The capacity for team-work is a key aspect of both professionalism and global citizenship. Assessable team-work is both common and contentious. Here we provide some great ‘starter’ resources created by your colleagues for supporting productive team-work. Moreover, any UNSW educator is welcome to join the Teamwork Community of Practice.
- Felten, P. (2022). Is ‘mattering’ a more helpful way of thinking about student belonging at university?
- Lizzio, A. (2017). Student lifecycle and the 5 senses of success.
- Redmond, P., Heffernan, A., Abawi, L., Brown, A., & Henderson, R. (2018). An Online Engagement Framework for Higher Education. Online Learning, 22(1).
- Reid, A., Rowley, J. & Bennett, D. (2019). From expert student to novice professional: higher education and sense of self in the creative and performing arts. Music Education Research, 21(4), 399-413.
- Ryan, R. M.,& Deci, E. L. (2000). Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being. American Psychologist, 55(1), 68–78.
- Sheldon, K. M. , & Houser-Marko, L. (2001). Self-concordance, goal attainment, and the pursuit of happiness: Can there be an upward spiral? Journal of Personality & Social Psychology,80, 152-165.