - Display issue in course table on “Restore” page | 24/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1619 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16052 Issue 2 - Words are not full displayed in each Global search fields | 16/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1547 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16759 Issue 5 - User profile name and description separated by a divider in Course Contacts Block | 02/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1640 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16554 Issue 1 - Global search filters have a display issue | 28/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1632 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16582 Issue 3 - “Hide general section when empty“ does not work as expected | 22/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1616 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16582 Issue 2 - “Change the header overlay opacity” has no effect on the course appearance | 22/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1615 | |
MOOD-16208 Issue 1 - Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property mod_activequiz error appears when Active quiz is created | 28/11/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #310931 | |
MOOD-16235 Issue 1 - Stack trace errors displayed when adding Microsoft Block | 24/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #309069 | |
MOOD-17251 Issue 1 - Constantly clicking rotate buttons in Assignment grading interface causes undefined errors | 17/12/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #311886 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16305 Issue 5 - Multiple PLD alerts result in alert displayed off screen | 05/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1514 Open LMS Ticket #311914 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16611 Issue 2 - Availability settings not displayed for first activity in Section 0 | 06/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1655 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16578 Issue 2 - Equation editor in Tinymce can overflow in equation preview section | 05/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1650 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16146 Upgrade Issue 4 - Poor alignment and formatting with link buttons ‘Previous activity’, ‘jump to’ and ‘next activity’ in Media Collection Assignment | 09/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1660 | |
RemUI theme - edit mode resource and activity move left and right no longer working | 14/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1284 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16290 Issue 3 - Part of the background underneath the bottom section in the macos course doesn’t display colour properly when viewing and collapsing that section | 10/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1669 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16143 Issue 5 - Formatting issues with galleries under grid view | 09/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1662 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16465 Issue 1 - Text for peermark questions overflow | 09/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1661 | |
MOOD-16747 Issue 1 - Indenting Text and Media Area far left or right will make the functionality inconsistent | 01/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #307538 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16185 Issue 4 - Tag dropdown is not aligned correctly in Question bank of StudentQuiz | 11/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1673 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16660 Issue 1 - On “Edit the wildcards datasets” page, formatting issue with “Add item” area | 12/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1677 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-17371 Issue 1 - Misaligned clear button and search bar when adding/removing users from a group | 17/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1685 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-17111 Issue 2 - Misalignment of search bar and clear button on Permissions page in UNSW Workshop | 17/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1687 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-17432 Issue 1 - “Tick” mark under ‘More’ dropdown menu aligned too closely with text | 17/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1688 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-17434 Issue 2 - ‘Results Order’ dropdown menu text cutoff and dropdown icon distortion within Global Search | 17/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1692 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-17385 Issue 1 - Section title hidden behind navbar after being clicked on course menu block | 18/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1694 | |
MOOD-17126 Issue 1 - Icons move when “Display folder with file icons” is enabled in file picker | 17/12/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #311883 Daemon Ticket UNSW-1697 |
MOOD-16519 issue 3 - Some created blocks are not visible when accessing as a Student | 16/12/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #311845 | |
MOOD-16134 Issue 1 - Invalid event function stack trace for Team Builder activity when entering Questionnaire section | 09/12/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #311443 | |
MOOD-16139 Issue 27 - Manual submission allocations via CSV upload results in an error for first user in UNSW Workshop | 11/11/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #309960 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16143 Issue 3 - Formatting and display issues with Media Collection Galleries | 21/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1613 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16554 Issue 3: Unable to view calendar when sidebar is open | 28/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1633 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16554 Issue 4: Misaligned user dropdown filter in Global search | 28/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1634 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16306 Issue 1 - Date is not fully visible In configuration modal in PLD | 28/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1635 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16236 Issue 2 - Long text in title for Text block does not wrap | 29/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1636 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16236 Issue 3 - Long text wrapping issue for configuring ‘Configurable Reports’ block | 29/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1637 | |
