This section has more emphasis on upper-level courses and on maintaining relatedness and belonging, as students build their sense of being a successful student and a developing professional.
The last video in this section focuses on a student partnership to create program-level Student Wellbeing Action Groups, which serve to increase students’ sense of relatedness, autonomy and competence, and solidify their sense of successful professional development.
Building a sense of relatedness through curricular and co-curricular activities in a relatively large course
Peer and student-staff-course relatedness. Contact Professor Nalini Pather
Peer and student-staff-course relatedness. Contact Professor Nalini Pather
Building peer and student-instructor relatedness through constructing a supportive learning community
Contact Dr Thomas Britz
Contact Dr Thomas Britz
A simple technique to better build student-lecturer relatedness in online lectures
Contact Associate Professor Steve Most
Contact Associate Professor Steve Most
Weekly instructor-to-student check-ins: Are you OK Monitor
Contact Dr Alanya Drummond
Contact Dr Alanya Drummond
Building a sense of student-instructor relatedness through curricular strategies in a compulsory course
Contact Leesa Sidhu
Contact Leesa Sidhu
Simplified gamification to build peer and student-educator relatedness
Contact Dr Lynn Gribble
Contact Dr Lynn Gribble
Creating study group communities with individual assessable tasks
Contact Associate Professor Terry Ord
Contact Associate Professor Terry Ord
Building peer relatedness in a diverse classroom context
Small-group in-class discussion. Contact Associate Professor Will Felps
Small-group in-class discussion. Contact Associate Professor Will Felps
Inviting students into the educators’ broader external networks
Contact Dr Tim Gregory
Contact Dr Tim Gregory
UNSW Medicine Student Wellbeing Action Group (SWAG)
Contact Professor Gary Velan
Contact Professor Gary Velan
- Felten, P. (2022). Is ‘mattering’ a more helpful way of thinking about student belonging at university?
- Lizzio, A. (2017). Student lifecycle and the 5 senses of success.
- Redmond, P., Heffernan, A., Abawi, L., Brown, A., & Henderson, R. (2018). An Online Engagement Framework for Higher Education. Online Learning, 22(1).
- Reid, A., Rowley, J. & Bennett, D. (2019). From expert student to novice professional: higher education and sense of self in the creative and performing arts. Music Education Research, 21(4), 399-413.
- Ryan, R. M.,& Deci, E. L. (2000). Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being. American Psychologist, 55(1), 68–78.
- Sheldon, K. M. , & Houser-Marko, L. (2001). Self-concordance, goal attainment, and the pursuit of happiness: Can there be an upward spiral? Journal of Personality & Social Psychology,80, 152-165.