MOOD-16276 Issue 1 - Timeline Sorting option in Dashboard does not function | 27/11/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #310889 Daemon Ticket UNSW-1639 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16293 Issue 23 - Initials in profile pictures appear outside Message profile picture view | 02/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1641 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16255 Issue 2 - Cannot drag and drop files into “Section 0” / “Quick Links” section | 03/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1642 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16167 Issue 1 - Bin icon for “Delete Part” is missing when creating a Turnitin Assignment | 03/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1644 | |
MOOD-16136 Issue 2 - Missing label for date when viewing Wiki history | 28/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #309228 Daemon Ticket UNSW-1490 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-15900 Issue 2 - Misaligned Overwrite checkboxes when restoring a course | 24/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1620 | |
MOOD-16139 Issue 24 - Manual allocation page leads to an error when in teams mode in UNSW Workshop | 04/11/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #309581 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16226 Issue 3 - Course block drawer has no horizontal scroll wheel for mouse | 24/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1408 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16236 Issue 9 - Long text in "List of Test students" for Test Users block does not wrap | 04/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1646 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16236 Issue 10 - Misalignment of text with Turnitin link in “Upcoming events” block | 04/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1647 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16058 Issue 1 - Hidden activity course dates appear in Section 0 | 05/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1648 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16641 Issue 1 - Unable to scroll on new Categories menu | 06/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1652 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16611 Issue 1 - Unable to drag and move activities within Section 0 | 06/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1653 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16611 Issue 3 - Activities cannot be moved left or right on Section 0 | 06/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1656 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16584 Issue 1 - Right block drawer disappears when page is zoomed in | 06/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1659 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16146 Issue 6 - Declaration Checkbox Alignment error on submission page “For Individual Assignment” | 09/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1664 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-15893 Issue 1 - Unable to view moodle notes button in the grade administration page” | 10/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1665 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-15893 Issue 2 - Formatting issue for download button in the export grades as xml page | 10/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1666 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-15893 Issue 3 - The view report as dropdown in user reports overflows past the border of the page | 10/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1668 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16641 Issue 3 - Dropdown for More button displays outside of page | 10/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1670 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16185 Issue 2 - My Progress” attempt indicators are misaligned in StudentQuiz | 10/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1671 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16185 Issue 3 - “Ranking” numbers are misaligned in StudentQuiz | 10/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1672 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16116 Issue 1 - Enlarged Condition heading appears outside modal in Level Up! block | 11/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1674 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16127 Issue 1 - Formatting issue in stack question answer feedback | 12/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1676 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16759 Issue 6 - All profile information (image, divider line, email and message, name text) misaligned and shifted to the right on Course Contacts Block | 13/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1679 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16732 Issue 1 - Icons for Marking guides are off center | 13/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1680 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16732 Issue 2 - No space between criteria name and criterion remark in Assignment with marking guide | 13/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1681 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16164 Issue 1 - Text editor and text input are not aligned when adding Comment question in Team Evaluation | 16/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1683 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-17369 Issue 1 - Some icons are slightly cut off in the grader report | 17/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1686 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-17111 Issue 3 - Uneven spacing for student display in UNSW Workshop “Grading evaluation phase” page | 17/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1690 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-17207 Issue 1 - Long names aren’t wrapped in Participants page | 18/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1695 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16291 Issue 6 - Section title is truncated when page is viewed | 27/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1699 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16659 Issue 3 - Misaligned “Units” textboxes in Calculated quiz question | 26/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1626 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16579 Issue 2 - Incorrectly formatted error message when TinyMCE is in “Fullscreen” mode | 26/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1627 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-17434 Issue 1 - Misalignment of search bar and clear button | 17/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1691 | |
MOOD-16146 Issue 5 - Word docx, mp3 and pdf files invisible in Gallery of Media Collection Assignment | 10/12/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #311526 | |
MOOD-16528 Issue 1 - Debugging error and hide picture text formatting error on Import groups page | 12/12/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #311692 | |
MOOD-16172 Issue 2 - Turnitin similarity report not generated after due date | Delays may be up to a hour may be experienced after the scheduling tool has run. Additional delays may also be experienced during peak submission periods for large numbers of submissions. | 09/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308085 |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16560 Issue 1 - Wrong colour for activity completion | 24/10/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1417 | |
MOOD-16663 Issue 2 - Unable to open “More help” link in help tooltip for Quiz question | 18/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308718 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16612 Issue 2 - Course page has to be refreshed for activity/resource move to take place | 19/11/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1588 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16657 Issue 1 - On Drag and drop marker question settings, if a smaller background image was previously set, marker on new larger background images disappear if dragged towards the right | 12/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1675 | |
MOOD-16707 Issue 5 - generalexceptionmessage error appears when Image collection preset is selected in Database | 15/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308436 | |
MOOD-16744 Issue 2 - ‘Comments’ are not visible in edit mode in Lightbox Gallery | 14/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308348 | |
MOOD-16734 Issue 12 - Constantly clicking the “Change User” dropdown in the grading interface in Assignment causes undefined error | 18/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #308706 | |
RemUI theme - MOOD-16143 Issue 6 - Gallery display and Visibility menus simultaneously open | 09/12/2024 | Daemon Ticket UNSW-1663 Open LMS Ticket #313776 |
MOOD-16143 Issue 1 - Right Block drawer appears on the top left of the Media Collection page | 20/11/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #310454 | |
MOOD-16053 Issue 2 - Global Search cannot search for courses | 30/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #309385 Daemon Ticket UNSW-1722 |
MOOD-16172 Issue 1 - Instructor can input grade higher than maximum grade in Turnitin v2 Assignment | This is expected behaviour to enable instructors to give extra credit to students. | 03/10/2024 | Open LMS Ticket #307723 |
Blackboard Collaborate Ultra
If you are experiencing an issue with Blackboard Collaborate Ultra that is not listed below, please contact EdTech Hub.
For assistance with workarounds, please refer to our help guides for staff.
You can also view a list of Known Issues identified by the Blackboard company.
Issue | Workaround | Date Updated | Status |
Resolved Issues
Issue | Workaround | Date Updated | Status |
Repeated disconnection after ending Breakout groups: If a student disconnects during a breakout group and the instructor closes the breakout group right as the student is disconnecting, the student will not be able to rejoin the session. |
Guest access will need to be enabled and a guest access URL distributed to the student. In situations where a guest access URL is misused (Collaborate Bombing), we have a video guide on what to do. | 27/07/2020 | Resolved by OpenLMS. Ticket number 04620455 & 04577425. |
Participant role permissions: If a Participant Role user in a Collaborate Ultra session joins the Session before a Moderator Role user joins, then Participant Role users will lose any audio, video, chat, or whiteboard permissions they initially had. If all Moderator Role users in a session leave the session, then any remaining Participant Role users will lose any audio, video, chat, or whiteboard permissions they previously had in the session. |
To prevent Participant Role users from losing permissions the Moderator Role user should be the first to enter the session. If the Moderator Role User joins the session after Participant permissions have been removed the Moderator Role user can enable the Participant Permissions for the Live Session. |
Resolved in Collaborate Ultra 17.10. Article number: 000047475 |
Recordings: Application Sharing Plays Back Faster than Audio in Blackboard Ultra Recordings. |
No workaround at this time. | Resolved by Blackboard: Ticket number: 000042162 | |
Name field error: Joining an Collaborate Ultra Experience Session when using # in the name field will cause an error. | Do not use a # in the name field when joining a Collaborate Ultra Experience session. | 24/10/2017 | Blackboard are aware of the issue and are working towards a fix. |
Blackboard Collaborate Ultra activity: The Blackboard Collaborate Ultra activity is not supported on mobile browsers | Download the "Blackboard" or "Blackboard Instructor" app from the App Store or Google Play Store before accessing the activity. | 18/12/2018 |
Turnitin Version 2
If you are experiencing an issue with Turnitin that is not listed below, please contact Contact EdTech Support. You can also check Turnitin's System Status page for current system status or Turnitin's Twitter feed.
For assistance with workarounds, please refer to our help guides for staff and students.
Issue | Workaround | Date Updated | Status |
Turnitin Voice Comments audio player issues on Safari: When using feedback studio on the Safari browser, the Audio player's timeline does not function and cuts off at the ~2:15 mark. | Please use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to listen to Turnitin Voice Comments. | 17/11/2020 | A case has been raised with Turnitin. Currently being investigated. Case: #01138700. |
Turnitin Plagiarism Plugin | Feedback Studio feedback not syncing with all group members: If group submission is enabled, leaving feedback via the Turnitin Feedback Studio will only be accessible by the group member which submitted the work. | Use the Feedback Studio to check for originality. When grading/leaving feedback, it's best to do so via the Moodle Assignment grading screen. You may grade and leave feedback which may then be applied simultaneously for all group members. Additional information located here. | 24/09/2018 | A case has been raised with Turnitin. Currently being investigated. Case: #00766169. |
Turnitin Plagiarism Plugin | Students unable to view attached rubrics before assignment submission: Students submitting assignments via a Turnitin enabled Moodle Assignment activity will not be able to access the Turnitin attached rubric. The page will get stuck trying to load the rubric. |
Students can still access the attached rubric via the Turnitin Feedback Studio. (Only after grades have been released) Alternatively, if you wish for students to be able to view a rubric prior to submission, attach as a document in the Moodle Assignment. Open Assignment activity > Settings > Assignment administration > Edit Settings > Additional Files |
24/09/2018 | A case has been raised with Turnitin. Currently being investigated. Case: #00766130. |
Assignment submission: Some students can't submit assignments to Turnitin. |
Students can access a past assignment will trigger the display of the privacy terms and conditions. Once this is accepted, users can submit in the current assignment. |
25/05/2018 | Turnitin resolved this at 4.45pm (AEST) on 25th May for the majority of users. New or reactivated users may still experience the issue. Turnitin are periodically running a script to rectify the issue for newly affected users until a permanent solution is implemented. |
iPad issue: The keyboard is not generated on iPads when writing comments using feedback studio in Safari. | Users intending to use feedback studio in iPads, need to download the Turnitin app version 3.0.2. | 22/09/2017 | TII has indicated that issues with feedback studio using Safari on iPad will not be investigated. |
Feedback studio: The feedback studio allows instructors and/ or graders to award a mark more than the maximum mark configured in the settings of the TII assignment. When this happens, Turnitin reports inconsistent marks to the grade book of the course. | Instructors and users with grading access need to ensure that the mark allocated in the feedback studio is less than or equal to the maximum. | 22/09/2017 | TII has indicated that this is not a bug and is not intended to be fixed. |
Turnitin rubrics: When creating rubrics with Turnitin Direct Version 2 the overlay has a close button, clicking on the close button doesn’t do anything. |
Use the alternative close button at the top right-hand corner of the overlay | 21/09/2016 | TII has indicated that this is not intended to be fixed. Ticket: 00547460 |
Assignment submissions: Occasionally when students try to submit a Turnitin assignment at UNSW, their submission may duplicate itself within the Turnitin assignment inbox. This is usually because they have been assigned a duplicate email address that has previously been used by another UNSW student who has now left. |
Contact the IT Service Desk by email and ask them to urgently transfer your ticket to PVCE.ETS.SUPPORT. | 16/10/2017 |
A permanent solution is currently being investigated by UNSW with Turnitin. This is being actively monitored by TELT support daily to detect such instances. |
Turnitin Assignment: Assignment "Due soon" notifications are appearing before the start date of a Turnitin assignment. This could cause a little confusion among students | No workaround at this time | 24/03/2017 | Netspot are investigating via service ticket: 456635 |
Resolved Issues
Issue |
Workaround |
Date Updated | Status |
Feedback studio: Page breaks not displaying correctly within the Turnitin Feedback Studio. For documents greater than 3 pages, each even-numbered page break will not display in the Feedback Studio. | 04/06/2018 | Turnitin has released a patch to address this issue. Case #00712000 |
If you are experiencing an issue with theBox that is not listed below, please contact the IT Service Centre.
For assistance with workarounds, please refer to our Moodle help guides for staff.
Issue | Workaround | Date Updated | Status |
Chrome won't scroll the video upload window: makes saving the upload when advanved options are expanded.
1) Upgrading to the latest version of Chrome and/or disabling Chrome extensions and then rebooting can sometimes resolve this issue. 2) If not then please use a different browser. |
12/062019 |
Monitor. Currently no new reported incidences of this issue. |
Media Collection activity error: When instructors or students attempt to view media items within a Media Collection activity, you may encounter the following error; Exception - Argument 1 passed to user_picture::__construct() must be an instance of stdClass, boolean given, called in /usr/share/moodle/ns-moodle-unsw-3.3-2261/moodle/mod/mediagallery/renderer.php on line 540 |
The owner or agents associated with the Media Collection in theBox, may re-add the Media Collection links in Moodle and this should resolve the issue. Steps for this can be found here. |
13/08/2018 | Blackboard are investigating. Ticket #03909513. |
Video export: theBox has the ability to export videos to UNSW's eLearning and aboutUNSW Youtube channels. This is currently not working, videos cannot be exported to the youtube channels. |
Current workaround is to manually upload the file directly on Youtube. ETS team can perform this for the eLearning Channel. Request can be logged Here | 28/06/2018 | This has been reported to Youtube Support. |
Insert Moodle Media: Videos inserted in Moodle from theBox via the "Insert Moodle Media" method will, in some cases, cause older content to auto download. | Insert content into Moodle using theBox embed codes. | 28/02/2018 | Developers are aware of this issue and we can manually fix the individual videos. If your video is auto-downloading from Moodle,please contact TELT. Tickets #03050612, #03055364 & UNSW-378. |
Editing galleries: Editing galleries on Moodle does not allow you to link to images from theBox. | Save image(s) to storage devices and import to gallery. | 16/10/2017 | TELT support team is aware of this issue and plans to fix it in a future release. |
Safari issue: Drag and drop of files into theBox using the Safari browser does not work | Use the Add files button, or use another web browser which supports this functionality such as Firefox or Chrome. | 16/10/2017 | |
Podcast URL: Podcast URL's do not download video/document files, though this continues to work for audio files | There is no current workaround. | This is being investigated by our developer. Ticket #: UNSWBOX-365 |
UNSW Lecture Recordings+
UNSW Lecture Recordings+ Issues
Issue | Workaround | Date Updated | Status |
Issue about downloading Universal Capture when using SOE laptop/desktop You do not have admin right to install software on a SOE computer. |
Please raise a ticket with IT via email to [email protected]. | ||
Universal Capture app launching issue: Some users are unable to navigate to the recording page when they launch Universal Capture. It looks a network configuration problem. |
Please disable the firewall or enable http + https communication via your System Setting and re-launch Universal Capture. | ||
After recording a session via Universal Capture, the recording won’t appear in Echo360 library. Sometimes, after you install and re-launch Universal Capture, the software doesn’t prompt you to login again which means that you haven't been authenticated. |
Please make sure you have been authenticated before you start recording. After you login, your names should appear on the upper right hand corner. | ||
Display issue for Non-Latin characters in PowerPoint When you upload a PowerPoint to Echo, some non-Latin characters may not be displayed correctly. It especially affects language courses where Japanese characters may be changed to Chinese characters with incorrect spacing and formatting. |
Please save the PowerPoint as PDF and upload the PDF to Echo, so it does not change or format the text. | 20/08/2018 | Echo are aware of this issue. Pending for a fix in future releases. No expected date yet. |
Embed YouTube videos in MS PPT via Echo360 Ribbon Media Slide not displaying correctly When using the Echo PowerPoint Ribbon and adding a Media Slide, embedding a YouTube video will display condensed / narrow when viewing the presentation in "Slide Show" mode. |
You may choose to instead present via a browser through Lecture Recordings+ however will loose transitions, animations and other effects if your PowerPoint has these. | 24/04/2018 | Echo are aware of this issue. Pending a fix for a future release. No expected date as of yet. Case #43637 |
A black/green screen is displayed in a lecture recording after the lecturer uses a portable device. many new devices (such as Macbook and iPad) support a digital encryption standard known as HDCP (high definition copyright protection) that will prevent the video signal from being recorded. |
If possible, using an analog connection (eg. VGA) will prevent HDCP being used. Alternately, turning off HDCP on the portable device, if the device supports this. For more advice, please contact venue support to identify if this is the cause of your issue. |
HDCP is working as designed, as controlled by the user device. Hence this cannot be corrected by UNSW. | |
Issue with display and interactions with polls or questions: There have been reports of issues when trying to answer questions or polls with Echo360 ALP. If you experience issues with how the system is displayed, or if you are unable to submit answers to questions, please try using a different web browser or clearing your browser cache. |
We recommend using the Firefox or Google Chrome web browsers. Also try clear your browser cache. If the issue persists please advise your instructor.
17/10/2017 | Monitor, new instances have not been reported. |
Clicking on a UNSWLR+ link in Moodle asks you to login again Some users report being asked to login again, after they have clicked on a link within Moodle. They then find they cannot login to the link. |
The UNSWLR+ service requires you to have cookies enabled, as this allows users to transfer between Moodle/UNSW LR+. Enabling cookies on your web-browser will fix this issue. For help doing this, please contact the UNSW IT Service Centre (02 9385 1333). |
17/10/2017 | This is working as designed, as controlled by the user device, so cannot be corrected by UNSW. |
Live Streaming issue: Staff and students live streaming from iOS devices like iPhones and iPad's will experience an approximate 40s time delay. For all other devices, such as Microsoft or Apple computers, the expected time delay is 5-10 seconds. |
We recommend that staff/students avoid iOS devices for live streaming if possible, as a 40 second delay will definitely affect their ability to interact with the classroom.
Echo360 are aware of this but have no scheduled solution, as this is controlled by Apple. | |
Powerpoint alignment issue: When importing powerpoints, objects don't always align correctly or objects that were layered overtop of others appear behind after being uploaded to ALP. This can result in text being hidden, or other anomalies. |
We recommend that you test your powerpoint ahead of time, and if issues are experienced we recommend that you reduce your use of the more complex functionality. You may also wish to convert some of your powerpoint slides to images to improve the upload process. |
17/10/2017 | Echo360 are continually improving this area. |
Resolved Issues
Issue | Workaround | Date Updated | Status |
AMX controller mute issue. AMX controller mutes audio and/or video by default for some recordings in a few venues. |
IT AV are manually monitoring venues to rectify the issue when it occurs. If this issue is experienced please raise a ticket with the IT Service Centre. | Echo have released a fix to this issue. | |
Pingone error when directly logging into echo360. When directly signing into echo360 the log in will occasionally fail, giving a "pingone" error. |
Access echo360 through Moodle. | This has been corrected by the Echo360 company. | |
Random scheduled recording captures may not be publishing to its appropriate course/section Some schedules do not have appropriate course/section details required for them to display correctly in their corresponding courses. |
Echo360 has released a fix to ensure future recordings will not be affected. A small percentage of previous recordings may still be affected. ETS to arrange for these to be manually published. | Echo have released a fix to this issue. Case #44253. | |
Confusion flag issue: Students in a lecture have the ability to flag something as confusing. This is currently not shown to the lecturer in class, and is only visible three-four minutes later. |
We recommend advising that students follow other processes to report confusion within realtime, such as raising their hand in lecture, or using the Q&A functionality. Note the first may be troublesome if live streaming is being enabled, as distant students may not hear their question in the microphone. However a lecturer can reiterate the question prior to answering it. Note it can be hard for the lecturer to keep on top of the Q&A functionality in a lecture if they are not used to using it. |
This has been corrected by the Echo360 company. | |
Multiple choice questions with more than one correct answer, does not display any correct answers to students. Multiple choice questions with one correct answer is not affected, this is shown to students. |
We recommend avoiding multiple choice questions with multiple correct answers, or where this is unavoidable, advise students verbally or via a slide which answers are correct. | This has been corrected by the Echo360 company. | |
Powerpoint plugin - image refresh issue: When delivering a lecture via the Echo360 ALP powerpoint plugin, image questions do not automatically refresh. |
No work-arounds exist. | Echo360 released a new powerpoint plugin, and this is believed to be resolved. UNSW are currently testing this to confirm. | |
Powerpoint plugin - question scaling issue: When delivering a lecture via the Echo360 ALP powerpoint plugin, questions do not scale correctly. |
No work-arounds exist. | Echo360 released a new powerpoint plugin, and this is believed to be resolved. UNSW are currently testing this to confirm. |